Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Abrielle

California Psychics/ Abrielle

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I read with Abrielle on March 29.  She didn't tell me anything "wrong". She did say some things that were right such as, she saw him as a drifter in and out of my life, yes, he does come and when he gets too close, he goes, but she also said she sees him like that with his work, going from place to place, he is a tour guide in Scotland and Ireland, so those were right.  She asked me if I drew pictures, I said no, she said then they are photographs, yes, I am a photographer. Later in the reading I mentioned having sent him a cartoon email the day before, she said maybe that's what the drawing was then that she saw. Maybe. At the very end, she said keep studying Gaelic, you may need it. I had been online the night before looking for words in Gaelic for a tattoo I was considering.

Predictions- long term- marriage in two years. Said he would go thru some changes in the next 4 to 5 months.  Said to circle August, said it came very strong and without asking and that was a good thing, and he will ask me then when I am coming for a visit.  Also asked if I was prepared to move to Ireland because I would probably have to.  And said he would be starting his own business and we would be guides together and traveling.

Just so you know, I haven't heard from this man in about 5 months.

So....we shall see.... ( I don't really hold my breath on these things anymore)

Hopefully, she is correct for you.  It sounds like she picked up on some key pieces of information in your reading.
I just read with Abrielle last week.  I asked California Psychics for a refund.  She didn't even pick up on this man's wife.  WTF!!!!
She said she saw a 3rd party and this person was rooting for me.  What?
I have read with her in the past - but I have become more particular about how I spend my money.
I have read very positive things about her - so I stayed on the phone hoping she was going to say something that connected to me.
She did say she felt fear around him.  She did throw out a couple of dates in May. 
If she is correct on the dates I will post about this.  Sometimes I think they use psychology and counseling to get through these readings.
Just my thoughts.....

I'm sorry - I should have written WTH!! 
Hope I didn't offend anyone.

@wt,  I agree.  I am new to CP, I usually read on PS.  I too, am pretty much over this cycle and I am really picky about who I read with.  I think since I have found "the one" on PS, I wanted to find another "one" on a different site. For validation or whatever, I don't know.  Who knows anything in this crazy mess? 

I read with Abriell in Nov and Dec of 2010....she was off on both of her predictions. I actually threw away my notes because she was so off. Hopefully she is right for you


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