Author Topic: NorthstarJulie  (Read 65208 times)

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2012, 11:02:48 PM »
lol! You guys are too funny! Yes, I've read with Cookie, but I'd have to pull out my notes and find her reading. (told you I've read with everyone on stupid keen!) Should I keep posting under here for other readers or are we trying to keep this forum organized? I'll find the cookie forum and post over there shortly, just have to look through all my notes...

Also, someone asked who else is good on keen and I have a list of decent readers I've read with a few times, so in order to make your call the most efficient for what you are looking for and save your money, I'll explain how I get the best info from my fav's. And in truth, some readers are just better to ask what's generally going to happen vs. specific questions. I'm seasoned over here! And at times, utterly ashamed of myself, but whatever, I've done what I've done and spent what I've spent and know a bit better now. This info I'll post under the Keen General tab - who's your favourite reader or something, I think I read. Feel free to send me a PM, I'll give you all the info I got if you can't find what you are looking for....


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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2012, 11:25:10 PM »
I have a few favorites that I keep in rotation.

Keep in mind that this is just her opinion of Northstar Julie, just like we give our opinion of Cookie, Barbara, Kisha, and ect...ect..we may not get the same results if you or I try her. I actually have tried her. I think she is good at what she does. Did she WOW, she answered my question..gave me insight into what I was looking for and made her prediction based off what the cards said. I've talked to her a few times, but she is not who I go to in a time of sure uncertainty or doubt. No, she doesnt generally give out timing.
I would refer people to her to try out for yourself.

Not everyone works for everybody, but the good thing about this forum is that we can share this experience with others. Now, just b/c one reader doesn't work for another or their prediction doesn't come true, that doesn't mean that you can't count on that reader for your special situation or circumstances.

Thank you Cfisher for your insights and I look forward to reading your reviews.

Through this site I've found out some readers tell ALL of us the SAME thing lol
« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 02:07:04 AM by Highlyfavored2 »

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2012, 12:11:06 AM »

I agree with everything you said. You seem like a pretty logical person. And my post is only about my own personal experience with Julie. Not everyone will have the same experience.

I have had the time and the funds to delve really deep into the people I was asking about with Julie, which gave a ton of added insight to the person in question and allowed me to make decisions based on my circumstance/situation with whoever I was asking about. Obviously I make my own decisions on how I deal with people, but it's nice to be able to look at things from a different perspective. The cool thing I've found with Julie is that I actually get confirmation from the other person a lot of times.

What I would like to know is who else you read with... If you would be so obliged to tell us who your fav's are?


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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2012, 02:08:47 AM »
Sure lol lol
I will tell you :-) I will post under favs.

Offline lotusflower

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2012, 10:04:02 PM »
I've never read with her.  I have a question on what reason would you block new calls on keen but take new callers on your site?


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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2012, 01:53:13 AM »
Ive come to the conclusion that it is just a way to avoid bad ratings from newbies. There really is no other reason.


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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2012, 01:57:40 AM »
Ive come to the conclusion that it is just a way to avoid bad ratings from newbies. There really is no other reason.

I also agree that its due to ratings also @Loops...her regular site uses click for advisor, and not a rating system such as keen that ranks it advisors by the number of ratings and type of ratings.

Offline Cfisher

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2012, 05:27:57 AM »
Maybe part of the reason, but I think the main reason is money. Julie charges less on her site then on keen and she makes more sense using the click 4 advisor site. FYI - there are loads of comments on Julie on the click 4 advisor site... look under feedback.

Offline bazzer

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2012, 10:54:11 AM »
I waited over 18months to talk to Julie as she would on and off take new callers on keen. I managed to talk to her on her own website a few weeks ago and have to say how impressed I was. She was realistic and honest. I asked about two ladies in my life. She advised one was going through something emotional (just broke up with her partner) and shouldnt really get to involved since this would weigh heavily on her. When I asked about the second lady she was honest enough to say nothing would happen over the next coming months, we would just be getting to know each other however looking further into the cards Julie sensed we would start to persue a relationship (sfter six months).

I would normally call these lines every week but since speaking to Julie I have only spoke to Ness21 on keen and she pretty much said exactly the same with a bit more thrown in about a trip I may need to make, and that initially I would need to deal with the first lady before the second lady and I start a relationship (she got October for a relationship which ties in with Julie.)

And YES I was able to leave feedback on Julie with her click4advisor account.

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2012, 03:49:39 PM »
Hi Bazzer!  Welcome to the forum!

I see that you read with both NorthStarJulie and Ness21.  I read with both of them, and while, ultimately, both predictions for outcome are negative, they did differ greatly.  I am inclined to believe what Julie told me because it is in line with Kisha and AstroSarah's predictions.  In your experience, between Julie and Ness, who has been more accurate for you?  Ness is one of only two readers who have differed from what most of my readers have said. 

Cfisher, I'd like your input on this too, since I know you've read with both of them as well.

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2012, 09:40:35 PM »
Truth be told? Julie and Ness21 have consistently been in line with each other. The info may differ a wee bit but it's been my experience that they read whomever generally the same. I've asked both of them about two different people. So, I really don't know what to tell you! How weird is that?

I will say that Julie has been consistently correct with the current *now* on how a particular person will react in certain situations. Actually, freakily correct, to be honest. Whereas Ness will tell me what frame of mind a person is, IE: Guy A is definitely NOT looking for anything serious and he's a mess, so keep your feelings out of the picture if you get involved with him. Julie also said Guy A is not looking for a relationship and proceeded to tell me best course of action for ME is to walk, or RUN in the other direction as it would be way too hard to have him around. So I took all of the above advice and cut the strings with Guy A before I had my self-esteem smashed up too badly. The crappy thing with Guy A was that I knew he really liked me and we got along really well, but he wasn't looking for what I was and he was straight-forward with me AFTER I read with both Julie and Ness.

Guy B likes me and we get along really well, but I'm hesitant to start anything up there because I can tell he's not ready to get involved with someone or be responsible for someone else's feelings.

When I talked to Ness she said Guy B is an absolute fricken' mess, not looking for anything so make sure you have your fun hat on if you get involved and you'll have to move quite slowly with this one. But that she didn't see me getting all screwed up or messy about it.

Julie said Guy B looks like I'll end up being platonic friends with him from what she was seeing, but that there was potential to date and have fun. And that it looked like I was in control of the relationship and it was up to me to move it along slowly into what I wanted.

So, I don't really know what to tell you guys. I'm surprised that they were both opposite as I've found both to be very accurate and generally mirror each other for me... It could be too that maybe you didn't connect with one of them... I know for myself regarding SINCERITY, her feedback is unbelievable, but she has been completely dead wrong about long term predictions for me, yet managed to tell me where I was physically within 24 hours and I didn't even know what I was looking at or what the area was called that I was standing in.

The thing that I find to be so shitty is when some random thing they pick up shows that you are connected, then in your head it's like - wow, maybe what she said will come true!!! And then you sit there doing the waiting game regarding timing and it never bloody happens. So, it seems so hit and miss with so many different readers. Now, when I get a prediction, especially with a reader that is new to me or even one that I know, I write it down and try to forget it. I, like a lot of *readees* get fixated on the final outcome, but now after reading with so many and after so many years of disappointments from predictions not panning out, I just keep going on with life and if something happens, cool, but if not, than I haven't stopped living my life, I haven't changed or done anything differently than I normally would and all is good. Sometimes I wish I didn't believe in any of this, but I like to get the heads up on things, especially when I'm feeling panciky about a situation. Hope that helps!

@synergy - I know you probably don't want to hear anymore about SE or Jesus Angels or whatever name she's come up with now. But there were a few more comments posted about her under our listing for her on here. And I also wanted to let you know that absolutely NOTHING she ever predicted for me came true... nothing for timing, no call, no text, no contact from the person in question nor the wonderful, amazing person I was supposed to meet last September and spend the rest of my life with blah blah blah. For me, she sucked. But it took a couple readings with her to realize she was just a strange duck. Maybe great with others but never for me :(

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2012, 05:12:25 PM »
i've read with NSJulie and Ness as well.

i feel that Julie is really good. very grounded, focused and knows what she is talking about. she has been more accurate for me than not. however, there was one point when i was asking about someone that got a little questionable. i had seen through FB (we were friends on there) some interesting posts. it led me to believe he was back with  his ex. she said no. that she didn't even see them around each other. however, i found out later that was dead wrong, and they were back together. however, giving her the benefit of the doubt - it was somewhat short lived and they broke back up about 4-5 months later. having said that, she IS accurate. most of her LT predictions have been correct, though she doesn't give timing. i just mean generally speaking. i would trust her with the truth, for sure.

Ness, i also feel, is pretty good. she's another one of those (like Julie) that i feel isn't going to give you all the nitty gritty details, but an answer to the question. from my experience she won't tell you what you're wearing, the day he will call, etc. she can tell you months, or general times that things will unfold/not unfold. also honest and pretty accurate, from my experience.

the "problem" with the 2 of these, is they aren't flashy and exciting as readers. that sounded offensive, but here's what i mean. they don't WOW you with silly details, or maybe even validations sometimes. however, i think in the long-run that is good. they are less addicting that way. they are accurate, but usually aren't someone you will call every day, because their reading will be the same as the day before. like i said, they aren't going to say stuff like, you'll run into him in the cafe when you go for your 2pm coffee break next Thursday and he'll be wearing blue. so, what could be considered less attractive about them, i think may be better. hope that makes sense. i think both of these readers are great. sometimes flashy is cool too though. hehe

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2012, 06:34:21 PM »
Thats great to hear Truth. I read with both NorthstarJulie and Ness21 and have to say I liked them both. Both of them gave me a longer term prediction ie. Nothing will happen till October this year. But it is encouraging to see that NJ's longterm predictions have always been right (at least for you). Helps me keep the faith!! I do feel at the moment that I dont really want to call any more psychics and must let everything unfold. I even waited in line for SINCERITY got down to number 1 in line and cancelled.

Ness21 inititially told me I was about to make a trip, which at the time I had no plans to. Then out of the blue I was invited away, sadly the timings were not great for all parties concerned so I ended up not going. Kudos to Ness tho for picking it up even if it didnt come through.

I asked about 2 ladies with NJ and staright away she picked up on my ex just having gone through another breakup, and advised I dont get too involved as she is still hung up on the breakup. I can tell she is right since initially my ex would be calling a couple of times a week and this has now evolved to once every three or four weeks. NJ then picked up on the lady I asked about who at the time was in a longterm relationship and told me this was coming to its end and got a six thinking it may be Oct, lo and behold June they broke up for the umpteenth and final time. Now just gotta play that waiting game!!!!! GREAT! Will update as events unfold good or bad and of course to see if NJ and Ness21 were right.

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2012, 03:23:04 AM »
Just an update...
Julie whom of course you all know I adore because she is incredibly logical about everything was of course, right again. My guy and I called it quits a couple weeks ago and Julie had said to me that he wouldn't do anything but there would be random close encounters, but nothing coming out of them. Just saw my guy yesterday... I'm walking through my building where my bank is, stopped in the Lobby, you know when you have that feeling someone is looking at you, well I turn to my left and there he is rolling down the escalator with a not so comfortable look on his face staring at me. He looked more startled than I did I think! Lol!
Like wtf? In 8 months of ups and downs I haven't run into him once and he lived not a 10 minute walk from me! And now, the second it's actually OVER, NOW I gotta run into him when the wounds are incredibly fresh? Like c'mon universe, are you kidding me right now? Seriously?

It's interesting because Cookie saw this as well and blamed both of us for manifesting it. I'm feeling like I'm being punished. This sucks. Like seriously... SUX.

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Re: NorthstarJulie
« Reply #29 on: October 28, 2012, 11:39:43 PM »
I finally got a reading with Julie after trying for a few weeks and I really enjoyed her energy. Although my reading was not entirely negative it did resonate. I think the hardest part for me was the timing of when she sees things happening / changing. For those of you that have read with her before, can you comment on her timing? I admit she made it very clear to me that timing was not her thing, and in my case I truly hope this is so. I have been so patient and faithful for so long for the final outcome that when I heard her timing of the outcome it actually brought me to tears. I just don't know if I have it in me much longer. ;'{