Author Topic: The stuff dreams are made of?  (Read 6107 times)

Offline melancholia

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The stuff dreams are made of?
« on: April 18, 2012, 11:07:00 PM »
So I had called a few readers from CP in the middle of last year about a guy I had been interested in at the time who had been flirting with me.  Most were okay and were pretty good at picking up what was happening (though back then I had a tendency to ramble and probably fed them a lot of information), but there were a few who insisted things were going to be hearts and rainbows and unicorns.

I have notes with all three of these psychics where I explicitly asked about the rumor surrounding this guy.  The rumor itself had not been from a reliable source (it came from a known jealous ex), but nonetheless it was troubling because it had seemed like he was interested in me.  Liam did not see any woman around him and acknowledged that while there may have been some truth to the rumor, that was in the distant past, going back at least a few years.  Paige told me the entire story was a fabrication, most likely started by him to make me jealous. (lolwut.) Winter insisted that while there was another girl, she was pursuing him and he wasn't interested so she started the rumor herself, but it wasn't true.

Sure enough, all three were dead wrong.  It has officially been confirmed that the rumor was, in fact, true.

I'm not bothered by this (admittedly partly because I've long suspected they were fairytale readers, Paige and Winter in particular, though Liam is very good at making you feel fantastic so that took much longer to accept).  However, I did want anyone who still reads with these three to be aware that they were confirmed to be completely, utterly off the mark. 

If anyone has managed to get an accurate reading with any of these three, please post your story.  I'd be very curious to hear about it.

Edit: Removed a lot of the personal details.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 03:47:10 PM by Somnus »


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Re: The stuff dreams are made of?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2012, 12:10:40 AM »
I've never read with any of them, but I'm glad that you more or less didn't fall for the fairy tales they spun. I'm so happy to hear that you have moved on. Reality, is most certainly the best teacher. But you know when I use to call California Psychics I was always searching for that Motivational Speaker type reader. The one that made you feel sooooooo good. Now, I know better. Thank You for sharing your story.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: The stuff dreams are made of?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2012, 12:33:28 PM »
Sometimes I would call readers that had reviews were they said they were told the truth, he wasn't coming back etc. And 99% of the time they still spun me the fairytale.

I've read with Winter - twice. The first time I read with her she told me there was a girl in his life and gave me some details. But I couldn't confirm and all facts pointed to it not being true. A few months later I found out it HAD been true. I was so excited that Winter was the only one that picked this up so I called her back. Silly her, she didn't ask if she had read with me before (which I would now take to be a warning, does it matter?? If they are psychic they should know). She fed me the exact same info as she did the first reading almost word for word. Except I knew this time there really was no girl (because his mom had called me to tell me they had broken up and maybe this would be my chance to get back with him again. And when I found out who it was, everything Winter had said in the first reading made perfect sense). So to me, Winter is a really expensive fake.

I'm surprised Liam fed you a fairytale! I had read tons of his blogs and he really seems to go the opposite way. I wanted to call him but was terrified to. Good thing I could never afford him.