For me it was Christina, there were are few things she's predicted that either i didn't pay attention to at the time or that i thought weren't going to happen, and boom they did. She's excellent at picking up situations, you don't have to tell her much, she doesn't want to know much aside generally what area you're looking at.
I have read with Melody a few years ago, and her predictions didn't pan out, and what she was saying i couldn't verify.
Cheyenne Skye: I'm not sure, her one timing prediction came true. But some of the things she said seemed to contradict and didn't align. or maybe i just didn't get it? She also made a prediction for this fall coming, so i guess i'll have to still wait and see what will happen. not the outcome i hoped for, but doesn't mean its not accurate either.
Marie Anna: I used to read with a lot long time ago, and she was pretty accurate and then that seemed to change. My last reading with her, everything she predicted was the complete opposite. Also, i don't like her biased with zodiac signs. She bases her experiences and projects on to others.
I have gotten to a point where i'm almost afraid to try new people. I just end up being disappointed. I have tried a few new readers last year and their reviews were really good, but when they read for me I could have had a better cold read with a random person on the street. I like building a relationship with a reader who has a good accuracy, but gets me. it's seems to be harder to find. but out them all Christina is the bomb, I love her.