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bitwine: Erick D

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--- Quote from: Ivy on April 13, 2024, 10:18:20 PM ---Any update on him?

--- End quote ---

I feel like he gave me an overly positive reading … and things I couldn’t confirm, but they really seemed generic.

His constant picture changes make it feel like he is not to be trusted. I did enjoy it though when he was nun, so to me at least he has a sense of humor… but for the wrong reasons

I’m sorry guys but my sense is he can predatory upon ppl like us
His predictions didn’t exactly pass

Hi, I did three readings with him in a year or so.

He was mostly positive and optimistic let's say, without sugar coating.

His predictions came true for me about a contact prediction and overall about things happening in my poi's life.

He is not really really precise but was right about energies. When I wanted to contact my POI, he told me to wait as he thought the timing was not good and he was right, as my poi confirmed he was sruggling with few things and not in the mood during that period. He is not too expensive, so i do a reading with him once in a while, but I prefer other readers who are more "specific" or detailed :)

Who do you read with now or can recommend?

I read with Gigis tarot on YouTube. She does one free question and you can donate for questions. I asked her if I was getting the job I had interviewed for and she said yes. I got the job today.! I asked about my ex she gave me a future time! She's awesome!!

Hi, I still read with Uncleded every month or so, he was always accurate for me since months


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