Author Topic: Prediction came True but Timing was Two Years Off  (Read 8332 times)

Offline MarieSteele

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Prediction came True but Timing was Two Years Off
« on: October 06, 2020, 12:55:16 AM »
I vented here a couple of years ago about receiving predictions that didn’t come true and how psychics would just keep pushing back the timelines. Well interestingly enough predictions that were made for 2017 actually came true late last year. I won’t go into too much detail but it involved getting a job at a specific company and running into a man I had met a few years earlier but never forgot about. When it didn’t happen within about a year and a half I started to dismiss the prediction as wrong, then it unexpectedly came out of nowhere.

Offline staircasewondering

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Re: Prediction came True but Timing was Two Years Off
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2020, 02:53:01 AM »
I vented here a couple of years ago about receiving predictions that didn’t come true and how psychics would just keep pushing back the timelines. Well interestingly enough predictions that were made for 2017 actually came true late last year. I won’t go into too much detail but it involved getting a job at a specific company and running into a man I had met a few years earlier but never forgot about. When it didn’t happen within about a year and a half I started to dismiss the prediction as wrong, then it unexpectedly came out of nowhere.

Back when I read more in 2017/2018 I had several job predictions saying Fall 2018 I would leave my company for a much higher paying job. Never happened in 2018, happened though in Fall 2019.
Yup read with 2 local readers over a yr ago now. They kept saying big positive changes were coming for me in the fall. I thought it was last fall which was not the best of times for me. So I assumed the readings were just wrong. Well low & behold this fall all the changes they predicted are finally starting to happen. So a psychic may see a month or season but not know the year that it will manifest. They will often think it's that year though but really they can't tell.

I got a reading at psychic fair last year and the reader made a lot of predictions for me which she thought would happen last fall. I had completely dismissed a lot of the predictions because it sounded unrealistic and odd. Low and behold things are beginning to pan out now like this fall.

Offline court1130

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Re: Prediction came True but Timing was Two Years Off
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2020, 02:55:33 AM »
This is such an awesome thread! My predictions haven't passed yet, but these stories help me to remain hopeful even when the timelines don't match up. I'll keep the faith and stay true to my intuition, as well. 😊

Offline Lyssa

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Re: Prediction came True but Timing was Two Years Off
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2021, 05:56:56 AM »
I mean, did they really predict these jobs or were you applying/networking/working. Usually we go to psychics for job/love things. If they predict a job change, then they will be right almost every time because that is what we are working towards, either love life or career life pretty much always. Life happens and we eventually get the job or relationship. Not hard to "predict"

