Author Topic: Linda Bloom  (Read 5170 times)

Offline tellmewhy

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Linda Bloom
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:02:00 AM »
Has anyone of you read with Lind Bloom? I believe she is a gifted psychic

Offline Novachild1018

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Re: Linda Bloom
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2024, 02:06:30 PM »
Updates on this reader?

Offline flora0250

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Re: Linda Bloom
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2024, 02:18:36 AM »
I gave her a try. Nice lady and she advised my POI would contact me gave me 8-14 day window. But then also said I shouldn’t see him as anything serious but just someone to have fun with. She said he was coming out of a really rough patch and was starting to socialize again. I haven’t been in touch with him for several weeks so I’m not sure if she’s right about that. It seemed pretty general to me and I have absolutely no way to validate anything. I swear these readers that have given me more negative predictions - they for one seem to assume I am looking for some serious commitment right away; and secondly not one of them is giving me anything at all to say yes, that is something I can validate that you are tuned in to him. Sure they sound very confident and I’m not trying to dismiss the possibility of a more negative outcome - but I cannot at all verify anything that makes me think they’re not cold reading.

So she’s a no for me. If he contacts me in the window she says then I’ll update here - and if we do go out like she said and he behaves as she said I’ll give her credit of course. But that wouldn’t be for a few months. It seems so strange to me the idea that this guy would contact me just to end up playing the I’m not really interested game with me. Why bother to reconnect with me then? It just doesn’t seem like who he is from all I know of him. I’ll be surprised if this is how it goes.

Offline Novachild1018

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Re: Linda Bloom
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2024, 05:18:31 PM »
Thank you! She actually gave me a negative reading about my POI and was the only one so it raised my eyebrows a bit. She said she doesn’t see me happy and sees me upset and gave me a warning and said several times I’d be upset. This reading was earlier in the year. She also hella expensive but I was wondering because if you Google her name she comes up several times as an actual psychic on the web.

I gave her a try. Nice lady and she advised my POI would contact me gave me 8-14 day window. But then also said I shouldn’t see him as anything serious but just someone to have fun with. She said he was coming out of a really rough patch and was starting to socialize again. I haven’t been in touch with him for several weeks so I’m not sure if she’s right about that. It seemed pretty general to me and I have absolutely no way to validate anything. I swear these readers that have given me more negative predictions - they for one seem to assume I am looking for some serious commitment right away; and secondly not one of them is giving me anything at all to say yes, that is something I can validate that you are tuned in to him. Sure they sound very confident and I’m not trying to dismiss the possibility of a more negative outcome - but I cannot at all verify anything that makes me think they’re not cold reading.

So she’s a no for me. If he contacts me in the window she says then I’ll update here - and if we do go out like she said and he behaves as she said I’ll give her credit of course. But that wouldn’t be for a few months. It seems so strange to me the idea that this guy would contact me just to end up playing the I’m not really interested game with me. Why bother to reconnect with me then? It just doesn’t seem like who he is from all I know of him. I’ll be surprised if this is how it goes.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Linda Bloom
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2024, 10:30:18 PM »
I think unfortunately being a psychic on the web with followers and reviews and their own site etc only shows that they have successfully marketed themselves as such instead of just on a main platform. But in my experience it doesn’t indicate that they are any more accurate than one who doesn’t. They just market better. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I will definitely come back and sing her praises if anything she said comes true. Seems the most unlikely scenario that we would be back in touch and things fizzle. We are both very conscious of not wasting each others time. After 50 you just don’t get serious with someone unless you want it to be serious I think! Idk maybe that’s just me but I got that vibe from him. I guess we could try it and things not work out but I just like I said her reading did not seem to match the personality he presented to me as how he would handle things.

Thank you! She actually gave me a negative reading about my POI and was the only one so it raised my eyebrows a bit. She said she doesn’t see me happy and sees me upset and gave me a warning and said several times I’d be upset. This reading was earlier in the year. She also hella expensive but I was wondering because if you Google her name she comes up several times as an actual psychic on the web.

I gave her a try. Nice lady and she advised my POI would contact me gave me 8-14 day window. But then also said I shouldn’t see him as anything serious but just someone to have fun with. She said he was coming out of a really rough patch and was starting to socialize again. I haven’t been in touch with him for several weeks so I’m not sure if she’s right about that. It seemed pretty general to me and I have absolutely no way to validate anything. I swear these readers that have given me more negative predictions - they for one seem to assume I am looking for some serious commitment right away; and secondly not one of them is giving me anything at all to say yes, that is something I can validate that you are tuned in to him. Sure they sound very confident and I’m not trying to dismiss the possibility of a more negative outcome - but I cannot at all verify anything that makes me think they’re not cold reading.

So she’s a no for me. If he contacts me in the window she says then I’ll update here - and if we do go out like she said and he behaves as she said I’ll give her credit of course. But that wouldn’t be for a few months. It seems so strange to me the idea that this guy would contact me just to end up playing the I’m not really interested game with me. Why bother to reconnect with me then? It just doesn’t seem like who he is from all I know of him. I’ll be surprised if this is how it goes.

Offline Novachild1018

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Re: Linda Bloom
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2024, 05:34:38 AM »
That’s absolutely true!Definitely better marketing. I always raise an eyebrow when they post psychic awards as well. I just feel like if you were so award winning, why be on Keen? Either way, I felt the same way after my reading with her. Just didn’t seem right! Keep us posted though!