Author Topic: Looking for Validations  (Read 34395 times)

Offline stonyeye

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #45 on: April 28, 2012, 09:57:27 PM »
"I agree, enough said. Also my thread was about Validations....whats all this crap - V-Tech"  (eloquent)
- and "worn out" Synergy who thinks the board has not been the same.

It's not the same because I'm here! Damn straight. I've been on keen for just as long as many of you. I've done my time and I'm going to give my perspective. I hoped to do so in a friendly way but it  has been pretty funny actually the stir I have created by suggesting someone who you don't like. You all give other people WAAAAYYY too much power. Anyway, from what I've found is that you get along here when you pat each other on the backs and talk about every single detail about boyfriends coming in and out of your lives etc. What time tehy called you at night and when they stopped or did not stop at your house. etc. I just thought you were going to talk about pyshics who worked. Now, how do my posts here have nothing to do with that? I feel like there should be a set of rules to this board. Seriously. "You MAY NOT
 mention this psychic recommendation"... BUT.... "you MAY mention Chance and what time he eats his lunch".... etc. Oh and Kisha. She's ok too. Talk about her ad nasuseum. Now, I'M suspicious. is this reallly Kisha? Has she started this board to generate business for her and her pals?

This has NOTHING to do with SSV AT ALL and it makes me angry that you can NOT read into the context of my messages to understand what i am saying. I am saying is this...what is the point of having a board where you are "enouraged" to make recommendations yet people jump all over you when they dislike your recommendations. You all are looking for validations here and there. Well,  I did tell a big one... LD and also validations regarding facts( not predictions) from several others. However, it seems here that if If you CHOOSE to TRY a reader someone else (unknown or unpopular here on this board .. I'm laughig as it seriously feels like Jr high) and others don't agree, had a bad experience, you all get suspicious and paranoid and instead of reporting your unbiased, not mean or nasty but just straight forward professinal opinion on the reader, you turn toward the person who made the recommendation and accuse them of being ....GASP a SPY! Or a someone who is planted here to gerenrate business for Keen. Let me tell you. That company is HUGE. I highly doubt their readers feel the need to go on these silly boards and write about themselves to generate business. I could be wrong but....
Looking for validations: that is the title V-Tech. Well, we diverged because it seems my validations did not hold weight and you chose to write that here on YOUR thread, V-Tech, to me. So I responded......

So, what i have learned from this whole thread and interaction is. People here don't believe  or trust someone "unknown" when they say they have had a validation or something close to one, or excellent details...unless we mention kisha, sapphire, roxie..Ellent hartwell...? I can't remember if she is safe territory?

How does this NOT relate to your board V-Tech?????  Do you own this thread by the way?? I'm serious. Is that how it works here? If I want to keep writing here about validations, it is my every right to do as far as I know. 

Now, I'm going to get some windex out and wipe away my screen as it is all muckied up from this negativity.


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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #46 on: April 28, 2012, 10:06:37 PM »
Stoneye, I truelly had no issues with you nor do I know what the hell you are talking about. However I have come to think now that you are a nut job. I came to this site to learn and not to get into an argument. I have come now to see that you love DRAMA and you probably are a reader in disguise. This Thread is about Validations, Meaning that I thought people would want to click on a thread and read how Readers have been right. You can start a thread where you talk about what ever nonsense you want to talk about however This thread is entitled validations , which means in ENGLISH, predictions that have come true, which is what people are paying readers for.
I dont know what your issue is but get the stick out your back side and move the hell on. If you want DRAMA go to a FISH MARKET. ENOUGH SAID

Offline stonyeye

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2012, 10:09:10 PM »

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #48 on: April 30, 2012, 02:10:10 PM »
"I agree, enough said. Also my thread was about Validations....whats all this crap - V-Tech"  (eloquent)
- and "worn out" Synergy who thinks the board has not been the same.

It's not the same because I'm here! Damn straight. I've been on keen for just as long as many of you. I've done my time and I'm going to give my perspective. I hoped to do so in a friendly way but it  has been pretty funny actually the stir I have created by suggesting someone who you don't like. You all give other people WAAAAYYY too much power. Anyway, from what I've found is that you get along here when you pat each other on the backs and talk about every single detail about boyfriends coming in and out of your lives etc. What time tehy called you at night and when they stopped or did not stop at your house. etc. I just thought you were going to talk about pyshics who worked. Now, how do my posts here have nothing to do with that? I feel like there should be a set of rules to this board. Seriously. "You MAY NOT
 mention this psychic recommendation"... BUT.... "you MAY mention Chance and what time he eats his lunch".... etc. Oh and Kisha. She's ok too. Talk about her ad nasuseum. Now, I'M suspicious. is this reallly Kisha? Has she started this board to generate business for her and her pals?

This has NOTHING to do with SSV AT ALL and it makes me angry that you can NOT read into the context of my messages to understand what i am saying. I am saying is this...what is the point of having a board where you are "enouraged" to make recommendations yet people jump all over you when they dislike your recommendations. You all are looking for validations here and there. Well,  I did tell a big one... LD and also validations regarding facts( not predictions) from several others. However, it seems here that if If you CHOOSE to TRY a reader someone else (unknown or unpopular here on this board .. I'm laughig as it seriously feels like Jr high) and others don't agree, had a bad experience, you all get suspicious and paranoid and instead of reporting your unbiased, not mean or nasty but just straight forward professinal opinion on the reader, you turn toward the person who made the recommendation and accuse them of being ....GASP a SPY! Or a someone who is planted here to gerenrate business for Keen. Let me tell you. That company is HUGE. I highly doubt their readers feel the need to go on these silly boards and write about themselves to generate business. I could be wrong but....
Looking for validations: that is the title V-Tech. Well, we diverged because it seems my validations did not hold weight and you chose to write that here on YOUR thread, V-Tech, to me. So I responded......

So, what i have learned from this whole thread and interaction is. People here don't believe  or trust someone "unknown" when they say they have had a validation or something close to one, or excellent details...unless we mention kisha, sapphire, roxie..Ellent hartwell...? I can't remember if she is safe territory?

How does this NOT relate to your board V-Tech?????  Do you own this thread by the way?? I'm serious. Is that how it works here? If I want to keep writing here about validations, it is my every right to do as far as I know. 

Now, I'm going to get some windex out and wipe away my screen as it is all muckied up from this negativity.

WOW !  Really?  I cannot believe that you would take your anger over a reader that has NOT worked for MOST to this level.  How dare you come to this forum and attack VTECH OR SYNERGY?  We have all supported each other in our quest to find peace, this board is not only for psychic recommendation but also for SUPPORT!!!!!  If you dont like to read about issues that people are posting here, and offer support, LEAVE!

I am disgusted by your post and the attacks you are making.  YES, I believe you are a reader or possibly a sidekick for your fake, money taking, low life friend reader.  I have read numerous reports on Rip-Off and other sites where readers and the like attack everyone only to trumph themselves. 

This board has been such a strong support for SO many, why do YOU think you can come here and ruin it!

I personally will not help you in promoting your BS, and that is exactly what you are doing.  SSV has been discussed here over and over and all it does is traps people who dont know better to call this FAKE and lose money, create heart ache, and only lead to disappointment.

What you are doing here is the same type of BS that has happened on many other forums, but I believe the support system that many of us have created here will prevail.

You are ridiculous and enough is enough.  VTECH nor SYNERGY have not done anything to you to deserve such a cruel attack.

I will not empower your post by giving you the benefit of a response and I encourage all that want/need support to boycott your nonsense.

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #49 on: April 30, 2012, 02:27:39 PM »

Even I cant understand the reason for your attack when all I can remember was Vtech clarifying you that she didnt meant to hurt you!!! And why Synergy???? Obviously this is a support group and people are going to GIVE support and ASK for support. I dont find anything wrong with that  :o

You shouldnt have been attacking stoneye . I even invited you to chat with us so that we can provide support to each other...... so i dont get the reason for your attacks and as far as reviews go , if some psychic works for you gr8!!!! you come and post about it .... gud....
So whats wrong with someone who is posting about their experience with the same psychic if it was bad.....

There are thousands of negative feedbacks about the popular ones on this forum like kisha and barbara but i have never seen people who read with them attack the person for whom the negative readers didnt worked....

Obviously your reader will work for some and not others so whats the point of blaming people for whom they didnt worked ??? i m not able to get it ....


ECHO ( i agree with you completely but couldnt help myself from replying....)

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #50 on: April 30, 2012, 03:00:10 PM »
Hahahahaha.  Wow.  I wish the board would have been available this weekend, so that I could've responded to your ridiculous post sooner.  My intent was to ask you to quit going round and round about the same damn thing.  I really don't see why that led you to post ANOTHER incredibly long post where you proceeded to personally attack me.  If you don't care about my life, then don't read my posts.  See how easy it is???   I've also given feedback on MANY readers here on the forum, so it's not like I only come here to talk about lunch with Chance or about Kisha.  Just like many of the forum members have their favorite readers, I have mine.  If you knew anything about what you're spewing, you would also know that I used to be a HUGE Sandy Esther fan until she turned on me for the mere fact that I've shared so much on this forum that she was able to identify me and she used me as her scapegoat.  If Kisha were ever to be wrong for me, I would come here and share that too!!!! In fact, I did share that Kisha was WRONG about Valentines day because she had told me that I would receive some sort of acknowledgement from C.  I don't expect any reader to be perfect, but Kisha has been the most consistent for me, so I continue to recommmend her.  Just because you can't look past the tip of your nose, doesn't mean people on this forum aren't open and honest.

Now all you have done is manage to convince me that you are a reader.  If you had actually read what I wrote the other day, I just wanted this nonsense to stop.  I don't care who you recommend because it's my personal choice to call them or not.  That was my point.  For some reason, though, you decided to write a novel about what I decide to share here.  IF YOU HAD THE ABILITY TO READ, you would have seen that I was not attacking you in anyway in my post.  I said I WANT to hear recommendations.  But you went and twisted it, because you're either crazy and defensive, or you are, in fact, a reader.  Also, don't put quotes around  things I never said.  It just makes you look ridiculous.  I asked for recommendations.  I can't stop laughing at how idiotic your "attack" on me is. 

I don't feel the need to defend myself to you or anyone else.  I never needed to share my story, but I have done so in an effort to build relationships with people on this forum, and to show them that an intelligent, savvy, career woman can get herself into something as ridiculous as a psychic addiction.  There are so many intelligent, caring, wonderful men and women on this site who are looking for answers, guidance, and support.  I've actually really screwed myself over for sharing so much because now many readers know my story even before I speak with them.  In reality, I don't care, though.  You know why???  Because if my story or my recommendations have helped even 1 person, then I am happy.

Oh and if I haven't made it clear enough, I am not Kisha.  People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Stoneye.  You didn't like being accused of being a reader, and I don't like it either.  The difference is I never had to make it my mission to join a forum just to attack it's members. 

"I agree, enough said. Also my thread was about Validations....whats all this crap - V-Tech"  (eloquent)
- and "worn out" Synergy who thinks the board has not been the same.

It's not the same because I'm here! Damn straight. I've been on keen for just as long as many of you. I've done my time and I'm going to give my perspective. I hoped to do so in a friendly way but it  has been pretty funny actually the stir I have created by suggesting someone who you don't like. You all give other people WAAAAYYY too much power. Anyway, from what I've found is that you get along here when you pat each other on the backs and talk about every single detail about boyfriends coming in and out of your lives etc. What time tehy called you at night and when they stopped or did not stop at your house. etc. I just thought you were going to talk about pyshics who worked. Now, how do my posts here have nothing to do with that? I feel like there should be a set of rules to this board. Seriously. "You MAY NOT
 mention this psychic recommendation"... BUT.... "you MAY mention Chance and what time he eats his lunch".... etc. Oh and Kisha. She's ok too. Talk about her ad nasuseum. Now, I'M suspicious. is this reallly Kisha? Has she started this board to generate business for her and her pals?

This has NOTHING to do with SSV AT ALL and it makes me angry that you can NOT read into the context of my messages to understand what i am saying. I am saying is this...what is the point of having a board where you are "enouraged" to make recommendations yet people jump all over you when they dislike your recommendations. You all are looking for validations here and there. Well,  I did tell a big one... LD and also validations regarding facts( not predictions) from several others. However, it seems here that if If you CHOOSE to TRY a reader someone else (unknown or unpopular here on this board .. I'm laughig as it seriously feels like Jr high) and others don't agree, had a bad experience, you all get suspicious and paranoid and instead of reporting your unbiased, not mean or nasty but just straight forward professinal opinion on the reader, you turn toward the person who made the recommendation and accuse them of being ....GASP a SPY! Or a someone who is planted here to gerenrate business for Keen. Let me tell you. That company is HUGE. I highly doubt their readers feel the need to go on these silly boards and write about themselves to generate business. I could be wrong but....
Looking for validations: that is the title V-Tech. Well, we diverged because it seems my validations did not hold weight and you chose to write that here on YOUR thread, V-Tech, to me. So I responded......

So, what i have learned from this whole thread and interaction is. People here don't believe  or trust someone "unknown" when they say they have had a validation or something close to one, or excellent details...unless we mention kisha, sapphire, roxie..Ellent hartwell...? I can't remember if she is safe territory?

How does this NOT relate to your board V-Tech?????  Do you own this thread by the way?? I'm serious. Is that how it works here? If I want to keep writing here about validations, it is my every right to do as far as I know. 

Now, I'm going to get some windex out and wipe away my screen as it is all muckied up from this negativity.

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #51 on: April 30, 2012, 04:15:50 PM »
I'm trying to catch up on the board and I give up. The only thing that caught my attention is that someone thought Synergy is KISHA?? LMAO

Enjoy the day all


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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #52 on: April 30, 2012, 04:18:35 PM »
@stoneye: Wow - I cannot believe the nonsense you are generating on this forum!!

I've been away awhile, but recently been checking in on the latest posts, and I have to say stoneye, I don't understand your tone or attitude. 

I feel I really need to stick my nose in this just because I think I speak for most when I say Synergy has conducted herself with nothing short of the utmost integrity in ALL of her posts here, and has shown incredible compassion for others, as well as being a voice of reason. Most of us have followed her story, and I am one who is STILL rooting for her. She's been brutally honest, and that in itself takes much courage to post such intimate details about one's private affairs - the good & the bad, on a public forum such as this, as well as to be generous enough to tell of her experiences with readers and give honest assessments - which I have a huge amount of respect for.

vtech: I know this is coming late, but welcome to the forum - sorry it had to be under these circumstances for me to make your acquaintance.

Synergy & vtech - I gotta give you both props for maintaining composure and dignity.

stoneye, your mocking of other people's lives speaks volumes of your own character, or lack thereof.

I have to agree with others' replies about your personal attacks.

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #53 on: May 01, 2012, 01:44:15 AM »
Oh dear, just as some of you said that you meant "no harm" in your "helpful" comments to me about my "bad" choice in readers and speculation as to whether I was indeed a reader or affiliated with one,  neither did I mean any harm to you. I apologize and do not mean to mock anyone. I hope that everybody finds the happiness they are seeking. The only thing I am mocking is the that this is supposed to be a board where people can suggest readers yet you are ALL so suspicious and questioning when an unknown is named. There ARE other readers out there who work well for other people and just because one is mentioned, it does not mean that person is a spy or out to drum up business.  I'm very glad for you to have such a supportive board where you can all discuss your lives and the people who who have helped you to guide them. Good luck with your quests for the right answers. it is not an easy task.

Offline marybell

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #54 on: May 01, 2012, 02:06:32 AM »
Oh dear, just as some of you said that you meant "no harm" in your "helpful" comments to me about my "bad" choice in readers and speculation as to whether I was indeed a reader or affiliated with one,  neither did I mean any harm to you. I apologize and do not mean to mock anyone. I hope that everybody finds the happiness they are seeking. The only thing I am mocking is the that this is supposed to be a board where people can suggest readers yet you are ALL so suspicious and questioning when an unknown is named. There ARE other readers out there who work well for other people and just because one is mentioned, it does not mean that person is a spy or out to drum up business.  I'm very glad for you to have such a supportive board where you can all discuss your lives and the people who who have helped you to guide them. Good luck with your quests for the right answers. it is not an easy task.
I don' t think the issue is simply that this psychic did not work for most, I think the issue is that, her rates went up from low ($3.00 , I think you said) to $7.00 , virtually the same day you posted her name. You  even defended this jump in rate, if you recall.  Then she conned people into leaving feedback in exchange for 10 free minutes, which she had no intention of delivering,, UNTIL,it was suggested here, on this forum, that people should call costumer service to complain.  And suddenly , she sent out the minutes, and, in the same breath her rate went down to $5.00, again suggesting she has a direct line  to this forum.   It is curious that you did not mention that she bribed you for feedback as she did for the others, unless for some reason you were the only one she did not. THIS IS WHY people are suspicious of of your recommendations.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 04:04:04 PM by marybell »

Offline stonyeye

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #55 on: May 03, 2012, 06:06:02 AM »
Sorry if this posts several times... i timed out so this may post multiple times. Just wanted to say goodbye and apologize for my rude behavior....

Yes, I was shocked by the price raise as well. I only found her when she first started on Keen and her price was at 2 dollars a minute. I have no idea why she raised her prices. She never asked me for feedback because she knew we had a good reading and I liked her. She got many things "right" for me. I certainly don't have any inside scoop or pull with ANY readers there except for the fact that i have used MANY (way too many) of them and she was one I liked. I too have gone through a lot of anguish and heartache over a situation and for the last year keen was somewhat of an addiction so i understand that need to have validations.

I reacted poorly to the suspicion here and for that i am ashamed and apologize. I truly just didn't understand the reason for suspicion (the price raise was something I could never have anticipated) and I felt attacked myself. Not a good excuse and i should have held back or reacted in a kinder more understanding way....or simply left the board. Perhaps i am too trusting but it wouldn't cross my mind that someone would recommend a reader for the purposes of advertising as this seems to be a place to support others and give advice about readers who worked for them. After my last year, there is NO WAY, I'd come here to promote someone who i didn't find helpful in some form or another. Anyway, I'd think they (the readers) get enough advertising from their own feedback and pages on keen.

Regardless, i don't read with anyone anymore. I felt it was an endless cyle of seeking VALIDATION and THAT was more frustrating than I do understand what many of you are going through. Over the past year I was deperately looking for validation or comfort or truth about the future. The thing is.. i don't know if anyone can really truly predict the future. after all these readings, my own belief is that we make our own future and if the people who we want in our lives do not comply, then there is someone or something better to come along anyway if we allow it.

Enough said. I do apologize again for any angry reactions on my part or innapropriate posting or hurting feelings. That was beneath me and hurtful to others. You may want to put a warning thread on this board though about being careful who people suggest or something along those lines. I am serious. I imagine many wander here as I did, eager to share experiences, and were also frustrated  or angry to be accused of promoting or being a reader in disgiuise.

Again, and FINALLY.... Good luck you all and I wish you the best.

Case closed :)

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #56 on: May 03, 2012, 07:20:54 PM »
Well then.  Okay.  Huh.  That...I missed a lot, apparently.


Lady Persephone got a number of things correct regarding some movement that's taking place in my company, the most outstanding being that I was worried that I would have a lot of competition coming in and she told me "not nearly as much as you think".  She was right - a lot of people that would have been my peers were not brought over, or were brought over in different roles.  It's something I was stressing pretty heavily over, but sure enough - no significant worries on that front.

So there's that.

...Everybody okay?

(Edited to remove personal details.)
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 03:51:25 PM by Somnus »

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #57 on: June 21, 2018, 11:52:44 AM »
I saw that Serenity Stone was mentioned in this thread so I figured I'd leave my feedback for her here.  I read with her last January.  She told me that the man that has been in and out of my life for the past 25 years, the one who has caused me much joy & heartache, the one who I almost didn't survive the break up with, "was not important in my life".  Wow! she could not have been more wrong. She also said that he'd contact on a month and that didn't happen and that I would loose interest in him, boy do I wish she was right.  She was utter crap for me.

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #58 on: June 21, 2018, 03:38:48 PM »
25 years is a long time, you must be truly in love with him. Sorry for all the pain.

I saw that Serenity Stone was mentioned in this thread so I figured I'd leave my feedback for her here.  I read with her last January.  She told me that the man that has been in and out of my life for the past 25 years, the one who has caused me much joy & heartache, the one who I almost didn't survive the break up with, "was not important in my life".  Wow! she could not have been more wrong. She also said that he'd contact on a month and that didn't happen and that I would loose interest in him, boy do I wish she was right.  She was utter crap for me.

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #59 on: June 21, 2018, 03:59:25 PM »
thanks Newlife, I really appreciate your comment. 

