Does apply towards readers like Empathetic Ted who has a long waiting list yet people have spoken positively of him on this forum?
There are no fake queues on keen. Some of the things OP says makes zero sense. Ted has a long waiting list because he isn't on as much as he used to and because he was talked about on here, so his popularity rose all of a sudden. Which sucks for me because i used to be able to talk to him same day he logged on. but now he doesn't go on as often as he used, I believe he has some personal things going on. You can't fake a queue, people are either in line or they aren't.
The system the OP was talking about number of reviews, she was confusing with point rating. So if a reader had 40,000 points, that doesn't mean that many calls or reviews. It was a rating system , so if they got a 5 start review they'd say get 3 points, if they got a 1 star they got -3. I can't remember the point system anymore, but there was a formula that was used to rate them. They got rid of it because it confused clients. Now they just have number of calls and number of reviews. The reviews shown are only for the fiscal year, all others get deleted.