Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

POI Turned Out To Be Con Artist And Nobody Saw.

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Hi All,

Hope you are doing well! Just want to share a quick story about a friend of mine. She started talking to psychics about six months ago when she met a guy online. She fell really hard for him even though I as her friend noticed major red flags. She spoke to a ton of Bitwine psychics, including Leeloo, but mainly Autumn Rivers. They ALL assured her that this guy was “the one” and that they would soon meet. They went into detail about his feelings for her and thought process over months of readings. They were all VERY wrong. It turns out that this guy doesn’t even exist. It was a con artist scamming her for money and giving her completely false information. I am curious... who could these readers have been picking up on? When her friends were advising her to run these people kept assuring her that he was a great guy who would marry and have children with her. It’s alarming how off they were.

Something like this happened to me, except he wasn’t a con, just a complete man-whore. Out of everyone I read with, I think only maybe one or two picked this up, but I of course had my rose-tinted glasses on.

sometimes i think psychics might be reading us. does that make sense in this case??

another option is that psychics are just way off in general but they say things vague enough that seem to fit.

phantomenal, what do you think it was?

Online love scams seems to be on the rise. I wonder whether, after she learned of the scam artist, the psychics would then realise that he's a fraud. Shouldn't make a difference tho, they should be able to pick up his character.

Phantomenal, that is both horrifying yet unsurprising. It really does put a damper on things and also reinforces the probability of readers picking up on our thoughts and feelings. 😞
On a lighter note, MERRY CHRISTMAS!


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