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Do you believe it's possible that the more readings you get the less accurate?
I mean regarding one situation.
I recently had this maybe happen, where the first couple readings I got from this one psychic were amazing and super accurate about my situation, then a few months later when I asked her again, it was vastly different and not as accurate and I was disappointed. The psychic claimed it was because of energies changing but I don't believe for my particular situation I asked about that it would have been that vastly different. There was contradictions and things that didn't match up and I was disappointed as I really thought I'd found a go to psychic.
Then I realized I'd recently been asking about the situation several times between a few different psychics and maybe the more I asked the less accurate info? Wanted to hear other's opinions/experiences.
I think the more readings the longer the predictions can take. Like if you ring about the same thing then stuff plays out years later. My big binges 2014-2015. Things happening in depth with different person now. But predictions very detailed.
Live and love:
--- Quote from: msavocado96 on December 01, 2021, 08:51:30 PM ---I mean regarding one situation.
I recently had this maybe happen, where the first couple readings I got from this one psychic were amazing and super accurate about my situation, then a few months later when I asked her again, it was vastly different and not as accurate and I was disappointed. The psychic claimed it was because of energies changing but I don't believe for my particular situation I asked about that it would have been that vastly different. There was contradictions and things that didn't match up and I was disappointed as I really thought I'd found a go to psychic.
Then I realized I'd recently been asking about the situation several times between a few different psychics and maybe the more I asked the less accurate info? Wanted to hear other's opinions/experiences.
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Yes. I find that the first few times I ask a question with reliable psychics , the answer is clear and feels right even if it's hard to hear. But the more obsessively I ask the same question, the more confusing or clearly wrong the answer is. Maybe it's because initially i am more open , but after a while I am not really looking for an answer, I am just looking for someone to talk to so I am not taking my own question seriously. Idk
I think it depends; sometimes I'm only working with one reader on one situation. It will usually be someone who also provides valuable psychic-guided personal coaching; these readers are empaths in my experience and charge in the upper range for their services. This isn't so much about specific predictions as helping me process the situation most effectively. I find that even when speaking with more than one empath, and at different points in the situation, readings are pretty consistent. There is only one energy they're reading, and it tends to confirm what I sense. I'm always happy to hear an encouraging prediction, but don't hang my hat on it. They are 50/50 and the psychic knows and I do.
I must add I don't go to card readers or users of any tools, only energy work. I know there are many different ways to find what ends up being worth the money.
This has happened to me, too! I used to really like Timandra (CP) when she first started because of her upbeat, genuine attitude. The first two readings with her were super accurate. But when I called for updates (sometimes weeks or months apart), because something else happened, her readings became less and less accurate, to the point where it’s laughable. She would spin these bizarre tales that I know to be completely untrue. I’m not sure if she has become jaded and less interested in her clients, or if she simply could only see up to a certain point and no more. So, it doesn’t matter what else has happened, she doesn’t get more info than the first couple of readings, then everything else is her spinning tales to keep clients on the line. I have experiences like this with several other readers. Some readers, like Baptiste and Cleo, get a flood of info that often times have nothing to do with what you’re asking. So they’ve spun tales for me, turning those totally peripheral things into very significant events, people, etc. So I think if you get an accurate first reading then subsequent ones are bad, it could mean the psychic is flat out wrong or has nothing new to offer.
--- Quote from: msavocado96 on December 01, 2021, 08:51:30 PM ---I mean regarding one situation.
I recently had this maybe happen, where the first couple readings I got from this one psychic were amazing and super accurate about my situation, then a few months later when I asked her again, it was vastly different and not as accurate and I was disappointed. The psychic claimed it was because of energies changing but I don't believe for my particular situation I asked about that it would have been that vastly different. There was contradictions and things that didn't match up and I was disappointed as I really thought I'd found a go to psychic.
Then I realized I'd recently been asking about the situation several times between a few different psychics and maybe the more I asked the less accurate info? Wanted to hear other's opinions/experiences.
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