Author Topic: Testing random "psychics"....for a good laugh!  (Read 4673 times)

Offline allbitenobark

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Testing random "psychics"....for a good laugh!
« on: June 10, 2012, 10:31:18 AM »
Ok, maybe it's mean spirited of me, but they do disclaim that it's for entertainment purposes only...

...occasionally I'll chat with a "psychic" (only if they're cheap) and ask them questions I already know the answers to just to test them. I did one this morning, it cost me $7 and I laughed my a** off, so it was worth it to me. I set it up like I just was interested in my SM from afar (did not tell them that there was history, we were split, etc). The answers they gave were astounding and hysterical. "He's confused in his mind", "He cares for you in his heart but he has fears of not being able to provide for you"....when I asked if he had a girlfriend "I don't see any serious connections around him at the moment, his mind's set on you". Ahahahaha!!!

Well, if any of you have read my story you know this is all bogus. Anyway, thought I'd share. It's nice to get some perspective sometimes of what a total cold call and fake reading looks like to compare to ones I find resonate with me. And I was bored.

If I make one person chuckle today other than myself then it was the best $7 I've spent in a long time!!! Cheers!

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Re: Testing random "psychics"....for a good laugh!
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2012, 05:49:40 AM »
My favourite is the distance sentence. I'm picking up that he's distant from you, either emotionally or physically... Thinking about how many times I've got that makes me sick to my stomach. There must be some generic script out there that was made up in order to make people feel connected...

Such a sham :( oh well, money lost, but lessened learned :)

Offline Rima

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Re: Testing random "psychics"....for a good laugh!
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2012, 11:52:49 AM »
"I see a it physical or emotional?"  Oh that one takes the cake.  I used to get so excited as back when I started my psychic binge two years ago, I was in a long distance relationship.  Every time I heard that, I would say Yes, we are 5,000 miles away.  But, I have since realized, this is a catch all.  If I don't have physical distance, then it must be emotional.  Emotional is a 100% correct reading as why else would anyone call....can you imagine calling a psychic "hey, my guy and I are super close, but I want a reading, just for giggles"?.  I was so surprised when Queen of Cups18 did that number on me.  It was about current guy.  When I said, no he is 10 mins away, she said, Oh, he is planning a trip.  Hello, this is summer.  People go on vacations.  Also, people travel for work all year round.  I would have given her credit if she said he just bought tickets to Cancun.  LOL.  I know a lot of people  here like her, but, she was not good for me.  Nathan, yes I have read with Nathan.  He is not psychic in my opinion.  He said about the current guy "he will marry you"...I so doubt that.  It is hard enough getting the guy to even say hi in a text or email.  But, time will tell.  I am not even sure, I want to marry again, given I am 50 years old and was married for 20 years.  Also Nathan said I see you two in a park with your children.  Well our children are teenagers and adults, they are not too excited about a stroll in the park with mom and her boyfriend.  Fact is, I sound very young.  He assumed I was younger.  I gave him my birth date without the year, and that threw him off.  Anyway, he said nothing concrete at all.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 12:12:14 PM by Rima »

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Testing random "psychics"....for a good laugh!
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2012, 12:50:25 PM »
@rima damn I love Anne! She's been incredibly accurate for me. I just looked back to a reading I had with her from April and she said there will be communication and seeing my guy in a 7, either 7 weeks or in July. July was bang on for only hearing from him a few times from April to mid-July.

She's nailed why he's acting the way he acts, tried really hard not to advise me in any way, although she will make suggestions like stay way backed off for a few weeks and he'll start coming around again and I've read with her on and off for a good solid 10 plus years. But she does have her weird days where she'll be more spiritual based vs prediction based. Which I never understand and I've not ever had come to light other than, if she says it's not going to Work out and I'm wasting my time, it doesn't. More of a big picture type reading where she's letting you know, this one isn't going to work and there may be communication here and there but in the long run you'll just move on. This is what she said for my current guy. She gave me the heads up I'm looking at YEARS before this could turn out in my favour, northstarjulie and cookie both said the same. But, that the possibility is there, the only catch is that I went thru what he puts me through during this time period, I'll be so screwed up from the way he treats me through the process that by the time I get tot the end of the road, I'll kick him to the curb when he's ready.

Do I want to wait for him? No, sadly, and if this man was that important to me, I would probably stick it out, but I don't want to waste that much time. The truth is, I think when it's supposed to happen, it just does. So Unfortunately I have to wait and see and hopefully not get sucked in again when he does come around. I love the wait and see game, bleh. I want what I want now! But I guess right guy, wrong timing :(

Never read with Nathan, so can't comment.

