Author Topic: FINALLY, MY RECOMMENDATION...  (Read 35621 times)

Offline Cfisher

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« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2012, 02:13:08 AM »
@shante I'm not saying don't read with her, I'm just saying make sure that you protect yourself. She's definitely not a bad reader whatsoever and picked up on some things quite correctly. And if she gets stuck on something she's trying to get a point across, don't let her bully you into believing something about yourself that isn't so, and just tell her to put it to rest.

I just personally wouldn't refer her to my friends, nor would I read with her again because I didn't like how arrogant she was towards me. I have a mom that likes to tell me how I am and what my problems are and how to fix them. I'm an adult and don't listen to anything she says and just keep rolling with my life. Dr. Ginny, and I know she's coming from a good place and all, was playing the mom card with me a little too much and it rubbed me the wrong way. Now did it rub me the wrong way because she was wrong? Not at all. What rubbed me the wrong way was the way she reacted to me telling her no she wasn't right about something. I disagreed with her which she didn't like and then couldn't get her off the subject until she was ready too

Maybe I was a bit too passionate in my last post, I didn't intend to make her look really bad, my intention was to educate the reader about my experience with her and to point out that sometimes readers pick stuff up about you that isn't right about you and just to make sure that you remember to stand up for yourself.

That doesn't mean she's not a nice person and that doesn't mean you'll have the same experience with her that I did. It just means that I wasn't pleased with her. But other people have said she was really good for them and her predictions actually came to fruition. My predictions are pending at the moment so I can't comment yet, but I certainly will!

Offline SthrnSass

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« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2012, 10:36:52 PM »
I wouldnt write her off just because she rubbed one person the wrong way, or didnt necessarily connect with them. She really connected with me and even said certain things from her guides that I had been praying about, a lot. She mentioned it word for word, no lie. I'm not telling you everything she predicts will be 100% accurate, because I dont know, but she definitely is gifted.

Offline applesticks

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« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2012, 04:34:29 AM »
Hey guys, I actually called and left my name and number on the number that was posted yesterday. To my surprise, she called me this morning and said she had time. We talked for an hour and 9 minutes. Yeah..seems like a long time but I'm used to calling CA charging $1.99/minute is like O_O for me. For me, I thought she came across very compassionate and humble. For one, she doesn't charge for the time it takes for her to say a prayer and connect with you. Two, she actually will round down. We talked for 1:09 but she only charged for 1 hour. I got a solid 4 pages of 9x12 paper notes from the reading.

She definitely is gifted. I wouldn't say she is 100% accurate but she picked up on things I definitely agreed on or knew beforehand. There were some times when she brought up something that I'd disagreed with and she didn't go further. Like she'd say I had a strong spiritual connection with the guy I was talking about but she felt like I was settling on the other levels. I didn't know what she was talking about. She said that this guy was not the type of guy I thought I'd end up with...uh, actually, he is. She said, "the angels are saying you thought this guy was the one," and I told her that I still thought he was...which isn't saying much 'cause maybe it's just a timing issue and I won't think he was the one down the road. XD

 What was interesting was when we started the reading, she asked if I worked in the beauty industry or just did my eyebrows 'cause she got an image of me doing my eye brows....I was actually doing my eye brows an hour before she called O_O. So, either that's eerily spot on or a good guess. At the time, I thought she was way, wayyy off by asking if I was a beautician 'cause I'm an attorney (yea...), but she said her angels give her images as affirmation/verification to the caller.

She did make one prediction about me asking this guy out. I've been visiting this guy's work for a long time and he's moving out of state so I wanted to know if I should ask him out before he left. She said, "the angels say, 'yes, but no.' What they mean is yes, you should ask, but you will not get the positive results you wanted." Well, I asked him today and he said, "yes... maybe...yes. I'll text you," and he didn't give me his number and left it there :P. So...I'm glad I asked but I definitely didn't get the results I wanted. The other predictions are 5-6 months down the road so we'll see.

She did mention that when her angels have a message and the other person is not receiving it well, her angels will refuse to move on until she's hammered it home. So that might explain why she couldn't move on.

When I spoke with her, she was very positive with me, said I was very easy to read for, and let me interrupt her when I wanted the topic to go a different direction. She was very nice and told me to email her on how it went.

Now, big picture wise, once the $1.99 special is gone, will I read with her again? Um...maybe. Why? Because for me, she's one of those readers that I'd read with every once in once a year or every six months. She'd be very good to read with generally and to get explanations of things. She's definitely not someone I feel I could call and talk to for a quick 10 minutes to get my answers. Overall though, I was impressed with the fact that she rounded down, was willing to talk extra, and was just so very, very positive that I felt great afterwards.

The one reader I like going to is Megan at CA Psychics. She's to the point and always answers my questions in very little time. I literally can call and just talk to her for 4-7 minutes and get my answers. She doesn't put any fluff or try to keep me on the line; she's always very nice and lets you go when you need to go...which I'm sure probably doesn't help her call ratios O_O. But if you want someone that will keep you on the line to explain the answers more, she might not be your psychic. She's accurately predicted when I'd get a job and when another job offer will come on.

But you know, you never know. Dr. Ginny and this other psychic at CA think the guy will keep in touch but it'll be inconsistent. My two other regular psychics at CA think communication will be consistent. But all four agreed that he would return within a 3-5 month timeline. So I guess it's hit-or-miss on the little things but she def made some big predictions that were in sync with the ones made by my CA Psychics regulars, which in my book is a plus :)
« Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 04:37:05 AM by applesticks »

Offline guesswho

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« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2012, 12:20:50 PM »
I read with Dr. Ginny back in March.  I guess she didn't connect with me.  She tried telling me things that didn't hit home at all and said that her angels didn't want to give me any predictions.  She rushed me off the phone as soon as she could.  I'm not trying to be negative, but she was not good for me at all and I will not be calling her back.

Offline shante11

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« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2012, 06:51:46 PM »
ohh gesh not good at all !!! guys

Offline Catherine

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« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2012, 09:13:41 PM »
 :D I just had another reading with Dr. Ginny.  This woman is so accurate it blows me away.  She told me that no psychic is 100% accurate and that she simply does her best but I have to say it seems like everything she tells me comes true!  She told me in our last reading that she saw me meeting a guy with reddish hair with a first initial of M.  She said she saw him around boats and the water.  Well I met this guy last week and his name was Owen but he told me to call him Mackarel, because his dad owned the fish market down by the waterfront and thats what all his friends call him.  He had red hair and a beard and we went a dinner and a movie and had a really nice time.  We are going out again and I just have to say, Dr. Ginny was right on the money!!! I really suggest people try her at least once:) Just sayin'  Have a good day all!

Offline Luckystar

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« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2012, 09:50:31 PM »
Catherine, who else have you read with besides Dr. Ginny? Both of your posts are solely about her and how great she was but what about your other experiences?

Offline Catherine

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« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2012, 10:53:09 PM »
Thanks for asking.  In the last year I have been very happy with all the predictions and advise I have received from Dr. Ginny.  She is also a life coach and being Asian it has really been helpful for me to have that additional support while I was looking for a job earlier in the year.  After looking for a job for 8 months with no success Dr. Ginny offered to help me redo my resume.  Using that resume I was then successful in getting hired within three weeks time.  So naturally I am very pleased with her abilities not only as a psychic but also as a humanitarian.  If it was wrong of me to post my happiness after my recent reading with her I apologize, I am new to this site and was just updating my last post.  I see where many of the bloggers here go from psychic to psychic and report their findings however since I am as I have said very satisfied with Dr. Ginny I was just reporting that.  Pleas let me know if this is inappropriate as I do want to follow the protocol of the website, but at this time have no reason to try any other psychics. 
Sincerely, Catherine C

Offline katjul

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« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2012, 05:36:44 AM »
I'm happy for anyone that has a good reading/ successful reading where they were able to connect with the reader, get validation and have predicts manifest.

I read with Dr Ginny twice in the early part of last year. Feb 2011 and April 2011 so I feel I have given enough time for her predictions to manifest. They did NOT. Her advise also - I believe - may have cause harm to my situation. There is nothing she said I can validate and nothing she said that resonated with me or that came to pass. This is just my experience.

You can PM for more details. I have read with many psychics and plan to write a review for each after allowing enough time for predictions to manifest since timing seems to be a factor that can be off.


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« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2012, 11:14:47 AM »
I'm happy for anyone that has a good reading/ successful reading where they were able to connect with the reader, get validation and have predicts manifest.

I read with Dr Ginny twice in the early part of last year. Feb 2011 and April 2011 so I feel I have given enough time for her predictions to manifest. They did NOT. Her advise also - I believe - may have cause harm to my situation. There is nothing she said I can validate and nothing she said that resonated with me or that came to pass. This is just my experience.

You can PM for more details. I have read with many psychics and plan to write a review for each after allowing enough time for predictions to manifest since timing seems to be a factor that can be off.
Hi am sorry to hear that!! have u read with kisha(aries intuiton) from keen, uli from cp or cookie from keen? if yes where they good?

Offline Cfisher

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« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2012, 03:15:22 PM »
@helpme- there is a fantastic informative listing on cookie (spiritualist reader) and on Kisha on this forum. Happy reading! It will be worth your time to read through the threads...

Offline katjul

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« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2012, 01:24:25 AM »
Hi helpme

I have read with many psychics on keen and on their personal websites.

I have read with Kisha - Aries Intuition but not Uli or Cookie. Cookie I have been in line with about 3 times and something has happened - the list was dropped due to a technical error from Keen and I had to get back in line and eventually I gave up because there are always about 25 people in line.

Here are some others I have read with in no particular order;

lisa dianne
yona farell
ellen hartwell
vicki joy
debra - white light angel
magikal sandra
nancy - faery lady (TERRIBLE)

I am hesitant to give reviews as I am waiting for timeframes for most of them but anyone can PM me.

Best wishes to all!

Offline katjul

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« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2012, 02:31:26 AM »
Maybe I was a bit harsh labelling her as terrible but it is based on the reasoning;

When someone gives EXACT dates like e.g. 7 April 2011 and I asked her how accurate she is with dates and she was so confident but the dates she did give came and went. I don't like this. One thing if you say your timing can be off etc or say "approximately around" but when you give exact dates be 2000% sure or else you are just setting people up for disappointment.

When I called her again she gave new dates and when I asked why the other dates she provided didn't yield results she has no good explanation. Also I believe she tells faery tales aka lies. The things she was saying in the reading did not add up/ were nonsense. Many months later and nothing she said has manifested. I believe her chanting/ tracing on the phone is just to spend your keen minutes.

That's my take on her and I was fool enough to read with a companion she suggested - Holly, Celtic Lady.

If someone has had a positive experience with her then I am glad but I would not recommend her.

Good luck with your other date helpme!

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« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2016, 11:20:09 PM »
Is everyone thinking what I'm thinking about Catherines reviews...

Offline Bostongirl

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« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2016, 11:58:45 PM »

