Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Card Reading & Divination

Playing cards for readings anyone...


The other day I asked the universe for guidance and got...

3 of clubs - 6 of hearts - A of hearts

Can someone tell me what the message is?  I don't like reading for myself for the sake of being bias.

Well from what I know 3clubs is delay, So I would say There is a delay in matters of the heart/home
anything close to you.. But that is ok and Good , Regarding Ace of hearts means There is Happiness coming!

It seems like the universe is trying to communicate a blend of energies and messages. The 3 of clubs suggests a focus on growth, collaboration, and communication. It indicates that working with others and exchanging ideas will be beneficial. The 6 of hearts points to harmony, love, and balance in your relationships. It signifies a time of healing and emotional fulfillment. The Ace of hearts represents new beginnings, especially in matters of the heart. It symbolizes the start of a new emotional journey or the deepening of an existing relationship.

Overall, the message seems to be about embracing collaboration and communication to achieve growth, finding harmony and balance in your relationships, and being open to new emotional beginnings.


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