Author Topic: The Story So Far  (Read 3799 times)

Offline serenejoy

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The Story So Far
« on: June 24, 2021, 03:50:39 AM »
Hi everyone!

I haven't been on the forum for awhile, but I have been meaning to provide some updates with my story so far and the experiences I've had with some psychics. I started my readings last year, say May. At this point in time I have probably talked to every single reader on Purple Ocean, Purple Garden, Bitwine and Keen, oh and also a handful of storefront psychics. There is no chance I will write about every single one but I will do my best.

Queen of Cups18
I have read with her many times, if I had to guess I would say some 20 times since June of last year. I've had luck with her but she's also tricky for a few reasons (I will explain). She correctly knew in one call that my POI was consumed/busy with a birthday coming up. She had never said that to me before and she happen to say this 2 days before my POI's daughters birthday. There was another incident where my POI had stopped talking and when I asked Anne when I would hear from him again she gave me a 7. Well, he contacted me exactly 7 days after that. In another call she knew someone had been blocked on social media without any info from me and she also knew of a breakup on her own. No doubt she is a gifted reader, but the downside to QOC is that the quality of the phonecalls can sometimes be subpar, she might be short with you or even have long pauses between the question and answer. There was also one call where she completely flipped her prediction on me, however I know that she is mainly good for feelings/emotions instead of predictions so I tried not to let it get to me. I will read with her again.

Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
I tried reading with Cookie for months. She would accept reading appointments and never show up for them so it was a bit frustrating. I heard so many great things about her so I was beyond excited to speak with her. I gave up on the appointments and just added myself to the wait-list. I don't remember exactly how long I waited for the phone call now but it was well beyond 2 months for sure. She didn't wow me with any vivid descriptions of me or anyone around me if she was using her remote viewing skills. There was a very specific detail from my past that she knew about in detail which absolutely impressed me. After reviewing the notes I took from her reading I realized that she gave me 2 solid predictions in a 32 min call. Her reading was a bit all over the place imo. I kept extending at first thinking that she just needed to stay connected a little longer, but that wow factor never came. Very nice lady but me personally I will not be reading with her again.

Advisor Neal
My first reading with him and he absolutely amazed me. I asked him a very vague and general question about my POI and he knew very specific details. He has correctly predicted a contact date for me and a breakup as well. I have also read with him on a work situation and he correctly picked up on issues a colleague has with no information. I know he is mostly known as an empath, but luckily for me he has also been good on predictions as well. I will read with him again.

Psychic Reader Diva (PD)
I've read with PD twice and she definitely works for me. The reading that most impressed me was the most recent one I had, it was back in January. I asked her for a general outlook on love/career. She provided me with a specific event that she saw happening, my POI sharing the news with me and it being over dinner. PD also gave me a timeframe of this happening in "the last few days of April". Well, the event PD saw did happen!! My poi did tell me over LUNCH and it happened the first week of May (not too far off). On her own PD also correctly picked up on a situation that was unfolding at work that involved two other people aside from me. PD knew how they looked (height, race, eye color, hair color), their ages, and even the name of one of the people involved. HOWEVER, as incredible as that truly is, she did have the energies mixed up. The people she described were accurate but what personality is who's - she was 100% wrong on that. PD is amazingly generous and very gifted.I will definitely read with her again.

Leanne Halyburton
This is a big no from me. I made the mistake of providing her with the name of my POI and so of course my reading was filled with judgements and accusations of how if I'm asking it must be because he is no good. She spent most of my reading talking poorly of her clients and just being negative about everything. WHO HURT HER?  ::) She gave me 10 predictions back in February, none have happened so far. The predictions don't seem far fetched so I can see them happening, I'll update on her more if they start coming true. She will never get my money again.

She delivered my 9 event reading back in November and I was really impressed. There was a prediction about a change of work titles and being offered a new role in my company that would happen Dec 15. So amazingly enough, on that exact date my company emailed everyone letting them know about some new roles they had created and were interested in seeing who would be interested in applying for a transfer. I actually was interested so I applied, however I ended up not getting it. In my love predictions she gave me the same prediction PD did and gave me a date range of April 17-19. She was a little off by a few weeks but impressed that she accurately predicted it. The downside to her is that she is a bit too money oriented for my taste. I went through a really emotional day and reached out to her and Kisha freaking out asking for a quick reading or "urgent reading". It was a long email venting and LeeLoo responded with a link to her website to purchase a reading. I did immediately. She called me the next day and the moment we started she began to lecture me on how I shouldn't be reaching out to her before the prediction dates she has given me for this particular situation. She then said what else did I want to know? I was upset because she knew EXACTLY why I wanted to purchase that expensive reading as I vented in my email to her. It was only after I purchased the reading and we were on the call that she took the time to tell me she doesn't read on the same question/issue before the time happens. Another thing I do not like about her is she doesn't care to be accurate and thorough when the readings are the cheapest ones. When I read with her in the 9 events (the expensive reading) she carefully and accurately understood a situation and gave me predictions. In one of her $5 readings she pulled the EXACT SAME cards but read the situation opposite of her 9 events. This is because she spent 2-3 sentences explaining that card instead of using any of her psychic abilities. I don't think I will read with her again, the way she handled the urgent email really put me off.

Kisha by far is my go-to reader because of how accurate she has been for me. My first reading with her was July 2020. My question to her was 'What is coming up for X and me?" I was blown away. Kisha knew dates, details of private conversations I've had, she knew other people involved and the details of my POI's situation. Her numbers have always coincided with the same dates in future readings. When she did her spirit guide messages I had a prediction come true. She told me in Dec that I would be offered the opportunity to move into a different home very soon. I live alone and have a good job so I wasn't in any need of moving or being offered to move. Well, 3 weeks later and out of the blue my sister asked me to move in with her due to a few things that had recently changed. I was amazed Kisha saw that. She has also given me a very deep explanation of how my POI feels and WHY he is having such a challenging time. My POI literally repeated verbatim to me the exact things Kisha had said months earlier. Back in January Kisha also predicted the month of April would be a major shift in energy in regards to my situation with the POI. It was essentially the same event that Leeloo and PD had also told me about, except Kisha focused more on HOW I would be feeling versus the actual event. She also made a prediction that I would start to spend nights with my POI soon, something that hasn't EVER happened. Sure enough, 2 weeks later and we spent the night together. I would also like to say that when I had my breakdown in February (the one where I vented to Leeloo and Kisha) Kisha showed me how beautiful she truly is. She took the time to email me back and forth for HOURS helping me feel better and even offering some psychic insight. All of this she did for free and told me she will never offer emergency readings because not only are people vulnerable when they're searching for an "emergency reading" but also that nobody actually needs one. Kisha is a phenomenal reader but an even better human being.

Terry Mitchell
This was definitely an experience more than anything. I have confidence he is legitimate, but he definitely reads the past for me. The first time I read with him he told me that I would be going back to a bridge to say my goodbyes to a man. Well, ONE DAY EARLIER I had been to a local park that has a pretty bridge! I had even gotten a picture on my phone. And yes, I had been there to say my goodbyes to a man LOL. That was literally the ONLY prediction that has happened and 90% of my other predictions were some very intense things that sound crazy to me. But who knows?? They could always end up happening?

Cleopatra Divine
Unhinged. This person is unethical, a scammer who preys on the vulnerable. He prices are also a rip-off.

It's getting late and I'm becoming increasingly sleepier. I'll update more as things happen but for now--- Everything is going as predicted by my trusted readers  :)

Offline SadClownCake

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Re: The Story So Far
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2021, 05:17:55 PM »
This is a helpful post, thank you.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: The Story So Far
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2021, 04:21:51 AM »
Another thing I do not like about her is she doesn't care to be accurate and thorough when the readings are the cheapest ones. When I read with her in the 9 events (the expensive reading) she carefully and accurately understood a situation and gave me predictions. In one of her $5 readings she pulled the EXACT SAME cards but read the situation opposite of her 9 events. This is because she spent 2-3 sentences explaining that card instead of using any of her psychic abilities. I don't think I will read with her again, the way she handled the urgent email really put me off.

This hit home for me because I've had two readings with her and it is exactly as you describe. A general description of the cards so nothing made me think she was psychic. I paid for two cheap reads with her, once in 2016 and tried her again in 2017 and both of the readings were just subpar. I mean it didn't even seem as if she were trying to help with each reading with around 3 sentences each. I read with her under her Luna Madalina heading and not under her Leeloo name so I wasn't aware it was the same person. She also ended each reading with Good Luck, keep her posted. Nope that's it for me.

