Author Topic: HELP PLEASE!!!  (Read 6367 times)

Offline Mich123

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« on: September 04, 2021, 06:39:04 PM »
Hi, so I’m pretty new to this board and going through a bit of a rough time at present.  A few years ago I had this psychic addiction but I overcome it (after spending thousands) and for years I didn’t read.  Unfortunately, for the last year, I met a man, fell in love but it was very complicated, he’s deep doesn’t share much and due to this, I started readings again.  I’m now at a point where I’m engulfed in uncertainty and have been splurging again.  I know only I can overcome this and I’m trying, my question is, from experience, who can I trust? I’ve started recently just reading with those on Bitwine and Keen that have had various hits for me.  Not always right as expected but have had enough success to warrant me believing in them.  Those readers are:-


Rares Mardare
Emily Nixon
Desiree Murray
Scarlet Walker
E Kelly
Autumn Rivers
Loving touching


Queen of Cups 18
Matt Allen

I today read with Cindy S for the first time.

All have been pretty spot on with POI but different outcomes.  In particular Cindy S was accurate empath wise but outcome was negative compared to everyone but Bryan who is an amazing empath and I love but he can’t see outcome at the min.

Question is, from experience, who do you believe the best on final outcomes is?


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« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2021, 01:48:47 AM »
dont trust any of them
even the good one could be very wrong
u had addiction issue before u know none of psychic is completely trustful

Offline Daisy573

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« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2021, 05:01:21 AM »
I'd have to agree with Pfizer...none of them seem to be great with outcomes, at least not for me.  I rarely ask for outcomes when it comes to romantic relationships mind you because I really dont want to know that much but even when some of them just offer it, they are usually wrong so I dont even pay much attention any more.  I recall someone telling me a couple months ago that I will hear from someone in 2 years.  2 years?!  I can assure you I will not even remember them by then so who cares...haha  I also highly doubt it will happen.

When I call in regard to romantic situations its usually very situational things I'm calling about or for clarity on something that was recent or maybe short term predictions but not overall outcome.   

Offline SarahM

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« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2021, 05:14:49 AM »
No psychic has ever gotten outcome right for me... They will get current situation and immediate future at best! Even in terms of immediate future, very few have ever gotten that right.

Offline wishes215

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« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2021, 10:37:12 PM »
agree with the above responses. I haven't read with all the ones u've listed above except Ari, autumn rivers and Qofc, a and I don't think they are outcome readers. not sure if anyone is. and frankly, I've never bothered asking about outcome. I focus more on the present and if there is some action of my POI that I need clarification with, I ask about that. but who can really see the end? I would say figure out who works for you and stick wth those. the way to reduce binging is knowing who to use for what. I've been where u are and there were days I would call multiple readers a day. now I know my readers limitations and strengths. don't get me wrong, I do give in on some days but for the most part I am in a better place. so try and not worry about the outcome, just enjoy the journey. good luck.

Offline SarahM

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« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2021, 06:04:30 AM »
agree with the above responses. I haven't read with all the ones u've listed above except Ari, autumn rivers and Qofc, a and I don't think they are outcome readers. not sure if anyone is. and frankly, I've never bothered asking about outcome. I focus more on the present and if there is some action of my POI that I need clarification with, I ask about that. but who can really see the end? I would say figure out who works for you and stick wth those. the way to reduce binging is knowing who to use for what. I've been where u are and there were days I would call multiple readers a day. now I know my readers limitations and strengths. don't get me wrong, I do give in on some days but for the most part I am in a better place. so try and not worry about the outcome, just enjoy the journey. good luck.

How do you like Autumn Rivers?

Offline Sincity2

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« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2021, 11:02:04 AM »
No psychic has ever gotten outcome right for me... They will get current situation and immediate future at best! Even in terms of immediate future, very few have ever gotten that right.

Same. I did feel Desiree Murray was very good at present

Offline wishes215

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« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2021, 04:51:00 PM »
I took the 5 questions for $10 and this was back in 2018. I had to go back and read the transcripts. her predictions didn't pan out and as far as reading the current, so whatever she said did sound right. unfortunately it was noting specific so no way to verify it with 100% certainty.
hope this helps.

agree with the above responses. I haven't read with all the ones u've listed above except Ari, autumn rivers and Qofc, a and I don't think they are outcome readers. not sure if anyone is. and frankly, I've never bothered asking about outcome. I focus more on the present and if there is some action of my POI that I need clarification with, I ask about that. but who can really see the end? I would say figure out who works for you and stick wth those. the way to reduce binging is knowing who to use for what. I've been where u are and there were days I would call multiple readers a day. now I know my readers limitations and strengths. don't get me wrong, I do give in on some days but for the most part I am in a better place. so try and not worry about the outcome, just enjoy the journey. good luck.

How do you like Autumn Rivers?

Offline wishes215

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« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2021, 01:39:59 PM »
I read with Queen of Cups 18 a few years ago and she told me that my boyfriend and I would have a permanent breakup. I thought no way she's lying. Although he and I had some rough patches and breaks in the past I honestly thought We would marry but a year later He and I had a permanent breakup. ___________Now I will add after the reading I thought she was just being mean, hurtful and making up things. I am not a fan of QOC18 delivery, and uncompassionate nature or additude but she was right.

sorry about your breakup but her predictions happened a year later. wow!!!! I always thought she only saw short term.

Offline wishes215

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« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2021, 01:57:28 AM »
The break-up happened approximately 9-10 months in the following year , after QOC predicted a permanent break-up. I thought that Queen of Cups 18 was being pessimistic and when days turned into weeks and he and I were still together I just knew She and I did not connect until , We had a Huge fight that we could not recover from.

:( do you remember what you asked QofC?

