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Hi I am new here

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I am new here. I have just got addicted to these psychic readings and they are so bad for my bank account. But this forum helped me a lot as now I spend more time researching about psychics then actually talking to them .hehehe

Me and my SM seperated a few months back and I thought that it was temporary but it now seems to be permanent as he doesnt wants to put any efforts. I dont know what the outcome would be but just praying for the best


I'm new here as well. Our situations are similar, my SM and I broke up in January but got back together in the middle of March (as many of the psychics predicted). However, it seems that we are together but we are not really. The communication is down, he said he wants to take one step at the time now, to take it slowly. Many psychics predicted that he won't commit for another 2-3 months, so by the summer I should get what I want. Many of them also said that 'my energy' is above his, meaning that it will be my choice to stay with him if I want this man. Honestly, the more time he takes the more I feel like I'm wasting my time and thinking of moving on. I'm still here though, focusing on myself for now and 'going with the flow'. What is your outcome?

Hi! I'm new and just signed up late last night or really early in the morning. I've been reading the posts so I decided that I should write reviews on who I've spoken to in the past.  If it can help anyone to choose a psychic and not waste money on people that don't work.  I'm like a lot of people on here.  I've spoke to a lot and wasted a lot.  If only I could get some of the money back on ones that didn't work.  I've also gotten smarter on who is real.  So many have given me general stuff and nothing that I could confirm.  I found myself trying to fit my situation into what they were telling me vs knowing that they weren't telling me anything of significance and could fit just about everyone.

Hello Everyone,

Yes, even some of the predictions that I got were very general and before I stumbled upon this forum I just used to read feedbacks on the psychic's profile which I now realize can be way to fake but thanks to people here, I have spoken to some psychics who appear to be genuine although we cant say much till their predictions manifest. right ? :)

I have already wasted way too much on fake psychics and hope the one's I talk to now and my reviews here can help some one choose their right advisor. Can you believe in the beginning I spend $200 in one single session on a fake psychic on Liveperson!!!!! that made me realize my folly and thank goodness I realized it sooner than latter.

I want to trust my local reader but getting other's opinion is way so tempting!!!! My local reader final predictions have never been wrong but the problem with him is that he only tells the final outcome and the approx timelines. No details :(. That has made me a total psychic addict although now I spend way less on the sessions.

Nice to meet you all btw

I know what you mean.  Because the psychics are not 100 percent and they don't work for everyone, it's a constant maybe they're wrong so I'll call someone else to get another opinion and hope validation.  I spent $200 on one psychic in one session about 2 yrs ago.  All the money gone, down the drain. It's upsetting.


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