Author Topic: I’m New here but I’m slowly pulling away  (Read 5729 times)

Offline InquisitveLee

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I’m New here but I’m slowly pulling away
« on: December 01, 2020, 02:38:10 PM »
Hellooooo everyone! I really hope all of you are well. I’m new here but I’m glad I found this board. Please read through, and please feel free to reach out or add an opinion. This is my take on why I need to pull away. Which I’ve been doing. I must admit I love readings.. it’s fun, quite entertaining and it relieves my questions. How does he feel about me? Is it over? A lil background on me: I am an empath. I feel others that are around me. I started getting readings because I can feel my POI. I mean sooooo strong. But he would not call. I thought I was obsessed.  Anyway, moving fwd. I went to a reader overseas and she was awesome. Told me things that have happened. (Must be careful with time frames the universe only knows when) I have chatted with readers on Bitwine and Keen. Only 1 of them I realized that when she channeled my POI it felt wrong. I spent lots of $ on her. I mean lots. Then I noticed he would be distant... he would call but very short. I won’t mention names because this is about kicking the habit! Lol!
Reason I’m here writing and sharing my thoughts is because.... I’ve noticed the further I am away from readings... situations between my POI and I have gotten better. I still feel him near and when he reaches out it’s warm. Sometimes I wonder what’s going on and my curiosity eats at me. I try to keep busy but I’ll get a quick read. I’ve gotten better. When I used to get 2-4 readings a day. Now I’m down to 1 or 2 readings a week. I’m pulling away and I’m saving $. I blew A LOT of $ especially during this COVID era. if anyone has ideas I’m ready to kick the habit lol... yes reading old scripts helps. My best advice to share is be as positive as you can be, raise your vibrations and push through. I’m always here to chat and I’m willing to learn from others. Just new here and hoping to be welcoming to others that might have been through the same situation or close! Sending warm hugs! And lots of smiles... thanks again

Offline InquisitveLee

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Re: I’m New here but I’m slowly pulling away
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2020, 06:45:59 PM »
Thank you responding! I totally can resonate with how you feel. LOA is amazing. I know the feeling of wanting to know. A lot of times if you just look inside you can get your answer.... in sharing my energy I’ve really noticed how things have gone sour with my situation and some readers. Just as I’m doing and I’m sure others have pull back believe in the best and all will follow. If it’s really meant it will happen. I’m a firm believer that we might be wishing for one thing to come through and possibly block our blessings. I’m not a professional in this. I’m really happy to have found this group. Helps save some $. Lol

Offline Esse

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Re: I’m New here but I’m slowly pulling away
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2020, 08:15:15 PM »
I think its the letting go thing

Offline russianred

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Re: I’m New here but I’m slowly pulling away
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2020, 06:01:11 PM »
I appreciate your story... I go back and forth on whether the POI can feel energy from reading binges.

Yeah, it is a letting go/control thing.  I try to remember that I can't control another person's behavior.  For me, when I read I think a lot of it is because I want reassurance and/or I want to be able to adjust my behavior based on what I hear so I can try to get what I want from the POI.  But in the end the thousands I spent were for nothing because he still decided that he didn't want to be in a relationship with me (or at least the type of relationship I wanted).  I read and read, but I still didn't control the situation, and not one reader was able to predict the breakup.

Hope that helps in some way.  We're here for you.

Offline Krullisepic

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Re: I’m New here but I’m slowly pulling away
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2020, 01:03:58 PM »
I pulled away also. I called on 2 different guys at the same time and my behavior did not change with them at all. They all pulled away too and became inconsistent after my binge.

My friend got readings on a guy and all the info about outside present situation was correct. They knew the color of her house, what job she had, her past etc. They told her that her POI was shy, wanted to talk to her, loved her. Same guy hit on me and I asked him about my friend. He said, " I don't want that fat pig, she wants to sleep with anyone younger than her. She is not beautiful etc."
I told him off but goes to show those psychics were not right

Offline tinamarie

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Re: I’m New here but I’m slowly pulling away
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2021, 12:15:35 AM »
i think our main problem is fear of the unknown. i have other things in my personality that show me i have a real problem with things that are unknown. i just want to know what's going on and what will happen. ideally a good outcome, but even if not i just want to know so i can adjust my life. but we came in this life purposely without the psychic gifts to know what was to come, most of us anyway. some of us do have really good intuition and gut feelings and instinct but maybe we're supposed to develop that during our lives rather than relying on what someone else has to say.

im in a really anxious situation and thats when going to readers gets worse because i just want to know as much about whats happening as possible, and as much about what im supposed to do in this situation. i feel 'the spirit world' has all the answers to life so want to go to them for help rather than someone like a therapist. but maybe it's not the answer.

Offline russianred

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Re: I’m New here but I’m slowly pulling away
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2021, 06:05:15 AM »
i think our main problem is fear of the unknown. i have other things in my personality that show me i have a real problem with things that are unknown. i just want to know what's going on and what will happen. ideally a good outcome, but even if not i just want to know so i can adjust my life. but we came in this life purposely without the psychic gifts to know what was to come, most of us anyway. some of us do have really good intuition and gut feelings and instinct but maybe we're supposed to develop that during our lives rather than relying on what someone else has to say.

im in a really anxious situation and thats when going to readers gets worse because i just want to know as much about whats happening as possible, and as much about what im supposed to do in this situation. i feel 'the spirit world' has all the answers to life so want to go to them for help rather than someone like a therapist. but maybe it's not the answer.

The unknown/uncertainty piece is big for sure.  I think that it comes from a feeling of "if I know what will happen, good or bad, then I can prepare for it and it's not as scary." I think that can be true in life, but when did you ever feel confident and calm in a psychic prediction to the point that you could relax? For me, never, because deep down, I know it was (probably) BS that someone could know the future. I would add that not ONE psychic predicted my breakup... but when it happened (which I had feared for so long), I was totally able to handle it.  I didn't need to steel myself against a potential breakup with psychic readings like I thought I had to -- the strength was in me all along.