Author Topic: Self Gut Feeling and Common Sense  (Read 2680 times)

Offline crimsonheart

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Self Gut Feeling and Common Sense
« on: October 04, 2020, 09:55:22 AM »
Hi all 👋

Hope everyone is well. I was thinking about something today and thought I'll write about this in the forum and hopefully be of some help and an eye opener.

Lately I have seen some posts or comments about waiting for positive predictions to pan out regarding a toxic or cheating boyfriend. This is a very dangerous situation and we really need to think about having self love and dignity. In my honest opinion, having a cheating or toxic relationship should be clear enough for you to move away from the person and start a new life. As many of you know, psychics and fortune tellers (as legit as some of them are) could still be very wrong about predictions.

Being in a toxic relationship is one of the worst things a person can experience. It leaves you extremely confused and strips off your identity. Hence why most people still go to psychics in hope that they tell them there's a positive outcome.

My message is, that we need to be strong enough to realise what we're worth and when to stop a relationship and when not without being dependent on psychics. My motto always is, if the relationship is not making you bloom and flourish, then you strongly need to consider starting a new page.

Love to you all xxx

Offline russianred

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Re: Self Gut Feeling and Common Sense
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2020, 03:57:41 PM »
I agree with your post.  I feel upset with some readers for not being able to see what was coming in my relationship, but as I said in another post, I think they are basically just doing what we ask them to do when we call.  Let's be honest, when we call, it's often because we feel something isn't "right" but we want to be reassured that everything is OK when it's not.  (Or for people in no contact POI situations, we want to hear that he'll come back.) This means that we need to learn to trust our own gut feeling and common sense, as you put it.

Offline russianred

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Re: Self Gut Feeling and Common Sense
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2020, 04:02:49 PM »
It's true in those cases a life coach & or therapist is needed. Not a psychic as many can potentially make the situation worse by not speaking the truth & making you hold on to false hopes. Very bad for ones mental, emotional & spiritual health because it keeps one stuck (not able to move forward). Someone in this predicament needs healing.

Yes.  I've thought of reading cards on a platform site but I know I would be tempted to just tell the person what they want to hear in the moment and would feel bad about that.  I really think platform sites are borderline evil... callers certainly have their own free will, but I would guess 75% of repeat callers are in dead-end situations but are willing to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for false reassurance and hope.

Offline Smiley1

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Re: Self Gut Feeling and Common Sense
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2020, 05:33:29 AM »
Many years ago I spent thousands reading about a man who was a toxic narcissist.   Every reader told me for years this was going to happen, that was going to happen.

Only two readers one midway through another who was my last reading on him told me to run.  He would never be the one.

I wish I’d listened to the one who said it a year in.  Would have saved my mind and thousands of dollars.

Sad thing is many psychics got predictions right.  So I believed them.

