The main thing with LOA is having faith and living your life as if you already have the person/thing you're trying to manifest. That, in my opinion, is the hardest part because LOA works both for you and against you. The more positivity you release into the universe, the more abundant your life will become and vice versa: more negativity, more deficiencies. I'm a testament to this theory and it just proves how powerful the mind really is. So when you hear people saying LOA doesn't always work, it's actually not true. It's working all of the time and it's all based on your thought patterns and behaviors. To reap the benefits of LOA, you need to have total faith in the process. Any doubt will just delay or prevent the very thing you're trying to will into your life. The Secret is a good book if you're looking for tips on how to manifest everything you desire and the power of positive thinking.