Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics
January 1st 2021- New Year Challenge
--- Quote from: Johnson on January 04, 2021, 05:43:38 PM ---sending you lots of strength and love 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 You got this! You all got this. Its mind over matter. and I know this has been said a thousand times over throughout this forum but I'll say it again....
WHATEVER HAPPENS IS GOING TO HAPPEN REGARDLESS ON IF YOU CALL OR NOT. Please stop calling (mainly talking to those calling about relationships). we got this. If you are reading this right now just know everything will work out for you in the way it is supposed to. I truly believe this. The universe is just waiting on you to let go.
--- Quote from: paperlantern2 on January 04, 2021, 04:08:36 AM ---omg please send strength. i basically think readings are a total total waste of my money after countless false or useless readings. but i still fell off the wagon after 1.5 weeks clean :(
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I think my addiction is really over. Someone ghosted me really unexpectedly and it really hurt me and normally I’d contact to know why and if they’re returning but I just had no desire to! I think it’s over!
i think mine is too. finally the last week went by clean without stress. i actually had a falling out with someone i had just met and did contact a bunch (of the decent ones at this point, not frauds) and their hit rate was 0. absolutely nothing was true or came to pass. since that happened, i started counseling again and feel myself getting stronger.
i knew i was doing well when i realized i had totally stopped checking this forum :)
I needed to see this because something really bad happened and I was gearing up to ask about it in a couple of days! :'( Going to try to continue not getting the readings.
I've been going strong since January 14th, 2021. Ok, it was a little later than New Year's, but I'm proud!
About five months prior, I made a pact with myself that I'd only call one person. That is Anthony from PS. And that I'd no longer "check in", but do more like a yearly synopsis. He's been incredibly accurate and yes timelines have been delayed. But in 2021, I'm closer to the evidence presenting itself that my desired outcomes are closer than ever before!
Sometimes, I wonder if the calling to check in with psychics (adding all the hype and extra expectations) contributes to these delays.
If I can live my life on life's terms and be satisfied, calling a psychic once or twice a year for a meaningful, memorable reading becomes less of a liability and more of an investment.
Good luck, everyone! One third of the year down, two thirds to go!
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