I keep reading Nathan's testimonials and they seem very specific. Like he's able to pinpoint names and specific info and it's for most of his testimonials so I'm tempted to try him. But I'm also trying to unhook myself from CP and psychics in general. I think the reason why I like it so much is because of the immediate access you get from their website. I have too many binders of notes I want to admit.
Maybe I should invest a bobblehead that just repeats, "everything is going to be okay," whenever I hit it.
Megan said I should get contact from the guy yesterday or today. I had planned on going to see him at work this morning (I made this decision before I talked to her) but I changed my mind at the last minute this morning. I don't know if she meant that was gonna be the contact or if she was just wrong. It seems like Megan is 100% right on for job-related stuff but she's hit-or-miss for my guy. Though I swear to God, this guy is so inconsistent in real life..maybe that's why he's unpredictable...
So far, I think Leslie has been the one that's been the most accurate for me. I went for a job interview a couple weeks ago. Leslie said it was between me and a guy and she said they might ask for a second round of interviews to make sure, but it's between you and someone else. Well, job called...they said it was between me and a guy, and they just decided to go with the guy.
A couple days ago, I asked her about this upcoming interview I have with a different firm and she said she saw 3 interviews. The screening interview I was going to, but also two more. She thought it was so weird until she said, "oh, the 3rd one will be via phone." So today, I go to my screening interview and they told me the whole process: "1 screening interview and if you make it into the pool, the divisions will interview you themselves and if they like you, you have to do a final phone interview with the deputy of the agency." O_O
Though, honestly, when I take the time to do my own tarot spread, it seems those results pan out better..LOL