Author Topic: TIPS for Readings in 2022  (Read 4112 times)

Offline Truthseeker2019

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TIPS for Readings in 2022
« on: December 03, 2021, 01:35:03 AM »
Here are some TIPS and Advice for Psychic Readings in 2022

1). Just because a Psychic cost more money doesn't mean that the psychic is better, gifted or accurate

2). Do not always Trust the psychic reviews, Some of the Psychics who have the most and best reviews are the worst

3). Test a Psychic with a question or questions that you already know the answer to

4). If a Psychic ask you basic questions that you know the psychic should already know the answer to, The Psychic is most likely fake

5). If a psychic ask you too many questions, hang up the phone and/or end the chat

6). If a Psychic disconnects the phone on you when you ask a question, The psychic was fake the whole time

7). Psychics with long line in the que doesn't mean the psychic is good

8). Do not argue with a psychic kindly hang-up the phone

9). Do not provide too much information for the psychic , Let the Psychic do their job

10). Have a spending limit

11). Binge with caution

Just Remember that psychic readings only puts a band-aide on the problem. You have to resolve and solve your own problems and issues. Use common sense. Invest more into Yourself and Life.

Offline Truthseeker2019

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Re: TIPS for Readings in 2022
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2021, 06:55:44 PM »
I would like to add, that it is Possible for a psychic to get some details and predictions right but not all . It's possible for a Psychic to be 50%right and 50%wrong.

Offline Kate

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Re: TIPS for Readings in 2022
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2021, 02:10:49 AM »
I would like to add, that it is Possible for a psychic to get some details and predictions right but not all . It's possible for a Psychic to be 50%right and 50%wrong.

In which case I would say they are intuitive - but not someone who should be working as a psychic.
I think the job is a lot more specialised than the age of technology allows for.
Today anyone can market themselves as a premium psychic on the instant chat platforms. 
Yet the good ones are really rare as we all get to find out after spending too much $$$.

Re the initial list - the long threads on this site, really do represent the ones who have the best record of accuracy with most.  I would say to be considered psychic - you need to have an accuracy record of 80% or above consistently ....

I agree - no one is 100% - after-all - a psychic is only interpreting what they see and feel, hear etc. Things can be lost in interpretation even by the most talented and connected...

Offline Truthseeker2019

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Re: TIPS for Readings in 2022
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2021, 11:17:43 PM »
I agree from my experience of  over 10 years of talking with psychics, I have read with psychic who specialize in different categories. People have free and circumstances can change. That's why It's possible to read with a psychic and the psychic be 50% right about something and be 50% wrong about something.

