Author Topic: NorthstarJulie  (Read 65260 times)

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« on: April 01, 2012, 05:41:53 AM »
I thought I'd start on thread on Julie, I see a lot of people mentioning her on threads about other readers....someone asked how she does for others.  I've read with Julie for a few years.  She has NEVER led me down a dead end road. She's been honest about the men I've asked about, and it's not good news.  She's told me when something was not going to move into the 'relationship' zone.  She's told me the truth about someone being seriously involved elsewhere and not intending to leave their situation.  She predicted an eventual divorce for someone I asked about, but told me that they would always be on again/off again afterwards and that is pretty much playing out the way she saw it. I can honestly say that she has never been wrong about the things I've asked about - and that kind of accuracy is very rare.    She's told me that she usually can only see out about a year.  She reads tarot, but seems to be a good empath because I've asked about feelings and thoughts of people and have later verified the accuracy of what she tells me. 
Has she been this accurate for anyone else?


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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2012, 07:12:57 AM »
can you tell me how she reads? Does she shuffle the cards for each question or is she clairvoyant as well?

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2012, 02:44:09 PM »
Julie does read Tarot and when you ask your question, there is a VERY brief pause while I assume she's doing somehting with the cards, but I have never ever heard her shuffle.  I have called some readers where they take FOREVER shuffling and you hear it (and you hear the clock ticking off your time and money too!).  Julie states that she's intuitive in her bio and I believe she's  very much so and uses the cards to tap into her own intuition.  She has also at times listened to my question and then helped me to rephrase it and then laid the cards out.  I don't even know what type of spreads she uses.  Whatever she does, she's doing it right because she's probably been the most consistently accurate reader for me.  She reads on Keen but frequently posts a message that she's not taking new callers. She also has her own website but I think the pricing is about the same between the two.

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2012, 02:45:42 PM »
I tried reading with her last year and I was her in queue when she told me she is not taking on new callers. So I gave up and looked elsewhere. But based on her feedbacks, she seems to be a great reader. Maybe one day, she will decide to take on new callers. Thanks for the feedback :)

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2012, 03:15:50 PM »
Funnygirl, try her personal site  She says on there that she IS taking new callers there.  She uses Click4Advisor there, so I think you have to sign up for an account,,, I"ve not called her there. She's generous with free minutes on Keen, not sure if she can do that with Click4Advisor or not,,,does anyone know or contact her there?


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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2012, 03:29:13 PM »
Thats where I read with her, I dislike the website as its not so efficent to add more funds during a call. After reading with her, I tried to call her on keen and she blocked me. When I told her this during my second call on the other site, she told me that she just blocks new callers instantly and she doesnt look to see who is calling. I dont know why this is but thats what she had said.

I havent called her since early feb but her predictions are still pending. I like her because she tells you not to call until what she says has happened and you should save your money until then. Sounded like someone that isnt out for the money

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2012, 08:04:55 PM »
Julie is the best for current thoughts and feelings of the person in question. She has been INCREDEDIBLY accurate for me on numerous occassions and I have turned to her many times regarding men, friends, family, work situations etc. No psychic/emath/tarot reader is 100% and she's been incorrect about timing, but that's the first thing she'll tell you. She'll see something happening in say the next 3 months and it actually happens far sooner than her timeframe , but the thoughts and feelings behind the situation are accurate and I get that confirmation from the person sooner or later.

She is a tarot reader (she has a quiet phone, so I don't always hear her shuffle her cards, but have heard her shuffle many many times and have actually talked to her about the specific cards coming up and what they mean). She doesn't claim to be psychic or an empath as she doesn't sense/feel other people, you can ask the most complicated question and she answers it in a totally logical, realistic way that actually makes sense to the current situation. I get all tripped up when I get confirmation from the person in question, makes me laugh every time as what runs through my head is *Julie was right... AGAIN* lol

I'm dealing with a man in a work situation and have asked Julie many times about this situation just in the last 3 weeks. She reads this guy like a book, tells me what he's thinking and feeling, then gives me the best course of action to take with him for the best end result. Her advice is priceless, and after taking her advice (and obviously paying attention to my boss' correspondence) I now know when to take action, when to back off and how to talk to him properly in order to get the job done in the most efficient, smooth way. He's a stand alone boss and is extremely independent at the top of his business' food chain. Doesn't listen to ANYONE as he's the boss and has been extremely successful in his line of work. Because I've taken and applied Julie's advice with him, he's now sending ME things for review and really values my opinion. I've known him for 11 years, have failed miserably in dealing with him personally on numerous occassions and now just in the last 3 weeks a ton has changed. Phew! lol! I really like working with this guy and there is a potentially successful long-term work situation for me here according to Julie, if I want.

The great thing about Julie, apart from her realistic take on things, is that she warns you about stuff. IE: Personality conflicts and what not. In business I can be agressive about things, so she'll tell me, it really bothers him (work guy) when you do *this* thing, so if you can ease up on *that* then things will be a bit smoother.  Then a situation that I would have dealt with originally like *this*, I actually sat back and dealt with it slightly differently and his response was WAY different and way more positive and forward moving then the last time I dealt with him in the same situation. So, with Julie's help, and his el-crapo communication, I'm in his head and I'm starting to see that I can quietly influence him, get what I want and do it in such a way that he's more positive/motivated with what I want. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a work situation that I'm being selfish about, it's for the greater good of the project and I know I'm right, but you know how it is when you are dealing with a stubborn boss who wants things done his way even when you know he's wrong! lol

Another example is with this guy I was seeing. Most guys will lie and tell you what you want to hear to keep you around for what THEY want and need from you. She told me exactly what was going through this guy's head, where he was at and how he will try to play out our situation out. Thank goodness I have a weird way with dudes, they never lie to me. He told me almost word for word what Julie had said he was looking for/wanting. When I went back to Julie to tell her he confirmed everything she said (obviously in a less direct way, but still he wasn't looking for anything serious and thought he could just have me as a playmate) she just about fell off her chair with his response. It has always been her experience that men are never honest/direct about that stuff and she was shocked that he would just tell me the truth as this is exactly what she had saw with him all along. At least he was honest! LOL! I kicked him to the curb for the time being as it was the best thing to do for myself. For me and the way that I played out the whole situation under her direction, I didn't get my self-esteem smashed, I got out of an unhealthy situation and guaranteed he'll be back as I played it all out properly. But by the time he comes back and is ready for something serious, she figured that I would be with someone else and pretty happy.

I will continue to get Julie's advice on the best course of action for dealing with personalities and most definitely with men. She's definitely on cue with thoughts and feelings. And also correct about contact, although many times has come thru way before she thought it would. I've been speaking to her on and off for months and she has been about 95% correct about all of my stuff. I've NEVER had a reader be that intune with me and I've referred many friends to her. The feedback is always the same, she was completely correct with how the person was acting and she can dive straight into why the person in question is doing/acting the way they are...

I'll give you another example of what I ask her. I will ask her to look at me from the other party's point of view/perspective. She's surprised me a few times with telling me what she sees and how I'm going to play out the situation. After getting off the phone with her and thinking through things, sometimes I realize how I'm acting or feeling about things, that I hadn't seen before. And she's usually dead on about my feelings even though at that very moment I didn't even see it. Then I start looking at my own behaviour etc. and she's managed to actually put everything into perspective from my point of view. Even though I'll still be me etc. and doubtful to me changing how I'm dealing with things, Julie manages to form my own thoughts and feelings into the quick recap of why I'm behaving the way I am. Sometimes we don't always know why we do things the way we do, it's hillarious when I think of it after as I realize that Julie is totally right about me and I didn't even realize it myself! It's so screwy when you are emotional about a situation and you don't even know WHY you are so hyped up about it, or that it's your own form of communication that is effecting things. Julie just blows me away sometimes. And her form of reading is really realistic, logical and clear.

She doesn't take new callers on keen and will block you without even looking, but if you go through her personal website she takes new callers. She's really worth the call if you are seriously confused about where you stand in a situation/person. As I said, her advice is priceless, she's non-judgemental and will tell you the best course of action for you personally.

PS. I've been researching and been doing readings for over 10 years. LOADS of money dumped down the drain but always on the hunt for the most accurate and best out there. I'm a virgo, I need the facts and I need them right! Because of this, I'm a big jerk when it comes to *testing the psychic*. I've called Julie from another user name, used a different name, different dude's name and disguised my voice, but over all same sort of situation with a few different twists. She's the only one that nailed everything for that particular situation and was right. And no she doesn't know that I did this, and yes, I do this to every single one of the psychics I've read with. The authentic psychic will always have the same read on the same situation and I've read with the best of the best on Keen. Am I ashamed of doing this? Hell no! It's the only way to figure out if they are authentic. You have to figure out which ones work for you, but I'd consider myself and expert on the authentic psychic, and Julie is definitely one of the best I've ever read with and this includes readers I've read with live.

I'm sort of scared that the above info sounds like a sales pitch to get you to call her, but it's not. As I said, I've been searching/researching and blowing shitloads of money trying to find the best as I've been soooooo screwed over/lied to and followed really bad advice wasting time on *especially* men. Oh he loves you, has feelings for you, wants to be in a relationship with you etc. etc. etc. It's all garbarge... Almost every single reader on keen is BS. They are almost always wrong, their predictions never pan out and you are left heartbroken, with the realization after so many months of waiting for him to call or whatever, that the guy was a pain in the as to begin with, never wanted anything serious and isn't bloody-well coming back for you.  I hate that! It's so unfair when I read feedback on a reader's page that the same person has waited for like 6 months and the dude never came back. It's heartbreaking for me to see the psychic stringing someone along like that, when in truth it MAY happen, but won't be for like 2 years!

Things to watch out for when you read with someone - timeframe of 3 months (this seems to be the favourite stuff to blow up someone's ass)
He'll contact you within 7-10 days (only had that happen with one reader on there! And it was a total fluke, he didn't call me, I ran into him accidently! UGH! lol)
He loves you, cares for you will come back... Ladies, if the guy isn't calling you, spending time with you etc. He's not interested! Screw the whole he's so busy right now, lots on his plate etc. that these psychics tell you. It MAY be true, but for your current situation, you've got to remember to live your life and carry on as hard as it is... Hey, I had to do it and if I can do it, you can be strong in your weak moments too. Yes, it's really, really hard, but there has to come a point in reality that something just isn't working right. Look at the situation clearly and logically, that's the way dudes do it! We can too...


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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2012, 08:20:46 PM »
Cfisher this note about NorthstarJulie is way too long are you sure you are not advertising for her? hmmmm i am not sure if i want to read with this person.

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2012, 09:50:25 PM »
@wakeupcall - never said you had to read with her, just said that I've found her to be the best for me... and then I explained why. She's got a unique way of reading and unfortunately I over explain. I wish that this type of review site 10 years ago, probably could've saved myself quite a bit of money.  I just know when I read all the feedback on keen what I look for is feedback that says predictions were right, within the time frame specified and the gist of what happened. As apposed to she's so great, what a nice person etc. Everyone is nice when you are spending money on them, I want to see results and other's experience with the reader. With Keen you can only write so much, whereas on this forum, I may have over-extended my explanation. As for the other feedback on this site, I'll still talk about my experience with all of the psychics on here as I've read with all of them. Jeesh, that's embarrassing to say with how many I've read with, but I know there a lot of normal people who are in the same boat as I am, just trying to find 1 reader that was right for them! But now that you've pointed out my posts are too long, I'll try and keep them shorter for the other experiences I have had. Sorry if I came off too *salesy* it honestly wasn't the intent.

Happy Easter!


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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2012, 09:53:10 PM »
You know, even though the feedback is long, I've read some similar reviews of this reader on another anonymous site about how good she is. I think she is that good and may try her one day.

CFisher has signed up since September..I doubt that she is a plant..just think she is excited about finding someone that works. Because truthfully...9/10 people on Keen suck.

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2012, 10:05:41 PM »
@loops77 - thanks for that. The last thing I want to do is steer anyone in the wrong direction and in all honesty, when you pathetically reach out to so many readers, you really start getting the gist of who is BSing and who actually picks up real stuff.

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2012, 10:19:06 PM »

Totally agree.

Are there any other readers you would recommend besides Julie?

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2012, 10:22:42 PM »
Welcome Cfisher! 

The doubt we often express is due to the fact that readers have infiltrated the site before.  I don't think anyone meant any harm. I'm sure many people think I'm Kisha because I love her so much!  :)

Thanks for sharing and please continue posting your reviews.  It helps everyone a lot. 

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2012, 10:26:00 PM »
Hi Cfisher,

Just like people may think Synergy is Kisha, others may think I am Cookie (LOL), I enjoyed your post and who cares if it is long, if someone does not wan to read it they dont have too, it is not as if you can just skip it, lol.  I feel you post was well written and frankly I enjoy the over explaining, it helps us all when looking for a reader.

Have you read with Spiritualist Reader Cookie?  If so, please tell us, several of us are Cookie fans.

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2012, 10:29:25 PM »
Hi Cfisher,

Just like people may think Synergy is Kisha, others may think I am Cookie (LOL), I enjoyed your post and who cares if it is long, if someone does not wan to read it they dont have too, it is not as if you can just skip it, lol.  I feel you post was well written and frankly I enjoy the over explaining, it helps us all when looking for a reader.

Have you read with Spiritualist Reader Cookie?  If so, please tell us, several of us are Cookie fans.

Got to love the Ipad, sorry for the spelling:  It is not as if you CANT just skip a post.  I feel YOUR post was well written!!!

I will start paying attention while trying to type!

