Author Topic: About Silvanna Fillmore  (Read 13860 times)


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About Silvanna Fillmore
« on: March 14, 2012, 06:34:48 PM »
I did not want to derail another thread,so I started this one.I've read that others think she is a con, and just wondering what your experiences are with her. She is off of Keen now. I read with her a few years ago and she got some details correct about my situation. However, she is so unethical and will make stuff up and add it to the reading. Once, I tried a new reader and it sounded like her. I left feedback stating so, and she started emailing me back about how a friend died and she is just covering her account lol. I'm glad she is off of keen.


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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2012, 06:43:37 PM »
The woman is a con artist in the highest order. She guess alot and she plants hate in people. She lied to me so many times, I am ashamed that I am an educated person and I let her mislead me as such. I should have read reviews on the rip off report before trying her a year or so ago.
I am just happy that her petty jealous of other readers that I was calling and writing reviews pissed her off and she emailed me to cause them out. It was this coupled with other small things that opened my eyes and I realized people on keen were unethical.

I blocked her immediately and I have been happy ever since. I am actually one of the lucky ones as I didnt waste alot of money on her.

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2012, 07:41:06 PM »
She now reads under the name of: KNOW4SURE


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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2012, 07:46:38 PM »
I just checked, I thought she was kicked off Keen. I think you might be right, Look at the reviews, they seem made up. She writes her own reviews and also has her friends that also read to write on her page.

I am happy that I no longer call new readers except for Cookie and Kisha. I am just going to stick with one and eventually weed off that and move on with my life.
What will be will be. Only God Knows

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2012, 07:49:57 PM »
OH MY GOSH!  WHAT?  Seriously?

Ok, I had nothing to add to the Silvana conversation because I honestly thought I had never spoken with her, but guess what?  I guess I have! 

Before her name was "KNOW4SURE" it was something else.  Anyways, I called her about my ex when we had just stopped seeing each other in June of last year.  She fed me so many lies.  It was crazy.  She did get some things right about my children, but nothing, not one of her predictions came to pass.  I was always shocked because her feedback is amazing.  I was wondering why the heck she couldn't connect with me! 

I don't know if it is in fact the same person you guys are talking about, but I just had to share my experience with KNOW4SURE.   


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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2012, 08:20:45 PM »
@Synergy - Count yourself lucky. I recall when a year or so ago, she was always trying to get me to go to her personal site and pay for readers there. She also tried to get me to buy her music album. I sampled a song, she was terrible.
She said bad things about keen and how she wont mind if she was removed and she would never come back if that happened. Well she was removed and it looks like she immediately came back under another name and Yes Know4Sure is her. I confirmed it by reading a review that talked about how the reader was more interested in her awards and TV appearances. Thats exactly how this crazy woman operates.

Run away, she is bad news, bad news I tell you

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2012, 11:29:00 PM »
I read with Jazzy/KNOW4SURE on Keen back in July. She was listed as Jazzy but her site came up as know4sure as do the emails she used to send me.

She was losing her voice the day I talked to her and did give me free minutes to make up for it. She told me we'd be back in a r/s in early September. I only talked to her for 4 minutes the first time. Told me I'd see a change in him in 3 weeks when I didn't expect it. AGain this was in July.

I don't have any odd notes written by her but she would send me so many emails that I eventually got myself off her email list.

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore aka Know4sure
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2018, 08:27:11 PM »
I randomly read with Know4sure aka Silvana aka Jazzy about 10 days ago. She actually picked up a lot . Her contact prediction over text and then a meeting and then solid progress is unfolding as I type this. I did think she was giving me flowery answers and was somewhat skeptical but I am forced to accept her words now.

After 7 months of no contact , my POI reached out and sounded so sincere I was speechless. I am still wary of him and have not responded fully but Silvana did say he would come clean and we would have a honest conversation. I am waiting for the rest of it to happen . For now Silvana aka Know4sure is 1-0 !!

It feels good that finally some psychic is providing insights that happen. I am so happy.

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore aka Know4sure
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2018, 01:21:43 AM »
I randomly read with Know4sure aka Silvana aka Jazzy about 10 days ago. She actually picked up a lot . Her contact prediction over text and then a meeting and then solid progress is unfolding as I type this. I did think she was giving me flowery answers and was somewhat skeptical but I am forced to accept her words now.

After 7 months of no contact , my POI reached out and sounded so sincere I was speechless. I am still wary of him and have not responded fully but Silvana did say he would come clean and we would have a honest conversation. I am waiting for the rest of it to happen . For now Silvana aka Know4sure is 1-0 !!

It feels good that finally some psychic is providing insights that happen. I am so happy.

Be careful with her, she was right about some stuff about 4-5 years ago for me, reeled me in, I spent so much money with her and nothing turned out to be true.Listening to her kept me in a relationship that turned out to be extremely toxic and almost ruined my life. She gets just enough right to make you feel good about her then it all blows up.

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore aka Know4sure
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2018, 03:24:13 PM »
I randomly read with Know4sure aka Silvana aka Jazzy about 10 days ago. She actually picked up a lot . Her contact prediction over text and then a meeting and then solid progress is unfolding as I type this. I did think she was giving me flowery answers and was somewhat skeptical but I am forced to accept her words now.

After 7 months of no contact , my POI reached out and sounded so sincere I was speechless. I am still wary of him and have not responded fully but Silvana did say he would come clean and we would have a honest conversation. I am waiting for the rest of it to happen . For now Silvana aka Know4sure is 1-0 !!

It feels good that finally some psychic is providing insights that happen. I am so happy.

Be careful with her, she was right about some stuff about 4-5 years ago for me, reeled me in, I spent so much money with her and nothing turned out to be true.Listening to her kept me in a relationship that turned out to be extremely toxic and almost ruined my life. She gets just enough right to make you feel good about her then it all blows up.

Hi, I’ve joined the forum specifically to try and figure out if Jazzy aka know4sure is for real. I’ve spent more than I care to admit, she is without doubt gifted because she has read so much that nobody could have known. My problem is none of her predictions have come to pass. She’s holding me on to a belief that  they will. I’m really torn about what to do. Last night I felt it was time to delete my keen account because I’m not sure it’s healthy the way I seem to be reaching for her insights. Any views?

I've never read with her.

From what you have said, here's my take:

Some people have a gift, but they aren't doing what I call working for the highest good.  They use it to manipulate others, for their ego, for a multitude of reasons. This is different than just plain being wrong, people changing their mind, a misinterpretation, whatever. 

Your highest good is talking to you right now and telling you that something is terribly wrong.  You're holding on to her because it's comforting to hear what she is telling you when you are afraid.  The problem is that you are just going to become more and more unsure of yourself.  The only way to not be afraid is to listen to what your highest good is telling you and walk away. 
« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 03:31:53 PM by njlady »

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2018, 03:37:12 PM »
It’s a dangerous game and I would delete the account.

As others have noted, psychics have no real power. Even if they correctly read the current energies, it change in the next moment. So at best they are empaths who are trying sense where things are going.

And that can change the next moment.

If you keep calling you will end up disillusioned with a huge credit card bill and nothing to show for it.

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2018, 04:15:23 PM »
Totally agree with njlady... Silvana/Jazzy/know4sure is using her gift to manipulate you so you keep calling. I feel that when psychics use their gift only to make money and not really help they get stuck in the place of only seeing what happened or is happening but not what will happen. Or they purposely don't give you the correct outcome, because think about it... if she told you all this mindblowing stuff but then said well it won't work out, what happens? Either you get mad you won't get what you want and call someone else who tells you that you will until it blows up then come back later, or you take her words to heart, leave the situation and don't call back. But if she lies and says it will, well she already hooked you, then every time something happens, you call to make sure its still working out as she said and she continues getting your money.

She is very good at making it seem like she is your best friend while lying and leading you on. Listen to your gut. You don't need that many readings, I have learned its best to get one or two, allow things to unfold and only call again if something major happened (not reassurance if contact has not happened yet, or to let them know someone contacted, that can be done in an email). Anything else is just a waste of your time and money and makes you more anxious.

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2018, 10:26:55 PM »
@Synergy - Count yourself lucky. I recall when a year or so ago, she was always trying to get me to go to her personal site and pay for readers there. She also tried to get me to buy her music album. I sampled a song, she was terrible.
She said bad things about keen and how she wont mind if she was removed and she would never come back if that happened. Well she was removed and it looks like she immediately came back under another name and Yes Know4Sure is her. I confirmed it by reading a review that talked about how the reader was more interested in her awards and TV appearances. Thats exactly how this crazy woman operates.

Run away, she is bad news, bad news I tell you

wait what?  ???

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2018, 11:14:28 PM »
This is interesting.
My experience with Silvana upto now has been different. She didnt ask me anything on the call and started reading. There were atleast 3 things she knew nothing about :
1.the fact that  POI  and I hadn't spoken in months
2. the fact that I have been actively applying and trying to move to a higher paying job
3. description of an old friend of mine who has been ignoring me for no good reason

I asked about the guy but did not give her more than his name. She picked up so much on him and said I would hear from him twice in 10 days. She also said he had a rough couple of months and would explain himself and provide an apology. In between this she mentioned that she saw more money for me coming in September from a job change. I had not said anything about the job to her.
Lastly I asked her about my friend contacting me. She instantly asked if it was a woman with dark hair who was experiencing female health issues. I was so shocked - that is very precise for a first time read.

I took note of the contact with POI that she mentioned and then filed it away. He had not been in touch for 7 months and I had long stopped trying because I was sick of his up and down. Well, exactly ten days later - he reached out to me and it was a sincere warm message. I literally had to read it twice to convince myself it was the same guy.

Literally she is the first psychic in a long long time and I have read with many of the "good" ones listed on here- QOC, LisaM, Sincerity , Kisha and so many more ,etc. I seriously am impressed for now with Silvana; also she did not ask me to go to her website, pay for other services or anything else. She was quick and  told me to call her again when I saw things happening so I wouldn't spend all my money now.

Is it possible I got her on a good day? She seems to have great reviews on Etsy even if I discount keen. I am just keeping my fingers crossed for now and hope things turn out as she predicted as I have been having a really hard time since the start of this year on all fronts- family, job and love. It is time I see positive change.

All the best to everyone here and remember it doesn't matter who the psychic is if the reading doesn't resonate . In this case it does resonate for me and maybe that's why I am holding onto it. Peace.

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Re: About Silvanna Fillmore
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2018, 12:34:13 AM »
She can be hit of miss, sometimes she gets details but predictions don't transpire, I feel she's too expensive, once she was kind enough to send a follow up reading. I like her but I won't waste my hard earned money on her.

This is interesting.
My experience with Silvana upto now has been different. She didnt ask me anything on the call and started reading. There were atleast 3 things she knew nothing about :
1.the fact that  POI  and I hadn't spoken in months
2. the fact that I have been actively applying and trying to move to a higher paying job
3. description of an old friend of mine who has been ignoring me for no good reason

I asked about the guy but did not give her more than his name. She picked up so much on him and said I would hear from him twice in 10 days. She also said he had a rough couple of months and would explain himself and provide an apology. In between this she mentioned that she saw more money for me coming in September from a job change. I had not said anything about the job to her.
Lastly I asked her about my friend contacting me. She instantly asked if it was a woman with dark hair who was experiencing female health issues. I was so shocked - that is very precise for a first time read.

I took note of the contact with POI that she mentioned and then filed it away. He had not been in touch for 7 months and I had long stopped trying because I was sick of his up and down. Well, exactly ten days later - he reached out to me and it was a sincere warm message. I literally had to read it twice to convince myself it was the same guy.

Literally she is the first psychic in a long long time and I have read with many of the "good" ones listed on here- QOC, LisaM, Sincerity , Kisha and so many more ,etc. I seriously am impressed for now with Silvana; also she did not ask me to go to her website, pay for other services or anything else. She was quick and  told me to call her again when I saw things happening so I wouldn't spend all my money now.

Is it possible I got her on a good day? She seems to have great reviews on Etsy even if I discount keen. I am just keeping my fingers crossed for now and hope things turn out as she predicted as I have been having a really hard time since the start of this year on all fronts- family, job and love. It is time I see positive change.

All the best to everyone here and remember it doesn't matter who the psychic is if the reading doesn't resonate . In this case it does resonate for me and maybe that's why I am holding onto it. Peace.