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Question: when psychics tell you poi is not seeing anyone but is

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so its very interesting on how QofCups picks up 3rd party information, once I asked her about a POI and another person - she started to describe his feelings for her and said something very specific about her. I was quite surprised with what she was describing till she said something very specific about her which was not her at all,it was me. so I think its important to get validations from her. she typically gives them on her own.
if you have the name of the 3rd party, I would just ask "what is going on between POI and 3rd party"
sometimes when I just give the name of the 3rd party and ask about their feelings, she picks up on 3rd parties on her own(if there are any).
though I must mention, once I asked about this guy and at that time I didn't know he was married and she still didn't pick up on his wife. though later I did find out that theirs was a status quo marriage and they were living together only because of some financial burdens.
hope this helps.


--- Quote from: Oisin16 on August 13, 2021, 02:00:00 PM ---Hello, have you guys experienced that psychics, the good ones and trusted tell you that there’s no one around poi that they don’t see it in the cards but you have proof from Instagram that they actually are in a relationship or what it seems it is ?

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YES!! I’ve had this happen so many times I’ve lost count of how many readers said “I’m not seeing anyone else around him”….even after I explained the whole “I saw them together on social media”…one I do remember saying “no third party” was QofC18, and I specifically read with her because there were reviews saying she could pick up on third parties. So that surprised me when it turned out she was wrong. I don’t get why they can’t see this, when they can see other things about the POI so specifically.

I’m not sure how true this is but one of my most trusted advisors told me this when I had to read about a third party years ago. She basically told me that she herself can only read about people who I’m directly connected with. By that she means people who I’m in direct contact with and have a first hand connection with. The third party at the time of the reading didn’t know how I was, and I only knew of her because of social media stalking. My reader told me that she sees my POI and the third party as just friends and that there’s nothing more to it but that she couldn’t give me deeper info besides that.


--- Quote from: _sydney_vicious_ on August 27, 2021, 02:17:47 PM ---I’m not sure how true this is but one of my most trusted advisors told me this when I had to read about a third party years ago. She basically told me that she herself can only read about people who I’m directly connected with. By that she means people who I’m in direct contact with and have a first hand connection with. The third party at the time of the reading didn’t know how I was, and I only knew of her because of social media stalking. My reader told me that she sees my POI and the third party as just friends and that there’s nothing more to it but that she couldn’t give me deeper info besides that.

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That’s exactly what they say!! Just friends. Were you able to verify?!

My personal take on the subject is, that first we aren't meant to know everything, psychics only see what is given to them. Its not their fault if that's not revealed to them by God/Universe etc.. Also, if the third party isn't as important to that person, it may not come up or that person may have blocked that out from being read. Your meatsuit may not be aware, but your spiritual self can. There are many things we don't understand. And we tend to forget that psychics are human and not divine beings.


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