Author Topic: Update thread on (mainly) Keen readers  (Read 7601 times)

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Update thread on (mainly) Keen readers
« on: May 11, 2021, 06:31:59 PM »
So, I created this post about three months ago and believe that it's finally time for an update. Inspired by a fellow forum user, I will be using green, yellow and red colours to highlight who was spot on, half right and wrong for me ...

Not sure if anyone will actually read this, but thought I would just leave my most recent predictions here and see if anyone actually ends up being right. Plus, I am also going to summarise who's been wrong and right so far.

I have read cards since I was 13 years old (for friends and fam would never consider doing it professionally but the cards aren't wrong - if you know how to read them... and it can be difficult to read timeframes in cards, so I prefer asking psychics for timeframes...)...

Just a quick note and a background about my current situation: I have been struggling to find a full time job for a while now. I am looking at specific roles, so not too keen to just take anything, and it's been quite difficult. I have recently applied for a role I really want and believe I would be good at but it is an extremely competitive role and not easy to get into that firm.  Also, I have recently had an argument with my POI whom I haven't talked to in exactly 5.5 days.

Empathic Emma- - sple -

She does not seem to work for many people on here and I have definitely seen her throwing in some generic crap, which I hate. She also gets a little weird when you ask questions about her - like why is she on chat only and whether she uses Tarot etc - which I don't think are super intrusive questions or anything but oh well ...
To be absolutely honest, there is something about her I don't like very much. Could be the fact that she is using someone else's photo and I am not normally a fan of such readers. BUT she has been good with me on timeframes with my POI. Like, she'd say: You will get a contact very soon, within a day - and it would happen. She would tell me - no, he is not going to be with you on your bday because he is going to be busy with work - and he ended up being super busy at work and was going on holiday the next day so we ended up not seeing each other. After our argument, she told me he would be back in 3-4 days but he wouldn't take any responsibility and would act like welcoming me back to his life was enough - this is explained very plainly but it is precisely what happened and contact did come in 3/4 days (can't remember now exactly but the timeframe was correct). Her first reading was also spot on for me, because she described the dynamic of the relationship really well.
Moreover, he also blocked me after the argument and I genuinely thought that was the end of it , because he even said so!, and she said he would unblock me and call me ... I did indeed get a phonemail from him 2 days later at 3;30 am!! We have been doing much better ever since, although we are not 'official' ...
However, she would also tell me that we would be in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship in July/August and I am not really sure if this is going to happen. in fact, I highly doubt it. She also contradicted herself when I asked whether I was going to meet someone new in one reading (she said I would meet a tall guy around my age in September and that I would be with him) and then a few readings later she basically told me to give my current guy a chance and that things will get better and we would be in a relationship ... so not sure what this was about, but I am not trying to overthink it too much....
 She also said I would get a job which I didn't get, although it is possible that I will get an offer in December. I did get another job she also told me I would get and that it would be temporary, which it is but it is a great opportunity for me nonetheless. She was also correct about a friend of mine who offered me another job opportunity.... she confirmed things that I already knew but it made me realise that working with this friend wouldn't be such a good idea after all.... and I am glad I didn't go ahead with it. Just because of the general stuff she tends to throw in and the incorrect (some) job  and long term relationship predictions, I am placing her in orange. But she is the only one I talk to at the moment.
UPDATE - she was WRONG on more longer term predictions - both relationship and career wise - but she was good with me on present and immediate future.

Cheyenne Skye
Said me and POI would communicate within four days (this was 5 days ago but I will still give it another day as timeframes are difficult...). Said it's not over between me and POI and that he is just really upset. Told me NOT to send him a message because it would only upset me as he wouldn't respond to it. I didn't listen, send him a message and guess what - no answer as of today. She also felt positive about the job and said that summer will bring me money. Overall, I found her confident and direct. Will update.  UPDATE: Honestly, she has been OK. Not 100% accurate, but one of the better ones. Timeframes were mainly good, which is impressive. Read my POI's current emotions well, also knew what his next steps would be ... one thing though - she said he loved me but I honestly doubt that and don't appreciate readers throwing these words around like that ... also, not accurate on job predictions, BUT summer has definitely brought me some extra cash, she was correct on that too! The attitude is kinda an issue, but I feel like I would still call her again.

Mystical Moonlight -
[/b] She was very nice, although felt like she was more of a psychologist than a psychic. I will consider reading with her again if predictions come to pass as the advice she provided on my POI felt personal and like she was connecting. Said POI doesn't want to lose me and that I need to approach him as a child as he is stubborn and won't accept responsibility for what he did. Said he would reply to my message and that I would see him in 2 (weeks or months). I am so NOT waiting for two months to see him though. She said this five days ago.  - UPDATE : Contact predictions were not very accurate. She did mention I would interview with a woman and a man in June which never actually happened .... I interviewed with two women two months later and got offered the job, nothing like she predicted ... the things she said about my poi would apply to most men ... so yeah, these were accurate, but then again - every woman would find her man in these words... when she said that he wouldn't want to lose me .. that was correct but could've been just a guess .. who knows ... mainly felt like a friendly advice rather than a reading ...  just had a quick look at the chat transcript and nothing has actually really come to pass....

Queen of Cups 18 She correctly picked up on a 'pause' me and my POI had last year when we didn't talk for a while - not because we had an argument but because it was just the beginning and he wasn't really that much into me back then. She said that we would have another 'pause' before things would be good (she said this a few days before our argument, so I dare to say that she was spot on with this one). Called her after the argument and She said he would reach out in 1 (said hour or day but this has now passed). Also said I'd see him in 2 (her fav number apparently) weeks or months. Said it was not the end and that he has feelings but is upset. YES to the job.  UPDATE: I personally don't think she is worth the price, but she was not bad either. As many have mentioned on here, she does seem to be good at current energies and emotions, although I am not sure whether that is worth the price, when things can be completely different the next day and she is rubbish at predictions. I didn't get the job she said I would and the contact and meeting predictions were completely off. Seems good with present feelings tho, so there is some gift there for sure.

Adelaide 444- She got quite a lot of things right about him. She said she saw him reaching out on the 11th (new moon) and asked me to contact her after this day (which is today). Again, losing my hope here but would be great if he in fact did reach out today. She also felt good about the job I applied for. UPDATE: NO to the job but when she was predicting the contact, she got the day right, he did reach out on the 11th. She was super nice to me, but incorrect about the job .... and correct about the relationship. Would call again, although she is one of the 'weaker' ones imo. She also keeps notes - red flag. 

More readers I have read with and my thoughts (for anyone who cares to know:):

Spiritminded: I felt like she was guessing? Answers way too fast and looking back, everything was nonsense. .... First said that my poi said one thing and did another and that it wouldn't work out because he is not serious and then changed that to YES, it's going to work out and he is worth it? Also said I would be happy in my new place but I moved out after just three weeks as it was just horrible.

Jo Wilcox - honestly, felt like she was just saying what I wanted to hear? Said YES to a job I didn't get. Didn't bother with many notes tbh. Looking back, I can say that she was dead wrong... won't be calling her again.

Triple Moon Goddess - already left a comment on here somewhere and she is just full of herself and very unfriendly, negative and judgmental. Was meant to meet my future husband last October (2020). I had been seeing my current poi back then and she said it wouldn't work out blah blah blah (one year on, we are still seeing each other).
HOWEVER, she was not completely wrong... to be absolutely honest, somehow majority of her NEGATIVE predictions have come to pass for me. Mainly job related. I struggled a lot throughout the pandemic and she said 'no' to the majority of jobs I was applying for. She was correct.
Also, she predicted something positive for my mum which did come to pass. Maybe she will read better for your friends and fam if you'll be the one asking? :D

Cinnamon Moon - Uggh. NO! She is incredibly rude and dead wrong. Also, lots of info on her on this forums and other forums too, she seems to be a very nasty person. Didn't like her energy when reading with her and then I read what others said about her and ... just wow... Also, what she told me was a  complete fairytale.

Rosedreams she predicted AGES ago that I would not get a full time job until June. She was also correct about my POI. So I would defo try her again. Will see if the job really happens in June and if it does, I will update on here. Overall, I do like her. UPDATE- Looking back, I feel like she was a little bit generic about my POI sometimes, but she was not incorrect. He job predictions haven't come to pass, but it is partially my fault. I have been trying to choose the right job and now finally things have been better, but June was still a bit of a struggle and the dream job I really wanted didn't happen... Might call her again in the future, she is nice and caring.

InfiniteStar - Why isn't there a vomiting emoji? She is pure trash. She really had me at first with her sweet voice, while giving me a totally NEGATIVE reading about how my POI is a liar and how I would meet someone else. (I haven't met anyone else.... ) She was nice to me though so when she ASKED for a review, I gave it (feeling super guilty about it, but rest assured I will soon be changing my name on the account to InfiniteRoseIsTrash lol). During our third call, she was SO RUDE and SO NEGATIVE and hung up on me after I had asked about this job....  totally unprofessional and uncalled for. Made sure it was below the 4 min mark lol. Lady clearly has some issues with attitude, as is evident from some of the posts on here, she clearly does this A LOT. UPDATE: Her predictions were not accurate, but one ... she did say that me and POI would struggle to find time for each other, which is true, he is very busy with his stupid job, and she also said I would be in a temporary accommodation which I was ... looking after someone's house and two dogs ... so she is not completely wrong, but she is very negative and a very, very rude person ... (at first she seems sweet and nice and then she attacks OUT OF NOWHERE... ). I think she may have some mental health issues and she shouldn't be reading for others until she's dealt with that....

If you've read all the way here, thanks for looking.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2024, 09:48:11 PM by TulipsAndSunflowers »

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Update thread on (mainly) Keen readers
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2021, 06:57:48 PM »
Don’t hold too much hope on contact predictions. They rarely come through.

Thanks, hun.
Appears to be the case.
But does it mean that this could also mean that my relationship with this dude is over?
Or like - contact will happen but NOT within the timeframe ‘predicted’?
Starting to worry that this could really be over as we haven’t spoken in five days ugh. Sad life.

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Update thread on (mainly) Keen readers
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2021, 10:54:42 PM »
UPDATE.... message came through 19 minutes to midnight!  :o :P
I will be updating on the readers I have read with but applauding Empathic Emma because she even predicted WHAT he would say. I am very pleased (;
« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 11:05:16 PM by TulipsAndSunflowers »

Offline curiouspsychicreadings

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Re: Update thread on (mainly) Keen readers
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2021, 01:08:05 AM »
so happy for you! can't wait for the update!

UPDATE.... message came through 19 minutes to midnight!  :o :P
I will be updating on the readers I have read with but applauding Empathic Emma because she even predicted WHAT he would say. I am very pleased (;

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Update thread on (mainly) Keen readers
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2021, 10:10:04 AM »
Just updated my post, as it has been about three months now since I got those readings... in my opinion, no one deserves to be in GREEN, but a few readers got quite a few things right.

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Re: Update thread on (mainly) Keen readers
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2021, 07:59:10 PM »
“She also contradicted herself when I asked whether I was going to meet someone new in one reading (she said I would meet a tall guy around my age in September and that I would be with him) and then a few readings later she basically told me to give my current guy a chance and that things will get better and we would be in a relationship ... so not sure what this was about, but I am not trying to overthink it too much”

This is very common with readers, in my experience.

If you ask about your POI, they will see reunion. But if you ask about someone new, they will change the reading and see someone new.

Offline TulipsAndSunflowers

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Re: Update thread on (mainly) Keen readers
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2021, 08:59:15 PM »
Yes, they often just suddenly change the outcome, don't they .... I somewhat understand, as it can be difficult to read for someone when their energy is all over the place ... but with straightforward questions, this should not be the case... :/ it just confuses the customer/client even more!