Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

Question: when psychics tell you poi is not seeing anyone but is

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I just had a psychic lie to me about a very very old ex and tell me, “you will be reconnecting, etc.”

The guy got engaged to be married to a woman. When I ask her, why do you lie to people? She acted like she had to look into it, again. And say, he readings are never wrong.,

I am just like, “c’mon lady.”


Because it keeps you coming back time and time again.  Surely if they are not attached to anyone else they must be only after you.

Cannot stand psychics doing this it makes me so mad.     


--- Quote from: Oisin16 on August 13, 2021, 02:00:00 PM ---Hello, have you guys experienced that psychics, the good ones and trusted tell you that there’s no one around poi that they don’t see it in the cards but you have proof from Instagram that they actually are in a relationship or what it seems it is ?

--- End quote ---

Yes, I ,purposely, asked one about an ex, knowing he got engaged last year and has plans to marry a woman.

The psychics will still lie to me and tell me, “he loves you, and I see you reconnecting, and if you want him back, you can have him back.” “They will not last and he will leave her and the engagement will not last.”  When I say, ummmm, how? he is engaged to be married and could be married, already.

Real sucks when they have to lie so badly.


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