I had general with both those two. Well for Yona was a general reading and Leanne was the 10 prediction thing she does. I am really confused because the readings were polar opposites. Yona’s reading was quite positive whereas Leanne’s was mostly negative.
Does Anyone have experience with both? Who’s predictions would you go with?
****sorry meant to post this on the storefronts page... it won’t let me delete it from here unfortunately
I read with Yona several times and also got multiple readings with Leanne over last few years, and honestly my experience has been always exactly the same as you

Yona is sweet and positive and leanne is dark and gloomy.
But the fact is that real life looks like neither of them. Not as bright as what Yona paints not as dark as what Leanne describes. I've had some predictions from both of them which came to pass, but not very major. And don't worry about Leanne's reading. This is her style and I am sure your life would go much better than that