Relationship Psychology Discussions > Connect With Others

i am curious to share transcripts


hi all,

i am curious to start a thread where we only share transcripts with others. i think the situation that i am in might just be one of those "classic" ones that is easy to cold read on. i think reading others' transcripts and sharing my own would help me kick the last of my psychic addiction. i am already way down on my binges just through seeing how unreliable this info is.

if you are interested, post a transcript here or DM me. i think this will be most valuable if we post it publicly on this thread--- understandably many people won't want to do that but i am comfortable with it personally.

p.s. i only really have transcripts from bitwine, but i don't think it's necessary we share transcripts on the same specific reader..... instead i think just sharing transcripts from semi-reputable people in general will show us how widely the same stuff applies to others

I’d be careful posting transcripts. Some users use them to mock and throw in other users’ faces. Just a forewarning.


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