In regards to CP, I found out the hard way and spent a few thousand (only been reading since mid June).
In the $4 range, I would go with Daria.
She is new and has only been there under a year, but honestly she is good.
I've called her 4 times since June and she has been honest and consistent. She got 2 contact predictions correct, but a couple other contact/seeing him predictions she got wrong. I spoke and saw him earlier than what she said.
I trust her though for her empathic abilities though...not predictions.
The last time i called her, last week, she immediately knew and said "something has shifted" and went on to mention things were easier between the two of us and a lot of the anger was gone. She did not know that him and i have been in contact and everything she said was right.
She takes a few seconds after you ask your question to really focus in so she doesn't just spew answers really fast.
Other than Daria, on CP, I like Venus & Yvonne.
That is it though.