Author Topic: Looking for Validations  (Read 34383 times)


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Looking for Validations
« on: April 19, 2012, 12:04:29 PM »
I wanted to start this thread about readers that have predicted something that ACTUALLY happened like they said. I am not looking for ohh the reader connected well with me and knew Why I was calling .. NO. I am looking for the reader told me this and that it would happen at this time and that was what occurred. Please join in

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2012, 12:19:03 PM »
Hi vtech. Even though I had lots of stuff said to me that hit home or things that the reader could not have known that they picked up on, only one stands out in my mind of a true prediction. I think the ladys name was Rique at CP and she is no longer there. She told me that my son and his current girlfriend would break up soon, then go back together after a couple of weeks but then break up for good about six months later. This was told to me three years ago and it happened just as she said. Only a few weeks after the reading my son and this girl broke up for two weeks, got back together and six months later broke up and she is now married to someone else. Just wish the predictions for me had gone so well. Maybe because I didnt focus on the prediction about my son. And I wish Rique was still at CP cause I have no idea how to find her now. Oh well. I dont call them anymore anyway, its much better to just take life as it comes and make our own decisions on what we see right in front of us.

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2012, 12:29:35 PM »
As I've said many times before, Abrielle on CP worked for me for two years straight.  Predictions came true and on the dates she said many, many times.  I think we've lost our connection now, but she made me believe in psychics.  I had never felt disappointment from predictions not coming to fruition while I was reading with her.  It got to the point of when she gave a prediction and date, I didn't have anxiety at all because I knew it would come true.  I didn't have to talk to any other psychics unless I wanted to for fun.  Well, that's all over now.

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2012, 12:42:31 PM »
Yes guesswho, Abrielle has told me certain things also. Predicted I would hear from someone (not the ex) in four days and I did, but the predictions of a relationship with this person didnt happen. She also told me last year that the ex had a picture that he looked at and thought of me very often. She said the colors blue and either pink or red came into play in the picture. After the reading I thought of what the picture was. It is a flag that I gave to him before he moved to another state. It is rustic in nature so the blue was powder looking just as she described and the red was also powdery so it could have been mistaken for a pink. And I do know that he keeps this flag hanging over his television so it is in clear view and Im sure he does think of me when he looks at it, I know I think of people when I see something that they gave me so I guess those things she was correct about. Its a shame that we cant really count on these things. Oh well.


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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2012, 12:51:35 PM »
Apart from Sincerityuk, who has predicted stuff that happened like she said but her timing is not accurate atleast for me. Lisa Dianne also predicted the situation around which I first reconnection would happen. I only recalled it after the reconnection however I didnt find her accurate on anything else, I felt alot of change of prediction , although this could be because she reads energies.
I am waiting on Cookie's predictions.

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2012, 02:36:23 PM »
On CP, the one who sticks out the most is actually London.  Anytime she gives me a short-term prediction for anything romantic, she's right about 95% of the time (I think she's only been off once on a short-term prediction).  Her long-term romantic predictions are still pending, but the timeframe given combined with the short-term interactions make sense.

Her predictions, both short-and long-term for work and business have always been accurate.

Seha on CP also nailed that I would get involved with the guy I'm currently involved wiith despite the fact that I really didn't expect it to happen and, at the time, was actually really against it and focused on someone else.  That was about 3 years ago.  She's been accurate re: feelings and how he would show them (he's confirmed them, usually in subtle ways that she described), but her timeframes for the big prediction haven't panned out.  (This doesn't mean that they won't, but they're not going to happen in the time she thought they would, though it was a really near thing at one point and I know for a fact I wound up preventing it from occurring that time - which I don't regret, because it would have happened for all the wrong reasons.)

The Keen readers haven't gotten me anything really SOLID yet, though Cookie saw a number of interactions at work with my boss that took place (but didn't seem to mean what she thought they did).  She was also accurate about his interest in certain parts of my anatomy.  I've only just started reading on Keen, though, so I'll update if anything earth-shattering takes place. 

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2012, 02:48:12 PM »
Here is my list of predictions which have manifested.  I'll try to keep them by category, so to speak...

Correct Predictions Re: J (the older man I was involved with last year):

Kisha - There would not be a long term relationship and no reconnection after he ended things.  Was also 95-98% correct with regards to contact, improvements, and times when he would withdraw.

LadyP - Predicted correctly that J and I would not reconcile.

Allynis - Predicted that he would be ready for committment in Feb, but I would be involved with another man.  J married someone in Feb, and while C ended things with me in January, we were discussing the possibility of reconciling the first two weeks of February.

Denise Monique - I think this was a fluke because she has been very wrong for me every other time I've spoken with her, but she gave me the same prediction as Allynis, so I do have to say that she was correct.

Esme Spenser - Predicted that J's interest was primarily physical and that for this reason he and I would never be in a long term relationship.

Dawn (CP) - Accurately predicted the outcome.

Gelsomina (CP) - Accurately predicted the outcome. 

Alexis (CP) - The first reader I read with at CP, and I never called her back because I hated what she had to say.   She was right about the outcome, but there were other things she told me would happen that never did. 

Venus (CP) - Predicted that J would disregard my birthday in a significant way.  Yes, he did, and I had no idea what she meant by the fact that it would be significant, but it really was.  She was wrong about everything else, though

Maryanne (CP) - Told me there was no future with J

Correct Predictions Re: Chance

SandyEsther - This is what I consider to be the biggest prediction ever made for me by a psychic.  SE told me all about C before he entered my life.  His sign, how he would be, etc.

Aurora - I've said it over and over again.  This woman was the only one who saw C returning to his ex.  I didn't believe her and wrote her off completely, but she was correct. 

WhiteLightAngel - Told me that C and his ex weren't even really together again, they were just casually involved and it wouldn't last at all.  This is exactly what happened.  Nothing else she told me has manifested, though.

Barbara - Same as WhiteLightAngel

Dawn (CP) - This was the last call I made to CP in January when things were falling apart with C.  She accurately predicted the timeframe for his next contact.  She did see us reconciling, however, which has not yet happened. 

Random Predictions About Stuff I didn't even ask about

SandyEsther - In November 2011, she Told me my ex and I would have to deal with a child support disagreement Spring 2012 that would lead us to court. I didn't believe her at all.  We have not gone to court, but my ridiculous ex who has been unemployed for 2 years and hasn't paid a dime of child support, requested a modification or a complete halt to the order due to what he refers to as "hardship".  When I got the information in the mail in March, I just about died because all I could think of was SE's prediction

Roxie's Gift (has passed away) - Roxie randomly told me I would be getting a promotion.  I thought she was completely wrong because I had just been passed up for one, but she was correct.

Gelsomina (CP) - Correctly predicted a short trip at the end of December.  She said it would involve me going North, but it wouldn't be far and it would be like a day or two.  I went to Disneyland with my best friend, her husband, and C.

I don't recommend all of these readers, as some got many things incorrect as well, but I just wanted to share the entire list.  I hadn't remembered that Maryanne was correct for my outcome, until I just looked back at my CP notes.  I am also saddened by the fact that everytime a reader is correct with me with regards to a love related reading, it's because they made a negative prediction...   


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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2012, 03:07:14 PM »
I have decided that I wont spend another dime until the predictions predicted happen as predicted. If not, no matter how good someone is for others or have been in the past, if they say something and it doesnt happen, I will call them out.

Offline melancholia

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2012, 04:44:55 PM »
I have decided that I wont spend another dime until the predictions predicted happen as predicted. If not, no matter how good someone is for others or have been in the past, if they say something and it doesnt happen, I will call them out.

This is probably for the best, since it does appear that no matter how good one psychic is for someone, there's a good chance they won't connect with someone else at all.  Best to stick with the ones who work for you, really.

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2012, 02:42:28 AM »
Lisa Dianne made a dead on prediction to the exact date of something quite significant happening for me. Other predictions by her are pending and some were off but one biggie was right on. Hope that helps.

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2012, 08:59:52 AM »
Sandy Esther. Despite the recent unhappiness with her here, she is the only person (apart from a local psychic at home who I only get to see once a year when I'm there) who has given me creepy accurate information about a number of things. The most chilling thing she ever told me was that I would hear of someone's death on a certain date. And this was after 3 or 4 calls to her so I knew when she said something it would happen. I freaked out. And then my sister wasn't answering her calls and I hadn't heard from her in a while. She lives in another country. Luckily I reached her and thought thank God this woman was wrong because the date has passed. Hm not so wrong because due to the fact that we all live in 3 or 4 time zones throughout the world, she got the date right and not one but two deaths occurred that I heard of. I hated that she told me that and I guess if I ever speak to her again I'll have to make it clear I don't want to know that kind of information but most of her stuff was correct.

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2012, 07:19:58 PM »
This is a review for Veruska.

I don't know what to think about her - she picked up car issues that had something to do with the tires/brakes. Sure enough, my car's alignment has been way off. A field agent from the insurance company came out to see what the problem was. It turns out the tire end rods are bent 90 degrees, and is extremely dangerous to drive in. My car is now in the mechanic's shop until next Tuesday. Veruska said I would have to pay some money, but it wouldn't be too much. My insurance has a $250 deductible.

So for this matter, Veruska was right on. She was not accurate in terms of contact predictions with my guy, we will have to see if her mid May predictions for relationships come to pass.

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2012, 08:34:02 PM »

I didn't get into a car accident but the mechanics asked me if I did because the amount of impact necessary to make that 90degree shift was equivalent to a bad accident. Turns out it might be because the towing company accidentally hooked cables onto places they're not supposed to. The towing company wanted to take my car to the alignment shop but I am wary of that because what if they do something to damage my car some more so I let the insurance people take a look.

I basically called my insurance (Allstate) and let them know about this situation and a field agent came out and said I'm covered. I guess I'm lucky. What's your situation?

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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2012, 09:25:31 PM »
The agent was right, those things just don't twist on their own. Sounds like your car was undrivable which really stinks. Sounds like you are in the US if it's Allstate? I wonder if they are putting it under your collision policy. My car is too old for that. I do as much of my own work as I can as I just can't afford not to. BTW they are tie rod ends. I need a set myself at the moment but my car is drivable, it's just annoying me by changing alignment on a whim.  :)  I'm just curious as to why you'd call your insurance to check out the front end of your car, not a repair shop. I don't trust insurance adjusters in general WRT mechanical issues (no offense to anyone that may be an adjuster!)


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Re: Looking for Validations
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2012, 09:26:25 PM »
That has been my experience with Verushka. She can see things in motion or things that have already happened...thats her remote viewing capabilities. Anything else, be wary of. Dont trust her with relationships..what he/she is going to it will be guessing.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 09:29:59 PM by loops77 »