Author Topic: the star oracle  (Read 11973 times)

Offline Mina

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Re: the star oracle
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2024, 11:01:10 PM »
This reader was actually my first reading on bitwine. I looked back at my transcript and she was very good with what she picked up. She was able to read POI and what he was going through, she gave advice on how to move forward and gave a lot of self help talk. She did predict how things would start clicking with him and his past history of relationships or lack there of. Luckily she wasn’t rude as I see some of you guys said that was your experience. Anyone else read with her?
Or any updates from those who previously commented? Did things work out or was she right?

Do note …she was rude AFTER my first initial my reading, which I thought was good a read. Prediction wise … it’s hard to say because I came to her feeling vulnerable wanting to vent, looking for pep talk, but she then changed the prediction based on what I said following that 2nd reading. I came to her when I was feeling triggered and in emotional upset I would rate 6 out of 10. Not the worse but also yes not my best. That’s when she flipped got extremely defensive - and it was super weird! I thought I was client but suddenly she was the victim, blame shaming me. In the first reading she claimed SP wanted to be with me he had insecure issues suddenly in the second reading “why can’t I accept the SP doesn’t want to be with me!”… and only 3 weeks had passed between readings. Her prediction also passed the two week marker she gave me. She claimed within two weeks, I was following up that 3rd week.

You want to play the “maybe she is right? I can take tough love” with roses colored glasses, Go right ahead. It’s your money and life. I Don’t say we didn’t warn you! The minute you question her ability she will flip it and make it a victim story about herself. She is truly a piece of work. And she is still the only person I pursued a full refund from PayPal. Considering all the crappy advisors on bitwine I read and had to swallow pride on “it’s just a crappy read” -she is truly gaslighting C-ptsd big fat C you next Tuesday!

Offline Mayra92

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Re: the star oracle
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2024, 02:43:01 AM »
Agreed with Mina, I wrote the best review about her here on the forum in the past. REad with her many many times. Then when my POI became distant, I asked her what was going on
and she started being extremely defensive and said that I was pushing him away with my bad energy etc.... I told her that she said the opposite a week ago and that she was wrong, she got offline and ignored me. She made me fill like shit so badly, I needed some weeks to recover. She will always blame women and never blame men.
Dont know what happened in her past but she is full of anger. Did she see some things ? at the beginning yes, she had visions. But she also said lots of crap, and after a year I can say that my POI just stopped talking to me since July or so, when she said we would get together for a real serious thing, even saw him moving to my country etc...
She has made me feel like I was harassing him and I was the problem, when clearly, the guy was the issue. and because of her, I changed behavior and that s why things went wrong with my POI. He told me he wanted a relationship and see me and she made me beleive I was a burden. I have spent soooooo much money on her,
and when I wrote a private message to ask her about our reading, she simply ignored me; She just have no respect for us. After a year, going offline because I told her she was wrong ? Come on.....I regret so badly that I listened to her and went through some really hard time. When I talked to him, he asked me why I was not
intereted into meeting him (she told me he did not want to meet) I felt like an idiot. Trust your gut. She will be the nicest person until things go wrong and make you feel like you re the problem.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2024, 02:44:38 AM by Mayra92 »

Offline paperlantern2

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Re: the star oracle
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2024, 01:48:44 AM »
I just wanted you to know Mayra that this is my experience with The Star Oracle as well. I dont go to her anymore.

