Author Topic: After 8 years, and many rough are my top picks  (Read 9840 times)

Offline joyjoy

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I haven't been on this site in a long time.  The last time I was on, I made an argument for psychics not all being "fakes" but simply not being accurate at times, or not connecting.  I've been reading with people on Keen for the last 8 years, through several POIs, and developing my own intuition and learning to read the Tarot while I was in quarantine.

Case in point:  I just saw someone's top pick list--and I agree with who they didn't like and wasn't accurate (she shared a prediction from one reader and I'd gotten the identical prediction about my POI), but I would never have agreed with the ones who were accurate for her.  I think it's like chemistry--you mesh with some people, you don't with others.  The trick is, finding ones that you do mesh with--they will be better WITH you.  For example, I "know" things when I am with a few of my friends--it's like I leverage off their energy and am clearer when I'm talking to them.  Like a psychic wifi and with other people, well, I don't have that success.  I was with one of my best friends a few years ago and had a crystal clear prediction and no reader had ever been that accurate with me. 

For me, the readers who have resonated, and whose predictions have come to pass---and who were honest are the following (On Keen):

1) Prophetic Consciousness (a little too talky, but he's accurate--scary accurate.  Knew things that he couldn't have known).
2) Elizabeth of the Light--pretty tight lipped if you're looking for details, but if you need a quickie, 2-3, few questions answered with not a lot of flowery talk, she's fantastic.
3) Leslie Hale--the only woman who can successfully talk me down, for 8 years now.
4) Julie, The Phoenix Rising--who has seen me through A LOT and has had to break some hard truths to me.
5) Michele Answers.

I've read with the other "heavy hitters"--yona, Cookie, Kisha, Micah (who I adore), QofC and they are nice but Covid impacted all the timing.

The reality is, who you like, I won't like necessarily, and vice versa.  Some certainly are charlatains, some are bullshit artists, but not all.  It's like cilantro--some people like it, some people don't--doesn't mean it's not a herb.  Just mix some common sense in with the prediction.

I've stopped, though.  And it feels pretty good.  I would recommend to anyone to explore what it's like to sit in the unknowing and really explore how you feel, what's really making you anxious--do you just need to talk to someone.  Can you channel it into a journal.  Are you looking for a nonjudgemental friend (a lot of times I would call when I was bored or lonely--like you would snack).

Good luck, all.

Offline curiouspsychicreadings

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Re: After 8 years, and many rough are my top picks
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2021, 10:59:59 PM »
Hi Jojoy,

Just was wondering prediction wise who was the most accurate for you was it in order from 1-5... so Prophetic consciousness first and so on? I have had readings with Yona and Kisha and am waiting for a few predictions to pass as well!

Also Leslie Hale, does she predict things or do more of an astrology reading?

Offline wishes215

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Re: After 8 years, and many rough are my top picks
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2021, 01:42:43 AM »
so what is an astrologer good at telling you? how detailed can they be?

Leslie is definitely an astrologer and she's quite good! I don't get into the whole planetary detail stuff, but I had one reading with her and she got a few hits and in the timing she predicted. Not 100%, but who is?

