Author Topic: My Tally of readers  (Read 36975 times)

Offline Synergy

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2012, 08:41:42 PM »

I have shared A LOT here.  Too much.  Stupid me.  You can look at my posts and even see the name of the man I call about.  I shared the name originally because it seemed like the universe was sending me a message. 

It's not ok.  I spent A LOT of money on her.  Think about how much of our personal, intimate lives we share with these readers!  I can't believe I have made myself vulnerable to someone who sends me a message making accusations, doesn't give me the opportunity to respond, and also has the audacity to mention that I would "take crap from a man".  I shared a lot with her, and to bring that up is revolting. 

She accused me of ridiculing her and defiling her.  I feel good right now because I know I didn't do that.   

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2012, 08:42:35 PM »
This is so bad. Psychics are supposed to help us an also they are supposed to be spiritual. Obviously if they are acting weird then people will INDEED talk about them. where are the ETHICS???

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2012, 08:45:02 PM »

You dont need to feel bad. Its her lose and not yours. You are an old member of this forum and people DO follow your advice. I went to Kisha because of you and now she is my favourite. SE is defaming herself


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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2012, 08:51:33 PM »

I have shared A LOT here.  Too much.  Stupid me.  You can look at my posts and even see the name of the man I call about.  I shared the name originally because it seemed like the universe was sending me a message. 

It's not ok.  I spent A LOT of money on her.  Think about how much of our personal, intimate lives we share with these readers!  I can't believe I have made myself vulnerable to someone who sends me a message making accusations, doesn't give me the opportunity to respond, and also has the audacity to mention that I would "take crap from a man".  I shared a lot with her, and to bring that up is revolting. 


Woah , that would have hurt me as well. For a reader I called numerous times and spend my money on to then accuse me without me even defending myself. This is really disheartning because it appears now we need to be mindful of how to post certain things. I signed up due to everyone being so helpful and just sharing there experiences and now this. I am sorry this happend to you synergy.

Offline cheetah

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2012, 08:54:13 PM »
that is not cool im sorry that happened to you


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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #35 on: April 05, 2012, 09:03:43 PM »
Well, she showed her true colors with her behavior. I'm not going to read with her anymore just for that. If she would loo through your posts, she would see that you have not said anything bad about her.

Sorry Esther, but those FB posts are crazy...and if you are giving clients religious readings about "fallen angels" and about people being apart of Satans are nuts.

Offline Synergy

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2012, 09:10:17 PM »
Thank you, everyone.  I really felt blindsided by her message.  I am in shock right now.  That's the only way I can describe it.  But thank you all for your support and understanding.  This is just too weird. 

Offline dreamcometrue

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2012, 09:10:59 PM »
Synergy, I am so sorry this happened to you and what SE did to you.  I also remember reading your posting about really good things about SE and that is the only reason I called SE.  I am very upset about these whole things too because now we have to be very careful about what we can share and talk about in this forum.  The full disclosure and honesty are the big draws for our forum and now we are forced to suspect others and not being able to trust is very upsetting and sad.  Maybe we should think about a certain measure such as we can develop a certain way to select to whom we can give a permission to read our positing, members, trial members or non-members etc although I hate to even think about this idea.  It sounds very strange, but actually today I thought about this possibility that readers and friends of them can read our postings and use them during our readings . .  It is not inconceivable because I noticed that when we praise certain readers here in this forum, all of sudden those reaader's quews become longer.  This means that our postings now have a lot of impacts on others including readers.  So now I feel like we are getting more attention and readers must have heard and may be checking our postings . . .
Sybergy, i personally love to read your postings.  It would be really sad and almost devastating if you have to be be refrained from telling your story and experience to us, even slightly.  I believe that becauses your positing is so honest and genuine, that is why attracting a lot of people and you have a lot of followers too.  Sorry i am too upset to write it more but I would like to suggest wie should think hard about this situation and prevent this kind of thing from happening again.  Sorry that this is too long.

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #38 on: April 05, 2012, 09:14:32 PM »
Yes..... I was in no ways going to read with SE anyways. But this is plain horrible behaviour.

Just spoke to kisha. She is so honest and I got one of her famous warnings that "dont call me until you hear from him" :)
I have literally began to bug her and just love her honesty and her integrity. She does not sugarcoats but in no way I find her to be rude. She just says things as they are .......I love that she is not after money .... urggggghhhhhhhh I would like to call her more often but now wont be until I hear from my stupid SM :(


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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #39 on: April 05, 2012, 09:15:40 PM »
Limiting who can read posts and such would change the vibe of the forum. Everyone should be able to share freely their experiences with readers no matter who is reading it. The only thing I suggest people do is to not give real names of the people that you are calling about.

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #40 on: April 05, 2012, 09:21:00 PM »
I am so sorry this happened.  I just googled (SE psychic facebook) and it was interesting what came up.  It has The Psychic Reviews and then the posts of what has been recently written about her.  It is right there for anyone to see.  They don't even have to visit this site or be a member to see what people are writing about her :/  This makes me very uncomfortable.

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #41 on: April 05, 2012, 09:21:16 PM »
What I would like to suggest is that not to make the posts private as they help out a lot in getting honest reviews.
A better measure would be not to reveal too much private information. I feel sorry for synergy because she was so honest in her reviews and now many of the readers would be knowing her the moment she mentions her SM's name.

But the rest of us can be more discreet as obviously we dont want the readers to know who is calling on just mentioning our names.

I literally hate it when people who are supposed to be spiritual and honest and have integrity behave in such a manner like SE did

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #42 on: April 05, 2012, 09:22:10 PM »

I sent you a pm, WTH is going on here???? I am catching up and just cannot believe what I am reading!  The Healer created this forum so that we could share our experiences with each other, I know that not all readers work for everyone, but we do have the right to express our opinions.

Offline Synergy

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #43 on: April 05, 2012, 09:57:35 PM »
Ok.  A lot of you have been asking for me to post SE's message. 

Here it is:

Finally, taking control now over your life has nothing to do with me or the many readings you get from this person and that person. You have to kneel to God to get the foundation you need. I know I have helped you a lot. You'd take crap from a man but get offended when I critic that I see you are not reading scripture? How dare you? Then even look at my listing. You think I don't get things? You think I am okay with your ignorance? I had no reason to pass judgment on you. I had every intention of helping you for real. I know I have and it stops now in this way. No more calling me on Keen. Say what you want now, bc I felt the dagger. I had quite a few dreams about you and a few others that have chosen to call me and then defile me. I had dreams about a blog and you and few others speaking about me. I finally had enough of Isabel telling me to check it and I did. You are blocked, no idea why you call any psychic. No idea that you'd dare to even come close to stabbing me forward now too. If you had any idea how this all works then you'd be in my shoes. Everyone pays for what they really feel inside there soul. Please tell them all to never call me again, I have no issue with that, I am not hear to be ridiculed or to ridicule.
None of you get Life at all. Kisses to you and your children. I have helped many single women, but you are definitely not welcome to call me and do what you've all been doing. How dare I now? No, who dared you.


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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #44 on: April 05, 2012, 10:53:21 PM »
I had wished she had looked more into her visions and actually read the posts here (insteading of jumping to the conclusion that she is being defiled).