Author Topic: Do they even deserve us????????  (Read 4644 times)

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Do they even deserve us????????
« on: April 01, 2012, 02:41:57 AM »
I was just wondering that why do we need to obsess with them so much. Obviously we all must be doing something very wrong........ we are not loving ourselves. We want our SM's because we link our happiness with them!!!!!!!!!!! So so very wrong!!!!!

In my opinion happiness comes from within and not from outside. Just listening to songs makes me happy so I ll keep on continuing that instead of worrying myself to death whether my SM is dating someone or not...

Just today I got a reading from Vicki joy that my SM is only flirting with someone... let him...... who cares!!!!!!!!!!! To hell with him anyways... he doesnt even deserves some one like me. He has made me cry rivers for him whereas there are many men who would give anything just to make me smile. But here I am worrying whether Vicki Joy was accurate or not!!!!!!!!!!!! Although her outcome was positive but I believe in the end I would make Allynis predictions come true. I would decide whether to continue with him or not... that jerk does not even deserves one more more of my tears.

How come all the psychics keep saying that he loves me.... if he loved me he wouldnt had left me all alone to save his ass!!!!!! I ll do everything to teach that jerk a nice lesson

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: Do they even deserve us????????
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2012, 02:49:22 AM »
I have decided to move on... I would keep on taking those readings but no more would obsess over them or make myself worrying to death whether who is wrong or who is right.... the outcome will ultimately make some of them more right than others but my faith that life keeps on moving wont fade...



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Re: Do they even deserve us????????
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 03:11:15 AM »
They don't deserve us we deserve BETTER! One day we will meet the one who we don't have to wonder what they are feeling or if they truly love us, or when they will contact us. We won't have to play those silly little games of not contacting him, and waiting for him to contact us...its BS and I for one am TIRED! I loved my (SM) dearly and although he keeps coming back. Things have remained the same. I pray that I can find someone or someone finds me where I can truly be happy and know that I'm loved. Someone who is emotionally MATURE and who is not afraid of long term, the future ,and till death do us part. Many times I have cried oceans all night long waking up with puffy eyes. I know I deserve better. We all do, but until we know its completely over we hang on to hope. I know I don't want to give my (SM) another chance b/c I will be setting mself up for failure and I don't want to go through that anymore.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 08:59:16 PM by Highlyfavored2 »

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: Do they even deserve us????????
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2012, 03:46:46 AM »

Yes you are absolutely right.... they are supposed to be so called MEN. what are they afraid of... is there any difference b/w them and the chickens. I hope I would get some one who wont ever let me go instead of making me worry hell over him and my marriage. Let it be whatever the outcome is.

I am trying my best to let it go and hope that one day I would succeed. Just one small prediction that my SM is flirting with some one else even though he loves me had started bouts of depression . Now isnt he supposed to not flirt with someone if he is truly in love with me!!!!! I dont even know as of now which psychics work for me and which dont as I am pretty new to those readings but one thing I know is that if our love was true he was supposed to be with me ....and he is not.... which makes me question myself that why am I getting depressed over someone who I even doubt as my love... I would wait for my true love... I have come across stories where people meet there true love after waiting for each other for 27 years so meeting one is possible.

This jerk does not even deserves me more getting depressed over him.... going back to listen to romantic songs which give me hope that maybe true love exists

Offline lotusflower

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Re: Do they even deserve us????????
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2012, 03:20:38 PM »
I think when you are in this situation, it's hard to see outside the situation.  What I do know is that it does and will get better.  Hopefully sooner than later.  My opinion is to Start being selfish and think about you and what you want and how you want to be treated.  Go out and be active.  Take a walk in the park.  Exercise. When you occupy yourself with other things, then you feed your much needed self with positive energy.  It's not about them.  It's about you.  You deserve the best.  You deserve to be happy.  Think about if it was your friend going thru this, what would you say to them.  You would know that things will get better and they deserve to be happy.  Well you do too.  Treat yourself like you would your friend.  Love yourself.  The significant other is not supposed to make your life happy.  Be happy with or without them.  When a love comes back or a new love comes in, it is supposed to enhance your already in place happiness.  Because your happiness is not dependent on them.  Because you know that you are pretty awesome and deserve good things.

Offline stelka

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Re: Do they even deserve us????????
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2012, 03:37:24 PM »

I agree with you 100%. I've been there (and still am at my weakest moments), focusing on my SM, asking the question 'why is he not calling?', 'when will he call?', checking my phone hundred times a day, analyzing everything, every single word he said and meaning of it, and calling psychics often to hear those words 'he will be back, be patient'. I'm trying to be patient, trying to go with the flow, trying to let the Universe to make it work for me, to let it unfold naturally.
Well I had a beautiful reading with Elijay from CP yesterday and it resonated with me so much. He told me that eventually I will need to make a decision whether to stay with him and accept his flaws or move on. BUT I don't need to make that decision right now. He still has some maturing to do and we can be happy together. He said ' love is a marathon, not a sprint. you should feel good with yourself, and decide what makes YOU happy'.
As for right now my SM would make me happy but I'm trying to be open for other possibilities.

Offline Miracle

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Re: Do they even deserve us????????
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2012, 03:50:54 PM »
My 2 cents - I had a rough week because suddenly out of nowhere my SM asked for space.  We were doing so well together so I had no idea what caused this.  In addition, I had some other events (non-SM related) which added to my distress.  I got confused, emotional, over-reacted and spoke to psychics.  Now, when my SM asked for space, I spoke to my trusted psychic for advice because I knew I couldn't think straight and didn't want to tell him something I would regret later.  She gave me the most wonderful advice on how to respond to him an how to deal with it that now I can see things are looking much brighter.  I got a lot of support from this forum as well, the people here are wonderful, must say!  However, the past week was difficult and I had my moments where I cried my heart out but one thing I made sure to do was to look my best when I would step out of my home.  Also, I made sure to exercise everyday and not touch any alcohol.  Earlier, I would have resorted to a glass of wine just to calm my nerves but this time I just did not want to and I am happy to say I stayed true to my word despite being tempted.  I pampered myself and got a massage, ah, felt so good.  I read a lot of relationship articles, chatted with myself to remind me how wonderful, blessed, gorgeous and fortunate I am.  I watched funny movies, laughed at silly youtube videos and decided I am going to be super positive.  It was hard indeed and I still had my moments when I would breakdown but the way I look at it is, I will not let go of the person I am no matter what the situation is.  I might have my moments but I will overcome them.  Drinking would only exacerbate my emotions and I didn't want that to happen because I would feel worse the next day.  Now a week has passed and I feel so  much better.  I also actually gave my SM all the time he needs by not really contacting him.  Our communication has started again and I can see a much happier, brighter time coming up... stay positive and do whatever it takes to be your fabulous self :)

Offline Elaan

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Re: Do they even deserve us????????
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2012, 04:43:14 PM »

Lovely post with great advice.  Thank you.

Offline Miracle

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Re: Do they even deserve us????????
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2012, 06:17:22 PM »
Elaan, thanks, glad you liked it :) 

Just read an interesting quote today which I wanted to share... It read:
A boy asked his mom: "How will I be able to find the right woman for me?" The mom answered: "Don't worry about finding the right woman, concentrate on becoming the right man."  So simple, yet so meaningful and of course, the same applies to women as well.

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: Do they even deserve us????????
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2012, 05:11:06 PM »
Elaan, thanks, glad you liked it :) 

Just read an interesting quote today which I wanted to share... It read:
A boy asked his mom: "How will I be able to find the right woman for me?" The mom answered: "Don't worry about finding the right woman, concentrate on becoming the right man."  So simple, yet so meaningful and of course, the same applies to women as well.

Gratitude.....Thanks for sharing this. :D

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Do they even deserve us????????
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2012, 06:08:55 PM »
I have something to share. I was in a work situation that became intolerable. I got a reading from Barbara and another friend who reads cards and they both said it was safe to quit and it will allow for something else better to happen for me. So I took a deep breath and quit. Guess what - today the company I was working for called and offered me what I was looking for from the beginning. Sometimes we have to have the confidence to stick up for ourselves. I gave warnings that the situation wasn't working for me anymore but my boss didn't listen. So finally I took action. Don't be afraid to stick up for yourself - with love, work and even friends. Stay true to yourself and don't let anyone give you less then you deserve. If they do, then no, they don't deserve us. We are all awesome  :)


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Re: Do they even deserve us????????
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2012, 07:52:04 PM »
GREAT Positivethoughts!!!
I like the sound of that!

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Re: Do they even deserve us????????
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2012, 05:42:26 AM »
I have something to share. I was in a work situation that became intolerable. I got a reading from Barbara and another friend who reads cards and they both said it was safe to quit and it will allow for something else better to happen for me. So I took a deep breath and quit. Guess what - today the company I was working for called and offered me what I was looking for from the beginning. Sometimes we have to have the confidence to stick up for ourselves. I gave warnings that the situation wasn't working for me anymore but my boss didn't listen. So finally I took action. Don't be afraid to stick up for yourself - with love, work and even friends. Stay true to yourself and don't let anyone give you less then you deserve. If they do, then no, they don't deserve us. We are all awesome  :)

Hi PT, thanks for posting that and congrats!  What you wrote makes a lot of sense and hits the spot!  You said it so eloquently!  Thanks again.