Author Topic: newPsychicAddicted Tally  (Read 42466 times)

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2012, 04:10:36 AM »
I feel like crying so hard :( Even I am a believer. Did you ever read with kisha,cookie or astrosarah??? who were the readers you read with???


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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2012, 08:02:08 AM »
I understand your frustration. Are they saying that he will come back and you two will reconcile or are they saying he is coming back. Sometimes comingn back means you will have contact with him at some point in your life in the future. Ive had psychics tell me before he's coming back....but in my case he does come back..I can count on him coming back 100% this I know as a fact based off of his patterns. He will ALWAYS come back to me as long, and its always "my choice" to accept him or not. The thing is, he doesn't stay. He comes and goes and is inconsistent. Are they saying he is coming back and you two will be reconciled and the relationship will move forward?

Barbara was honest with me she told me that (SM) would come back, and he would propose to me. This hasn't happened yet. She said that unless I marry him soon after he ask me, then he would get scared again and run. Many Many psychics have told me that he will "shift" or change and offered me tips on what to do, but truth is much of what the have told me I've tried and it hasn't worked. I eventually stopped trying to change him. I know I can't

Just b/c a prediction doesn't happen in the time frame given doesn't mean that it won't happen. There isn't a magical psychic that you could talk to that will be correct. Take a deep breathe..I suggest writing down what yo know as a FACT versus what you have been told by a psychic. Then from your "logical" mind make a decision. Only use psychics to gain insight on things that you don't already know. 

But if you don't mind sharing a little of what they have told you then maybe we on the board can help by breaking down the prediction and looking at it from all angles. Timing is fluid and can change.

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2012, 10:35:36 AM »
This is so sad. Many psychics have told me that we would reconcile.Kisha specifically told me this. And to be honest till now I thought that if they said that he would come back it meant it was permanent .


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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2012, 04:20:34 PM »
@new it may be permanent in your case. I was just telling my experience.
Everyone's situation is different. When I was first started calling psychics I would ask is this over or will we reconnect and many psychics would say yes depending on what they saw. Some psychics would see the "BIG" picture and tell me "No", so I thought well no way they were lying. Well turns out depending on the reader and their abilities and how far ahead they are able to read and what type of reading I'm getting then to that reader they will interpret that as a "NO"

I don't generally like to get readings from Empaths b/c for me they will read the feelings at the time of the call or energy. I know what his feelings are and so that just doesn't appeal to me. Readers that use Spirit Guides, I'm on the fence about b/c I don't know what type of Spirit Guide they are using to obtain this information. Some say they talk to my guides and his guides or ect. I know Kisha uses a guide as well. Guides also relay messages in a format that either I or the psychic must interpret. That information can be true or false or misinterpreted.

Now, b/c I use to only be concerned about timing and when he would come back I mislabeled  a LOT of psychics as being wrong b/c he didn't contact me on a certain day and we did "reconnect"  when they said we wouldnt. I don't call as much now to psychics b/c my needs have changed and the type of psychic I need truly need has changed. For myself, I need a psychic that can read below the surface, behavior patterns, can interpret feeling from beyond at the time of the call. Lot's of people don't need this, and just need to know if he'll call or contact them and when or if they will get a job and when.

I remember calling psychics when I had a job interview at a company and asking psychics if I would get the job,some said no and some said yes. Only one psychic told me what was below the surface of a yes or no. That psychic told me that they liked me and I'm a candidate for the position, and I will be offered the job and will not be able to accept it. So that is why I was getting yes and no from different readers. Some readers picked up the company offering me the job so they came up with YES, some psychics picked up on me not working there and the answer was NO.

Surface readings like you are going to go here and there and do this and that with him is BLAH BLAH BLAH to me. That may be good for someone else, but not for me. That is what I liked about Cookie she didn't just give me a surface reading she picked up on his inconsistency and she told me why it has happened and why it will continue and she told me it will continue pretty much until a certain thing happens. She told me that after that happens I can take him seriously. She didn't give me time frames, but she told me what to remember. That's why Barbara4846 told me that when he comes back and talks about marriage and proposes what I needed to do. He is not going to magically change or shift overnight. Cookie told me that in his mind he has decided that I'm the woman he wants to marry. He decided when he first met me, she said that's a done deal you are it you are the one, however his actions and follow through is the problem. She empowered me with additional knowledge to take forward in dealing with him.

I say pick a reader or readers that is right for you and YOUR situation as well as YOUR expectations for the reader.

@Jana I understand what you mean. You would like for something to happen, and nothing is happening. I don't know if you have tried to contact him or not. I also don't know if you have asked a psychic what will happen if you contact him. I'm not telling you that you shouldn't give up, calling psychics is expensive and if you are not getting the results that you want, then make the decision that is best for you..
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 04:30:28 PM by Highlyfavored2 »

Offline stelka

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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2012, 04:51:39 PM »
Surface readings like you are going to go here and there and do this and that with him is BLAH BLAH BLAH to me. That may be good for someone else, but not for me. That is what I liked about Cookie she didn't just give me a surface reading she picked up on his inconsistency and she told me why it has happened and why it will continue and she told me it will continue pretty much until a certain thing happens. She told me that after that happens I can take him seriously. She didn't give me time frames, but she told me what to remember. That's why Barbara4846 told me that when he comes back and talks about marriage and proposes what I needed to do. He is not going to magically change or shift overnight. Cookie told me that in his mind he has decided that I'm the woman he wants to marry. He decided when he first met me, she said that's a done deal you are it you are the one, however his actions and follow through is the problem. She empowered me with additional knowledge to take forward in dealing with him.


Reading your post I had a feeling we are 'dating' the same man. Seriously, my SM's behavior and his pattern of running away when things become serious is like yours. His cold/hot, in/out, being inconsistent, distant, withdrawn, his tendency to disappear. His actions are manifestations from being insecure. I've been told that his previous relationships made him the person he is now, that he is not very trusting and has an immature spirit when it comes to the relationships. I don't know how you deal with this behavior but honestly I had a really hard time accepting this. I tried to change him and control the situation. Obviously, it didn't work, we separated a few times but always found the way to get back together. It is tiring though. I wish he moved forward a bit quicker but I have to stay calm and accept who he is. All the psychics told me that it is my decision to stay with him. I may see some improvement once he is more committed but he will always be that person.

Offline skyline

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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2012, 05:28:13 PM »
I remember calling psychics when I had a job interview at a company and asking psychics if I would get the job,some said no and some said yes. Only one psychic told me what was below the surface of a yes or no. That psychic told me that they liked me and I'm a candidate for the position, and I will be offered the job and will not be able to accept it. So that is why I was getting yes and no from different readers

Hi Highlyfavored,

An accurate reader should be able to pick up that you would get the job. A top notch one would also pick up also that you wouldn't be so hot about it. The ones that told you no, you wouldn't get the job were probably just wrong.


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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2012, 06:14:36 PM »
@skyline, I now know the difference, and yes I now choose advisors that have been accurate for me and my situational needs. I may try someone out new every now and then, as I did yesterday and was pleased. However, I mainly read with readers whose predictions I can count on for accuracy.

@Stelka, yes it appears their behavior is very similar. When I first started talking to psyhics some of them told me this. I didn't believe them untill last June when he finally opened up about why he does what he does. My choice is whether to deal with it or not. I now choose not to b/c it is emotionally draining and feels like I'm about to have a complete breakdown everytime he leaves. I can't live like that, and I can't change him. Although, I tried and failed. However, I'm in a different place now emotionally and spiritually and I'm focusing on me. I can change ME :-)

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2012, 08:54:53 PM »

well as my nickname suggests , it has not been very long since I have started taking readings (march 2012) . so as such I cant tell who is accurate or who is not for me :( . Although Vicki Joy and sapphire has described my SM and the situation very perfectly. Even allynis was quite accurate. I dont know why but I trust Kisha. I count on Faery lady when I get a negative reading to cheer me up  8) ;D . So I hope maybe one of them works for me. All of their predictions are in april end, may and june

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2012, 09:10:27 PM »
@Jana , highlyfavoured, stelka , Skyline

Psychics who are super confident that we would reconcile ;D ;D ;D  - Kisha , Syd Saeed ( said if we didnt reconcile by august he would change his name. Well if we didnt reconcile, it would still be amusing to see a celebrity psychic change his name b/c of me  ;D) , allynis, advisor lania, sircheo, Vicki Joy

He would come back :) :) :)- Susannah ,narnia (both from PS), faery lady, veruska18, wisdom of kelly (asknow)

Psychics who are hopeful that he would come back   ??? ??? ??? - barbara (first she saw a divorce and then said that " no wait  I see him trying for the marriage in april. I dont know why ". Both her and I were confused  8) , Sapphire21.

Psychics that said no :'( :'( :'( - maggie chula from bestamericanpsychics (Basically she gave me a relationship advice and not a prediction), jane wilcox

Guys plz decode these psychics for me

Offline Miracle

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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2012, 09:27:19 PM »
Newly - Since I have been talking to Sapphire quite a bit lately, I am just wondering if she gave you any guidance on how to deal with this situation and move ahead with your relationship.  The reason I ask is because there might be an underlying  message in her guidance that might help you.  Per my understanding, she does not give clear cut predictions and time frames but more so guidance that helps us achieve the desired outcome and promotes self-growth.  For instance, she clearly told me that my situation would work out ONLY if I work on myself and see my relationship with my SM through a different lens. 

I liked Barbara and Vicki Joy though only time will tell how their predictions unfold.

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2012, 09:36:58 PM »

oh yes she gave me some advise about how I should tell my guy that I DO listen to him since he feels that I dont and some other advices and also her guides told her that there is hope for marriage. Ohh gratitude plz decode her underlying prediction for me

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2012, 09:56:23 PM »

well first barbara said that she thinks that my SM is headstrong for a divorce so that will be the outcome but then she said wait I see him trying for the marriage in april and I dont know why so maybe ...." . Sapphire said that my SM feels that the gap between us cannot be filled but her guides told her that there is hope for the marriage and then she gave me lot of advices. She is a gr8 empath I must say

Offline Miracle

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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2012, 10:03:47 PM »
Newly - I am sending you a PM.  Hope that helps...

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2012, 04:17:04 AM »
Hey everyone I would like to share some of my experiences with you about how I am becoming a believer from a hopeful skeptic.  Well after my husband asked for a divorce I was going into a state of depression. Then I dont know how I came across an article about spirit guides and how to have a contact with them.In that article some techniques were mentioned like meditation and all.

Well I didnt do any meditation. I just said that if there were spirit guides indeed then they are supposed to help me atleast NOW. guess what the same night a word "pongini "appeared in my thoughts while I was sleeping. I didnt even knew what it meant and I completely ignored it. The next day same thing happened . the letters were literally being spelled out in my mind PONGINI and after 2-3 days suddenly the word ROSE appeared but since I am a skeptic I hardly paid any attention to them. well this continued for some time and once while going thru the feedbacks in this forum a member(timeheals I suppose) suggested a Novenna for St theresse who loved well ROSES and how roses are supposed to be signs of her blessings. I took it as a sign and started the novenna and literally saw roses in my dreams atleast 5 times out of 9 and on other days in pictures etc. I saw red roses in my dreams on the first night of novenna!!!! after a few days it striked me that why dont I search "pongini" on google so I did that and the first thing that came up was that its a name of a south indian temple of one Indian goddess (she destroys evil and I had the same goddess in my dreams 2-3 times I usually ignored it). since I am a north indian ( north and south india are totally different culture and language wise. hence I didnt knew the word). But after that I literally felt that there were indeed some divine interventions to bring me out of my depression and thats my experience of how there is some energy , a source out there and the world is not as practical and totally unspiritual as skeptics like Randi's foundation believe it to be.

I hope you guys dont think that I am crazy  ::) ::) ::)


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Re: newPsychicAddicted Tally
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2012, 05:27:04 AM »
No you're not crazy! @Newly

Use that same intuition and Spiritual Guidance to help you make things work. So, no matter what you're being told by psychics stand on your beliefs. Be spirit led.

Your interest in the spiritual world is not coincidental- which led you to calling psychics. Now, I understand your confusion it is b/c your "reality" is not matching up with what you feel and think intuitively.  That can be a total "trainwreck" I know what you are going through first hand. Your brain is telling you one thing but your spirit is telling you something else.

You're pulled in two different directions so you're looking and searching for answers. In my opinion you shouldn't read with just anyone..and need a psychic that is good with decluttering or sifting through the inner turmoil.

Place your belief in a higher power- whatever it is for you- and have faith (inner knowing of spiritually seeing those things that are not as if they were) and let go of the outcome. I know I stand by outcomes however I mean don't concern yourself with the outcome happening a certain way or on a certain day. Just know it will happen. This takes time and patience, but from what you're experiencing I feel certain that you will be guided correctly trusting in ourselves is harder actually then trusting in others.

Take Care...