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nothing happened. no job offers


--- Quote from: lanlingyu on November 29, 2020, 04:52:48 AM ---nothing happened. no job offers

--- End quote ---

Sincerity, Lady P, and QofCs are all empaths. They are weak at getting future predictions. Yona would be the most reliable but her timing sucks. I would try a couple that are stronger at career.

what maggs said, try kisha for work if you haven't already.

I am here to update.  I didn't get any job offer so far.  They were all wrong. They told me that I would get the job I really wanted but my application was marked NOT under consideration by HR.  so none of these readers were right.

update:  I reached out to HR three weeks ago and HR said the job I applied to was cancelled even before I applied. she said that a new position will be posted but don't know when.  SINCERITY mentioned this to me last year.  She said something about this job, may be the responsibility of the job will change. They were waiting for something to happen to get this job approved. maybe money. 

I guess she was partially right then


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