That's very true SunandMoon and a very good point. I've noticed the same thing about the price changes for different listings.
We don't know how keen works really and how readers are encouraged to place their prices or how much of their money that they earned per chat keen takes from them. I for one would be super frustrated if i spent an hour on the phone with someone, helping them with every single question ..charged 2 dollars per minute and only saw ...say...30 % of that... not to mention the advertising fees to have your name on the page etc. and the pressure of good feedback. I really don't know how keen pays their readers and what the cut is so it's not my business to judge what they charge.
I also wonder if readers up their prices during weeks when they don't really need to do readings or are extremely busy (for example (they have another job that is keeping them particularly busy, they are under a lot of stress, sick family members, or children home from school) so they up the rates big time during those periods of major activity and figure "I'm so busy right now that if someone wants to call me for 20 dollars an hour...then I'll take the call! Otherwise, I'll wait til things calm down." Let's not forget that keen readers are indeed working and they do deserve to be paid for their time. It's all a matter of how busy your life is and how much your time is worth I suppose. Would YOU spend 1 hour on the phone with a complete stranger talking about very personal details and trying to predict their future for free? Of course they are in it for the money. It's a business just like anything else. It's a caring business but still a business. A therapist charges a hundred dollars plus for an why should a psychic reader NOT charge as they are essentially offering the same service except they are tapping into their intuition.
BTW. this is not meant to be an argumentative post. I just want to consider the other side to why readers might charge higher fees than others and point out that they are indeed in it for the money. i don't know many readers who would do something like that for free unless it was for a best friend or something. In fact, I have a very good friend who is psychic and I always insist on paying her when she gives me readings and even then I don't want to ask her to do it much because i can see how drained she is afterwards.
Anyway, just something to consider. Have a good day you all! xoxo