Author Topic: by Micah /White Dove Healing/ARIES INTUITION  (Read 78806 times)

Offline britbrat

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Re: by Micah /White Dove Healing/ARIES INTUITION
« Reply #180 on: September 10, 2020, 06:27:13 PM »
Hi All,
Can anyone tell me if Micah gives negative reading. All my readings with him on my POI seems to have a positive outcome but it just seems to be getting worse. There is a third party involved and Micah says it wont last. Im just loosing hope now. He said there will be a time in the future were there will be an opportunity for us to move forward together but my POI is not a relationship person. Other readers said he wont change.

I wasn't hoping for a negative reading, but Micah has given me some predictions that I hoped wouldn't happen, but unfortunately they did. He hasn't been a fairy tale reader for me at all. He is pretty upfront and he is one of the few who have had relationship predictions happen.

Offline Jeni

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Re: by Micah /White Dove Healing/ARIES INTUITION
« Reply #181 on: September 11, 2020, 08:53:52 AM »
Hi All,
Can anyone tell me if Micah gives negative reading. All my readings with him on my POI seems to have a positive outcome but it just seems to be getting worse. There is a third party involved and Micah says it wont last. Im just loosing hope now. He said there will be a time in the future were there will be an opportunity for us to move forward together but my POI is not a relationship person. Other readers said he wont change.

I wasn't hoping for a negative reading, but Micah has given me some predictions that I hoped wouldn't happen, but unfortunately they did. He hasn't been a fairy tale reader for me at all. He is pretty upfront and he is one of the few who have had relationship predictions happen.
I so hope he is correct. He predicts that things will get better and we will move forward but it's been three years of roller coaster with him having other woman in his life

Offline KitKat121

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Britbrat did you have a email reading with Micah ?

Hi All,
Can anyone tell me if Micah gives negative reading. All my readings with him on my POI seems to have a positive outcome but it just seems to be getting worse. There is a third party involved and Micah says it wont last. Im just loosing hope now. He said there will be a time in the future were there will be an opportunity for us to move forward together but my POI is not a relationship person. Other readers said he wont change.

I wasn't hoping for a negative reading, but Micah has given me some predictions that I hoped wouldn't happen, but unfortunately they did. He hasn't been a fairy tale reader for me at all. He is pretty upfront and he is one of the few who have had relationship predictions happen.

Offline KitKat121

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Calleronhiatus Did you have an email reading ? Or just a photos reading ? I’m looking to ask two questions with sending mine and poi picture not sure how it works

I read with both. Micah was spot on with details and time frames. I sent Carla a pic also and got a reading, most of her predictions were further out, but the short term prediction did come to pass. She is also spot on with details and the personalities of others. All in all- I like all on that site immensely.

Offline KitKat121

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Any reviews for Carla(white dove light) I don’t see many posts at all on this just wondering what everyone’s experiences for email readings  got her have been like ?? Also for kisha i want to buy an email reading but it says only existing customers in us and Canada

Offline Jeni

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Britbrat did you have a email reading with Micah ?

Yes, an email reading

Hi All,
Can anyone tell me if Micah gives negative reading. All my readings with him on my POI seems to have a positive outcome but it just seems to be getting worse. There is a third party involved and Micah says it wont last. Im just loosing hope now. He said there will be a time in the future were there will be an opportunity for us to move forward together but my POI is not a relationship person. Other readers said he wont change.

I wasn't hoping for a negative reading, but Micah has given me some predictions that I hoped wouldn't happen, but unfortunately they did. He hasn't been a fairy tale reader for me at all. He is pretty upfront and he is one of the few who have had relationship predictions happen.

Offline Tigerlily229

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Re: by Micah /White Dove Healing/ARIES INTUITION
« Reply #186 on: December 31, 2020, 02:14:58 AM »
Tried reading with Keisha twice in the past year. Within a minute she said she doesn’t feel a connection and ends the reading. She refunds which is good. But I’m disappointed.
I also tried a 1 question reading with karrla/white dove. She gave a negative reading about my POI which is totally fine. But I feel like she didn’t get the situation correct at all. She seems nice though and genuine.

Offline Esse

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Micah has psychic ability - I can vouch for that, when he gets hits the details are incredible, however his hit rate isn't 100% - he has an article in the blog section on clairvoyantchat explaining how he thinks some predictions are written in stone and some are written in sand - and where free will (of the person having the reading) comes into play.

Offline Lyssa

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Tried reading with Keisha twice in the past year. Within a minute she said she doesn’t feel a connection and ends the reading. She refunds which is good. But I’m disappointed.
I also tried a 1 question reading with karrla/white dove. She gave a negative reading about my POI which is totally fine. But I feel like she didn’t get the situation correct at all. She seems nice though and genuine.

That is good. She has gotten nothing right for me. I wish I would have just gotten my money back instead of worthless predictions that were more damaging than anything.