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Keen Readings

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--- Quote ---I am really trying my hardest not be negative, and please forgive me if it comes off that way. You've spoken to a few readers who have been completely wrong for me in the past, and, quite frankly I think they are dangerous readers because they feed you stories. Many readers will give you a 3 month period because that's the length of time keen provides for feedback. This way you're unable to leave negative feedback when nothing happens in 3 months... That is, unless you keep calling them in 3 months anyways (which is what they want), and their stories will change and you'll hear all about "delays". Quite frankly, and sadly, just like amaranth, many of my timeframes have come and gone with no contact from the man in my life. Something is happening as Cookie said, but it's minor and for some reason it has pissed me off anyways because I'm really starting to wonder why my guy hasn't taken any opportunity to step forward.
--- End quote ---

Synergy, your post needs to be stickied on this forum.

What's happens a lot (and I'm not saying this is behappy's case) is people subconsciously gravitate towards readers who will tell them what they want to hear. After you've been on keen for awhile, you either realize this is happening or you write off all psychics as fake. Many times, in my experience, you may stumble upon 1 reader who gives you a negative reading, whom you immediately write off, but in the long run they turn out to be correct.

I agree, when I first started on keen, alot of the readers mentioned gave me the fairy tale story, however after 8 months on keen and $$ down the drain, I realized they were all fakes. Take warning, read this board and you find people that have gone through all the stuff you have and finally found 1 or 2 people on keen that are real.
I first thought all readers were ethical then I realized that 99.9% of them are fake. I wish I could turn back the sands of time and I would never have joined keen however I cant but I can warn all new followers of keen, looking for news that take heed, least you fall into despire.

Thanks for your advice @synergy and @guesswho.   

Thanks @Stelka - I've never read with Dawn at CP.


--- Quote from: skyline on April 12, 2012, 01:54:33 PM ---
What's happens a lot (and I'm not saying this is behappy's case) is people subconsciously gravitate towards readers who will tell them what they want to hear. After you've been on keen for awhile, you either realize this is happening or you write off all psychics as fake. Many times, in my experience, you may stumble upon 1 reader who gives you a negative reading, whom you immediately write off, but in the long run they turn out to be correct.

--- End quote ---

That's so true and it's human nature. I know I called the readers who made me feel good more. Then I had one that was OK but told me he was with someone else. I didn't believe it but found out months later he really had been! (I found out after they broke up - he basically did the same thing to her that he did to me - stopped talking to her) So I got all excited that this ONE reader picked up on that in the right time, and called her back thinking she was the one!!! Silly her, she forgot to ask me if she had read for me before, I didn't mention it, and she pretty much repeated word for word what she had told me months earlier! Except this time I really did know that he wasn't seeing anyone and she was telling me he was, in the same words that she had used before. Major bubble burst and money wasted.

Hi All
I used to get all excited about those positive fairy tale readings , but no more.  I learned the hard way with a lot of disappointment and $ spent that so many of them on Keen are either really not psychic at all or afraid to tell you the truth.  I think they so afraid of getting bad feedback that they tell you something to make you happy.  I know this sounds weird , but I will only call back psychics who see something negative.  It doesn't have to all be negative, but at least some of it.  But, I do say to them at the beginning in a serious manner,  that I am totally okay to hear the truth , good and bad. You would be shocked to hear how many of them say "really??".  LOL.
So does anyone here have a psychic that they can recommend that is not afraid to say negative news? I don't care about timing at all. I have yet to find a psychic whose timing is always right, so I don't count on that any more.  I just want to speak to someone who is not afraid to say what they see


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