Author Topic: Unethical readers  (Read 6407 times)

Offline SarahM

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Unethical readers
« on: August 03, 2021, 03:12:37 AM »
So I’ve been struggling with something since about the beginning of June and I hesitated sharing it on here but I thought maybe I could get some help/reassurance. I had a psychic on Keen (about 2 months ago), tell me that someone I know is going to pass away (god forbid) during a love reading… It took me by surprise as it was completely unexpected. I don’t even get general reads for this exact reason.  ever since then, I’ve been nothing but anxious/paranoid 24/7. Isn’t this completely unethical? Also, I’m not sure if I should share the name of the reader so others could avoid them, or if it’ll only bring more attention to them since some people on here actually look for those types of readings… either way, this has made my life a living hell and quite frankly, ruined my entire summer. I’m tired of worrying.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2021, 03:15:28 AM by SarahM »

Offline Daisy573

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2021, 03:31:56 AM »
I think it is unethical for sure!! Did you ask about this specifically or did the psychic just throw it out there randomly??  I do not think psychics should really talk about death and dying etc...especially if you did not ask!

You can name them here if you want to, that's up to you.

Offline SarahM

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2021, 04:06:01 AM »
She said she got a “passing card” lol. It was a tarot reader. And she just threw it out there randomly! During a love reading..


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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2021, 06:09:04 AM »
oh definitely wrong! you should report it to keen admin.

Offline Daisy573

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2021, 02:33:17 PM »
She said she got a “passing card” lol. It was a tarot reader. And she just threw it out there randomly! During a love reading..

What's funny is, I didnt think there were any "passing cards"  If she is talking about the Death card it doesnt mean Death literally.  It could mean a lot of things.  That's just wrong on so many levels.

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2021, 07:54:35 PM »
 i'm pretty sure this is a violation of terms of use. That's just horrible, I've had a reader say something like this to me out of the blue about someone I was asking about,  it didn't happen when she said it would, i never asked her about this , it just came up in her reading. 

If she's speaking of the death card, well that can mean many things, it's usually a card of transition, the end of something so something new and better can arise. Think of the phoenix rising from the ashes, bigger, better and stronger.  There are other cards that can represent death, but someone who's a professional and trustworthy card reader, wouldn't just throw that out there like that.   Also energy is always changing based on our choices.

It would be great if you'd tell us who this was, so that we can also be cautious. 

Offline SarahM

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2021, 03:46:43 AM »
i'm pretty sure this is a violation of terms of use. That's just horrible, I've had a reader say something like this to me out of the blue about someone I was asking about,  it didn't happen when she said it would, i never asked her about this , it just came up in her reading. 

If she's speaking of the death card, well that can mean many things, it's usually a card of transition, the end of something so something new and better can arise. Think of the phoenix rising from the ashes, bigger, better and stronger.  There are other cards that can represent death, but someone who's a professional and trustworthy card reader, wouldn't just throw that out there like that.   Also energy is always changing based on our choices.

It would be great if you'd tell us who this was, so that we can also be cautious.

You said it didn’t happen when she said it would, did the person end up passing away though? I just don’t think anyone can predict death. I don’t know if I believe in that. And I guess I’ll just say who the reader was, it was Mystical Moonlight on keen. Not that strong of a reader anyways but still, that reading truly messed me up.

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2021, 06:59:23 PM »
I am sorry this has happened to you. How very awful of her to say that to you.
A death can be predicted unfortunately, however it is UNETHICAL, particularly if you’ve not even asked  >:(..... mystical moonlight was completed wrong for me and just seemed to be throwing in whatever came to her mind, please do not take her seriously. I understand it’s hard to get this out of your head . When I was just 15, a reader told me a close family member would die 3 years after the reading ... thankfully, this didn’t happen but I was terrified and it haunts me to this day. Some readers are just awful people .....

Offline court1130

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2021, 01:33:19 PM »
That happened to me when I saw a reader in person. She was referred to me by a friend and said the reader was her go-to because she always seemed to predict very well. Anyway, her reading style is general only and a death happened to come up, I believe during Leo season so right around this time. End of last year, my Aunt ended up getting sick and has been in and out of the hospital for months now and I've been paranoid that she's going to pass at any point now. Its definitely not something you expect to hear during a reading. I feel like the reader should give a disclaimer and allow the client to determine whether or not they want to hear that kind of information.

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2021, 09:26:39 AM »
OMG... the one I went to who told me that my parent would die was recommended to me by a friend as well! I have recently left her a 1* review on google... it has been over 13 years now, but her idiotic prediction haunts me to this day... she also said that 1/3 of the population would die after 2012... ::)

Offline SarahM

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2021, 03:52:23 PM »
OMG... the one I went to who told me that my parent would die was recommended to me by a friend as well! I have recently left her a 1* review on google... it has been over 13 years now, but her idiotic prediction haunts me to this day... she also said that 1/3 of the population would die after 2012... ::)

Fucking bullshit… that reading will haunt me forever too. Only thing that keeps me going is that she’s otherwise a terrible reader, nothing she ever told me came true, but still.

Offline SarahM

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2021, 03:06:41 AM »
One of the most horrifying readings I ever had was with a psychic referred by a friend. Her name is Nancy and she has you send the payment to someone named "Joyce Christy". She only worked by referral and never advertised.

She said shit that messed with me up until I had a medical procedure. She warned I needed to put it off until much later because I would have internal bleeding and the surgeon's nurse was going to be having a bad day which would contribute to how terrible this experience would be. She was "channeling" my father and from the get go, I KNEW my dad wouldn't have said half the shit coming out of her mouth. She also broke the cardinal rule of not using my paid time to talk about herself-which she did for 20 minutes of the hour I paid for. BTW-she started the reading by saying I have "so much darkness" around me. WTF??? I had my procedure and it was awesome. The nurse was awesome. And everything else she said was garbage. I felt slimed after that reading.

WOW… that sounds horrifying. What a terrible person she is! I truly strongly believe that psychics should NEVER read on health. Honestly it’s so unethical & evil. They’re not God. Stick to money and love reads in my opinion!!
« Last Edit: August 25, 2021, 03:08:34 AM by SarahM »

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2021, 08:33:00 AM »
I feel like if you have known the psychic for a while, asking about health may not be a bad thing... that's just my opinion, but I also asked about surgeries in the past and my favourite reader (who only does in person sessions) told me to do one but not the other ... I went ahead and did both .... and the first one turned out great, but the other one didn't (different surgeons)... I got botched and to this day I have scaring ... it was a liposuction ... so had I listened to her, this wouldn't have happened ... but this and more serious stuff should be said by a trusted reader you have known for a while, not by someone you've read with a once or twice for a few minutes ... these people are psychos, not psychics :/

Offline Jacobee

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2021, 04:09:22 AM »
That may be illegal just like offering legal opinions or medical opinions as an advisor on Keen is possibly removal of advisor issue. Some questions should only be handled by medical practitioners law enforcement clergy or Keen staff. Answering every question a client has when you should not points at a greedy advisor that is taking calls n chats. Or ego is on display!

Offline SarahM

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Re: Unethical readers
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2021, 07:45:53 AM »
That may be illegal just like offering legal opinions or medical opinions as an advisor on Keen is possibly removal of advisor issue. Some questions should only be handled by medical practitioners law enforcement clergy or Keen staff. Answering every question a client has when you should not points at a greedy advisor that is taking calls n chats. Or ego is on display!

I agree.. thankfully, the advisor in question (Mystical Moonlight) is off Keen now.

