Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent
Some Advice on Leanne
Sorry to hear this! I don't care for their opinions. Just give me a reading, thank you. One reader called a guy I was talking to "gross" - I won't be chatting with her anymore. I think they get like that when they talk to you a little more often and start to feel like your friend, it's still not their place though.
I wouldn’t take to much notice of Leanne had 2 readings with her ages ago, she didn’t suit me to be honest.
I felt if you were having a reading and asked about a man it would be negative and she would go off on a rant.
I feel she is anti men 😂 she may of had a few rubbish relationships herself just my thoughts.....
It is not necessarily true that a reader is a fraud for interjecting their own opinions, experiences, or bias. ALL readers do this even Yona. I know more about Yona's son than I care to admit and that begs a question as to why she even felt the need to talk about him, I'll never know.
I hate when readers do this especially when they talk about themselves, because the entire reading should be about me and why I called. Readers for some reason always act as if they know best although they fail to see they are only looking into a snapshot of your life. They aren't walking in your shoes nor are they involved in your story but they act like it.
Why is it so hard for them to just provide the information that was requested without infusing their own narrative into something they really don't know a great deal about? Just tell me what you see and steer them back when they flail.
It's annoying as F! but it is what it is and the risk we take as paying customers. You are absolutely right about Leanne and her rants and men hate. Many people have talked about that here. Many.
Leanne is aweful, her last reading I had with her was a 45 minute sales pitch for her books. She is cruel, vindictive and sensitive (like she hates anyone who says "Love life" well, Leanne, most people want to know about their love lives) not exact wording but you get it. She's been accurate on the predictions but never actually predicts the full 10. She is always droning on about herself. I gave up on trying. She's not worth it.
Live and love:
Is Leanne on Keen?
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