I had a reading with her, power and authority... 2 of cups showing love, loving and caring, he watches carefully and she sees a celebration, 6 of cups soulmate lover returning from the past... empress and justice, leave the past in the past then star card... soulmate lover is going to return, empress usually mother of the child, a mother figure... children? (neither of us have...) pregnant? I am not as of right now, leave the past in the past don't bring it up... faith and hope I am tired of the FWB... doesn't include me, I want more, he does care but is not caring enough to make it committed, I am tired and I know I am more than being used, I am better than that. Take a step back and focus on me. I need to set up boundaries and I will see changes. I need to be strong he has been getting away with too much. king of cups security and blockages I need to break down, gold digger around him, someone around him asking him for money? con-artist... I am trying to be brave around him, he is having financial problems - he wants control and power and wants to hold on to me... queen of swords pain and sadness (me) ending or loss of something/ reckless behavior... he needs to get his act together. if he loses me it will hurt him. he is putting distance between us, he is thinking it is like the relationship when we first started, no commitment... will he step up? yes he will, it will take build up of trust and confidence- yes- he will be dependable ... I step back and he comes closer - 10 of cups - lasting love.