Author Topic: Spells and Spells Caster  (Read 16571 times)

Offline court1130

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Re: Spells and Spells Caster
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2020, 04:54:07 PM »
If you search through some of the baby forums (UK and US) for fertility spell reviews there's a lady discussed a lot, her name beings with an M - a lot of people seem to have had good results with her and she is inexpensive and does love spells as well.

Many many years ago I asked a very well known witch, in fact it was her who co-founded the Alexandrian Wiccan/Pagan movement if anyone is into Wiccan history to cast me a love spell when i was heartbroken / desperate, she wouldn't and said something like 'when the tears have dried you will know that you're worth more' - I was practising a lot of LOA type stuff on this POI and at the very point I said enough and walked away he came forward.
 Its crazy how you think about something and someone comes along and reaffirms what you have been thinking. Letting go  walking away and focusing on improving my self worth have really been on my mind all day.
The last sentence of what you wrote really resonates with me right now... As soon as you let go they always come forward, but its so hard to let go sometimes and let things unfold.  I dont know much about spells, but Skygoddess77 told me years ago when she told me that it wouldnt work out with the person I was in love with at the time that she could perform a spell for me but even with this it would just be temporary. That if I really let go I would see that I deserved more and she was right.

The reason behind this is because POI's, either consciously or subconsciously, can feel our energy. They can feel that we're there thinking about them and yearning for their return. So  when we finally redirect our energy and detach emotionally, they make their way back and it's sometiems too late.

