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Keen Readings
I am really trying my hardest not be negative, and please forgive me if it comes off that way. You've spoken to a few readers who have been completely wrong for me in the past, and, quite frankly I think they are dangerous readers because they feed you stories. Many readers will give you a 3 month period because that's the length of time keen provides for feedback. This way you're unable to leave negative feedback when nothing happens in 3 months... That is, unless you keep calling them in 3 months anyways (which is what they want), and their stories will change and you'll hear all about "delays". Quite frankly, and sadly, just like amaranth, many of my timeframes have come and gone with no contact from the man in my life. Something is happening as Cookie said, but it's minor and for some reason it has pissed me off anyways because I'm really starting to wonder why my guy hasn't taken any opportunity to step forward.
Sorry for my rant. Just e careful with these readers. I doubt readers who give 3 month timefRames. Good luck to you and to everyone. I apologize in advance if I'm a bit negative the next few days :(
@behappy If I were you I would just sit back for now and let things unfold. It is true, in general, that guys respond better when you don't contact them at all. It makes them feel like they have to work.
Also, the readings are going to start sounding the same and then you're going to call a reader that says something totally different and throws you into a tailspin.
With timing, guys aren't as focused on time like us. They can be busy working, hanging with the boys, games, whatever for a while before they even think about a woman. Also, they're very one-track, so they can only focus on one or two things at a time, where we women can think about a million things at a time and multi-task. I would just fall back for a while and let him come to you. It feels better when it happens that way anyway.
Hi Behappy,
I'm quite new to this site and haven't been posting much, maybe just because I had never read with any of the Keen psychics. I rely on CP mostly. Funny thing is that our stories seem so similar and the readings you got seem quite the same I got from CP. I also got positive outcome (well most of them was positive, except couple). Dawn from CP gave me a negative reading. I'm just wondering if you were to call her, what would she say to you? LOL
@Synergy, I really agree with you on the 3 month thing. That was one of the reasons I shunned astrology readings, as I saw a pattern there. But even thinking back to what I wrote about VJ this morning, she said 3 months multiple times to me, about him, us and his family.
The one thing I will be very curious to see is this: I had a favorite tarot reader. She admitted she was not good with time frames but she did have a track record for 2 years. ie if she said December, it may not be the December coming up next but it could be the Dec in 2 years. Well, I started to read with her in 2010 (have to check the month). She did predict a new man in my life which was true (but again, honestly how many readers will say that?). But she did also predict my old guy coming back and as I've said, it gets further and further away from what I see. At least now I know I'll exercise my own free will and turn him down as my new man is wonderful. :)
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