Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics
January 1st 2021- New Year Challenge
With the new year in just a couple of weeks. I figured it’d be a good time to go cold turkey (ha) with psychic readings for the whole of January and TRY to start the new year in a healthy way. Any and all welcome to join!
I'm ready to take the challenge. I had stopped over the last few months and as of a few days ago, I ended up getting a few readings; however, I would love to start the new year free of readings permanently, aside from maybe a few follow-ups every several months or every couple of times a year, if needed. Anyway, I am ready to be done, too!
Gosh, I hope so too. I went a long time rarely getting any but I’ve realised due to the sadness in my current situation I’ve got addicted again and it has me so stuck :-\ I want to fight to end the dependency.
--- Quote from: Johnson on December 20, 2020, 12:15:26 AM ---I'm down lol.
Honestly I think Im done for good. If all the predictions I have gotten manifest, cool. If not (or at a later date), thats cool also lol. Really embracing not knowing the unknown. That's the beauty of life 🦋 💞
--- End quote ---
My thoughts exactly! Btw, NO ONE saw the event that had unfolded a couple of months ago (I only just found out a few days ago) which has, ironically, caused me to revert back to getting readings. I just need to be done - accept things as they are and move on, despite the pain and heartbreak. I'm focusing on things I can control and refusing to waste one more second on the things I cannot. I finally need to take my power back and just let it all go because, ultimately, whatever is meant for you will never miss you and if it's meant to be, it'll always come back. The most important thing to know is that everything will be OK.
after 2-3 years, no one was right. definitely going cold turkey starting now through january. guys it’s really spotty info at best.
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