Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

Marian-The love expert.


Marian The Love...
“but you fotto wait untill the mid of july to find a good person who will come in your life to give you a good relationship and by tthat i mean tha tthe person will want to build up with you to have a proper go at a relationship“

This did not happen, at all.  Has anyone tried her?

Is this the one from bitwine.
If so I had a reading with her.

However I asked my question about my poi and she answer with one line and then hung up and that was it. No info or nothing.  I messaged to ask why she hung up and she didn't reply . Cannot even leave a review as the reading was literally 2 mins


--- Quote from: jesstess on September 26, 2020, 09:06:45 AM ---
--- Quote from: Rosieroo17 on September 26, 2020, 08:53:40 AM ---Is this the one from bitwine.
If so I had a reading with her.

However I asked my question about my poi and she answer with one line and then hung up and that was it. No info or nothing.  I messaged to ask why she hung up and she didn't reply . Cannot even leave a review as the reading was literally 2 mins

--- End quote ---

Did you address this to the Bitwine support? That's a very weird behaviour

--- End quote ---

No I didn't think to. Also I never paid anything it was all done in the 3 free mins so I just let it go


--- Quote from: Rosieroo17 on September 26, 2020, 08:53:40 AM ---Is this the one from bitwine.
If so I had a reading with her.

However I asked my question about my poi and she answer with one line and then hung up and that was it. No info or nothing.  I messaged to ask why she hung up and she didn't reply . Cannot even leave a review as the reading was literally 2 mins

--- End quote ---

Yes. I have had that happen where some will just hang up with about 2 mins.


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