Author Topic: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers  (Read 8328 times)

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2023, 08:15:31 PM »
I just re-read what heartstrong said..Heartstrong actually is right..
Many women do call for that reason.. and there are so many women that call over a man who is already married as I have seen on here too.. and then when there is a reader that tells them the actual reality.. they discredit the reader and talk crap about the reader..

Offline JessicaDuBois

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2023, 01:19:59 PM »
I think the idea is to understand how much scam and fraud and lack of ethics goes in to the making of a site line Keen.  I’ve had honest feedback removed.  I’ve been called a basher.  I am on lists that advisors circulate for various reasons.  I have been accused of being a Keen advisor…apparently most recently in this forum.  And why?  Because someone who isn’t actually accurate says things that are not true and they get mad when I make a review. 

I would never say all are frauds and fakes, but I suspect most are.

Some are outright nasty and destructive, but that’s a different story.

Keen advisors share details about callers.  Not all advisors and not about all clients, but that they do this is a fact.

Offline Live and love

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2023, 11:33:36 PM »
Again I keep asking and no one as of yet has had an answer. How do the advisors benefit from sharing info about us?   Unless they are all pooling their incomes, or it is one person with a bunch of advisor accounts,  why on earth would they want to share their client  info that could certainly make another advisor look better than themselves?  I mean to say that if I were an advisor and someone told me that they were going on a cruise around the world with their poi in July, why would I want to share that info with other advisors ,  enabling them  pretend  to  spontaneously "pick up " on a cruise in July, making them look brilliantly gifted , while I look fake or at best just okay? That would be a lot of potential future income that I would have given away to another - in effect down the drain for me, don't you think?  This topic comes up alot and I have yet to understand the logic, sorry.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2023, 05:09:11 AM by Live and love »

Offline jackY

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2023, 03:05:13 AM »
EXACTLY. Sharing "frustrations" in a forum does not equal "sharing notes amongst advisors". "Someone" told me once that keen doesn't allow specific names to be posted in their forums. Sooo...

Again I keep asking and no one as of yet has had an answer. How do the advisors benefit from sharing info about us?   Unless they are all pooling their incomes, or it is one person with a bunch of advisor accounts,  why on earth would they want to share their client  info that could certainly make another advisor look better than themselves?  I mean to say that if I were an advisor and someone told me that they were going on a cruise around the world with their poi , would I want to share that info with other advisors  enabling them to pretend  to  "pick up" on that cruise detail, making them look brilliantly gifted , while I look fake or at best just okay? That's a lot of potential future income down the drain, don't you think?  This topic comes up alot and I have yet to understand the logic, sorry.

Offline JessicaDuBois

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2023, 12:54:33 PM »
Why do they do it?   I would assume there are money and ego angles.  Just like almost every form of cheating and fraud activity on earth.

Are you implying that, because you can’t fathom WHY people would do it, that they don’t do it ?  I mean, you are entitled to that belief.  I don’t know why they do it, aside from making their friends look good…maybe there is social pressure or expectation amongst cliques.   Also, maybe Keen and other platforms train on this, I don’t know.  I do know that within Keen there are clusters of advisors that are part of the same company (same Tax Id).  I’ve had calls with advisors who have referred me to others in their cluster.  I think smaller companies have also been purchased or absorbed.  Does this mean they are frauds, no, not out of the gate.  They do benefit from having their cluster excel, even if they don’t share funds.  Though you brought up an interesting thought…maybe they DO pool, I don’t know.

Understanding this is like trying to understand why people engage in fraud at all.  Good people just generally won’t get it because they don’t think like that.  Why works endlessly to defraud someone when you can just get a job?  But not everyone is good or raised with honest work effort.

Again I keep asking and no one as of yet has had an answer. How do the advisors benefit from sharing info about us?   Unless they are all pooling their incomes, or it is one person with a bunch of advisor accounts,  why on earth would they want to share their client  info that could certainly make another advisor look better than themselves?  I mean to say that if I were an advisor and someone told me that they were going on a cruise around the world with their poi in July, why would I want to share that info with other advisors ,  enabling them  pretend  to  spontaneously "pick up " on a cruise in July, making them look brilliantly gifted , while I look fake or at best just okay? That would be a lot of potential future income that I would have given away to another - in effect down the drain for me, don't you think?  This topic comes up alot and I have yet to understand the logic, sorry.

Offline JessicaDuBois

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2023, 12:58:45 PM »

They definitely share notes.  I’m sure it’s not everyone but groups of them absolutely do.

However, it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, now does it?

Sharing frustrations?  I’d say discussing client issues is more than venting frustrations. 

EXACTLY. Sharing "frustrations" in a forum does not equal "sharing notes amongst advisors". "Someone" told me once that keen doesn't allow specific names to be posted in their forums. Sooo...

Again I keep asking and no one as of yet has had an answer. How do the advisors benefit from sharing info about us?   Unless they are all pooling their incomes, or it is one person with a bunch of advisor accounts,  why on earth would they want to share their client  info that could certainly make another advisor look better than themselves?  I mean to say that if I were an advisor and someone told me that they were going on a cruise around the world with their poi , would I want to share that info with other advisors  enabling them to pretend  to  "pick up" on that cruise detail, making them look brilliantly gifted , while I look fake or at best just okay? That's a lot of potential future income down the drain, don't you think?  This topic comes up alot and I have yet to understand the logic, sorry.

Offline Live and love

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2023, 06:01:24 PM »

They definitely share notes.  I’m sure it’s not everyone but groups of them absolutely do.  I agree: " not everyone but groups ..."  There must be some that pool notes to pool income. They are probably relatives and friends who are pulling this scam.  I suspect that many even have more than one account and may do only chat readings so you will not recognize their voices in case you have spoken to them  on their other advisors accounts. As far as corruption,   I would for sure say that from my personal experience , most of them have no business calling themselves psychic and a huge percentage of them are knowingly taking advantage of us at our weakest points.
However, it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, now does it?    Of course it matters. When someone smears an entire  group of people, no matter who they are , with the same brush ,  it matters if it's believed [/b]

Sharing frustrations?  I’d say discussing client issues is more than venting frustrations. Please provide the names of the clients they are speaking about to show that its more then venting. I would be curious to know their names.  Could be me from 3 years ago, or my niece, cousin or my recently divorced bestie.

EXACTLY. Sharing "frustrations" in a forum does not equal "sharing notes amongst advisors". "Someone" told me once that keen doesn't allow specific names to be posted in their forums. Sooo...

Again I keep asking and no one as of yet has had an answer. How do the advisors benefit from sharing info about us?   Unless they are all pooling their incomes, or it is one person with a bunch of advisor accounts,  why on earth would they want to share their client  info that could certainly make another advisor look better than themselves?  I mean to say that if I were an advisor and someone told me that they were going on a cruise around the world with their poi , would I want to share that info with other advisors  enabling them to pretend  to  "pick up" on that cruise detail, making them look brilliantly gifted , while I look fake or at best just okay? That's a lot of potential future income down the drain, don't you think?  This topic comes up alot and I have yet to understand the logic, sorry.

Offline JessicaDuBois

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2023, 11:17:55 PM »
Well, I did not start this thread.  The idea that note sharing across advisors is pretty much an understood idea.

Posting a few images was not intended to slander an entire population of people.  Quite frankly many threads here do that already.  It was just to exemplify that advisors DO engage in unethical activities.  Not surprisingly at all.

I was accused of being a keen advisor, and lying about it.  Which shows clearlt what we think keen advisors are likely to do.  That anyone thinks I’m lying about being an advisor shows exactly what they think of keen advisors lol.   And while it’s an untrue statement, I totally get why someone would believe that a keen advisor would be in here posting images hahahaha. 

What you BELIEVE doesn’t make something true or not and it doesn’t matter. 

I made the statement in support of the topic of this thread.  Keen advisors share information about callers amongst themselves

Offline jackY

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2023, 01:28:59 AM »
You make it sound like there's this nefarious group of keen advisors that somehow share notes on readings. Do you understand what that would require to fool most people??? First of all, they would have to recommend all the advisors with whom they're sharing notes to their clients. Last I checked, not a single one on there is sending a client to another advisor. They're trying to keep and grow their own clientele.

Whether or not you're a keen advisor seems to only matter to you now. Why do you keep bringing it up? Hmmmm....

Well, I did not start this thread.  The idea that note sharing across advisors is pretty much an understood idea.

Posting a few images was not intended to slander an entire population of people.  Quite frankly many threads here do that already.  It was just to exemplify that advisors DO engage in unethical activities.  Not surprisingly at all.

I was accused of being a keen advisor, and lying about it.  Which shows clearlt what we think keen advisors are likely to do.  That anyone thinks I’m lying about being an advisor shows exactly what they think of keen advisors lol.   And while it’s an untrue statement, I totally get why someone would believe that a keen advisor would be in here posting images hahahaha. 

What you BELIEVE doesn’t make something true or not and it doesn’t matter. 

I made the statement in support of the topic of this thread.  Keen advisors share information about callers amongst themselves

Offline Mina

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2023, 06:09:54 AM »
Well, I did not start this thread.  The idea that note sharing across advisors is pretty much an understood idea.

Posting a few images was not intended to slander an entire population of people.  Quite frankly many threads here do that already.  It was just to exemplify that advisors DO engage in unethical activities.  Not surprisingly at all.

I was accused of being a keen advisor, and lying about it.  Which shows clearlt what we think keen advisors are likely to do.  That anyone thinks I’m lying about being an advisor shows exactly what they think of keen advisors lol.   And while it’s an untrue statement, I totally get why someone would believe that a keen advisor would be in here posting images hahahaha. 

What you BELIEVE doesn’t make something true or not and it doesn’t matter. 

I made the statement in support of the topic of this thread.  Keen advisors share information about callers amongst themselves

To be frank FOR ME I find even posting screenshots of their board on here pretty unethical. Like why though? (So someone shared those screenshots to you, but were they meant to be shared like this publicly or just for you?)

What you have shared, my presumption, to me this reads like the gig app boards for doordash /Uber on reddit or fb groups. Basically sharing on the type of customers ppl hate to get. (Which yeah I get it rampage me is scary)

It sounds like you’re aware of the basher list, which that doesn’t seem to have been updated (at least publicly) in over a year. But who knows maybe advisors note share that list privately? … probably 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’m sure readers do share specific details about us … but I don’t have the specific proof, and welp it’s on me if I call them. I sadly am not losing sleep, or changing… which is sad… anywho

Offline JessicaDuBois

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2023, 03:23:25 PM »
If they can post it, it can be shared.  Nothing unethical about sharing comments made publicly.

I was not provided terms for sharing screenshots.  These are comments made in a public space.

The advisor forum itself is actually mirrored in a publicly available domain. 

When did anything said on the internet suddenly become private 😂 😂

Offline JessicaDuBois

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2023, 03:28:52 PM »
This is an entire site dedicated to reviewing psychics. There was no boundary on HOW they should be reviewed.

How many posts and threads discuss advisors by member name?  How many threads and posts are about mass fraud?  They discuss callers.  Share publicly their problems.

I don’t know anything about the frequency of a basher list, but an advisor told me I was on it.  Which both surprised and did not surprise me.  Leaving honest feedback about a bad reading and being blamed for it by the bad reader is not unexpected given the lack of professionalism across the board on these sites.
It’s not unethical to post forum screen shots from a public forum.  Just as screenshots of this forums are likely circulating

Offline _sydney_vicious_

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2023, 11:18:31 PM »
To be frank FOR ME I find even posting screenshots of their board on here pretty unethical. Like why though? (So someone shared those screenshots to you, but were they meant to be shared like this publicly or just for you?)

So you're more worried about the reader's message board getting exposed rather than these readers speaking publicly on readings which are supposed to be a PRIVATE matter? Make it make sense.

When we do readings with these advisors we go in with the idea and understanding that this reading would be private and not spoken about to third parties.

Offline Mina

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2023, 02:36:54 AM »
To be frank FOR ME I find even posting screenshots of their board on here pretty unethical. Like why though? (So someone shared those screenshots to you, but were they meant to be shared like this publicly or just for you?)

So you're more worried about the reader's message board getting exposed rather than these readers speaking publicly on readings which are supposed to be a PRIVATE matter? Make it make sense.

When we do readings with these advisors we go in with the idea and understanding that this reading would be private and not spoken about to third parties.

Of course I cares 😉 -I posted my rampage recently back too.

Plus, There nothing logical on why I call, I own that … see that’s called accountability.

But again and let me ask:

why share these screenshots? What’s the motivation behind that? And agree why do you have access to these screenshots? Is this friend a psychic? Or did you make an account as an advisor to see what ppl share? It sounds like a rampage … k, have fun with that.

Offline JessicaDuBois

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Re: Note-Sharing Amongst Readers
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2023, 08:05:47 AM »
It’s not a rampage.  Honestly, I’m not sure what you mean by that.  I did not start this thread; I responded to an ongoing discussion.

I call keen and similar sites because I recognize there are gifted people in existence.  I’ve met a few on these sites.  I’m pretty pragmatic though.  If I have a reading and the advisor is off or abusive, I leave such feedback.  This has, according to someone I called, resulted in me being placed on something known as the basher list.  I’ve not seen the list.  Another advisor told me I was being discussed in the keen forum and in other places.  Someone accused me of being a “jealous advisor”.  I’m not sure what that means, but apparently it is a motive for leaving back feedback.

Truth?  If I go to Starbucks and buy a latte but they give me an iced tea, I will say something politely.  If they try to gaslight me and convince me that the is a latte, I’ll laugh outright.  If they don’t refund my money, I’ll just have the charge reversed.  I will also leave feedback on Yelp, Google reviews, etc.

Most keen advisors seem to be trying to give me tea when I ordered a latte.  The majority are polite but a few gaslight and a lesser fee get abusive and angry.  However, I hold to my right to review their “business”.

I have about 20 screenshots, several that include personal details as to why I called.  And other advisors commenting that they spoke to me too.  It was a weird discussion and Keen did actually take it down.  An advisor I speak with shared this because she felt that I had the right to know.  There was a lot of similar BS.  I am not a keen advisor.  Not sure why you think this. I did not create an account to see what people are saying.  I also don’t know why you think this.  Then again, you already accepted being irrational.

Ultimately you are free to believe what you choose.  I was responding to a thread and I will continue to do so.  I was surprised to see that other people knew that advisors shared details of callers.