Author Topic: Back Again  (Read 10524 times)


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Back Again
« on: March 13, 2012, 03:51:26 AM »
Hello everyone!

I see some old familiar faces, and some new ones. I'm back on the Forum again. Long Story of why I left....LONG..LONG STORY lol. But anyway, when I was here before I was Highlyfavored1 so I didn't think I could have my old username back so I just chose Highlyfavored2. Same difference, and so those of you that knew me would just refer to me as the same name. Well what brought me back.....

At the end of last year and going into the beginning of the new year I was ill and I had the Flu. I was off of work for 2 weeks and while I was home I decided to catch up on my DVR episodes of Real Housewives. I like Orange County and Atlanta. So I'm watching Real Housewives of Atlanta and episodes from 2010 and I never really paid attention to Kim going to the Psychic before, but I guess since I was home and had enough time I paid attention to her Psychic Rose. Rose has been very accurate in Kim's life. The episodes are years apart so I know it wasnt made to showcase Rose's talents. However, Rose predicted Kim's pregnancy, the baby would be a boy, the number of years between her son and her last child, and her marriage. I was amazed! So I said to myself I needed to talk to Rose, then started my mini adventure to look for her. Well, to say the least, I came up empty handed. Psychic Rose does not want her contact information out there for the public. :'( :'( :'(  I wanted to see if she would do a Phone Reading since I don't live in Atlanta. I found her, well the show emailed me back and informed me that hundreds of people have been trying to contact Rose since they saw the things that she predicted manifested. She doesn't want all the press and publicity and not in it for the money, because she could be making a ton. Says a lot about her though being an ethical reader. So then I was a little bummed, and thought to myself I would go see a Psychic in person.

I live in Louisiana about an 45min to an hour from New Orleans, and I thought why not just go to the French Quarters and on Bourbon Street they have tons of psychics there. Now, if you are from the area you know that we usually leave the French Quarters and Bourbon Street and downtown New Orleans to the tourist. I never go there. So I did I had a Palm/Tarort reading done for $35 WAAAAY cheaper than what I use to spend on Phone Readings with this guy name Phil He was FREAKING AMAZING! so needless to say for me, the Phone is gone, unless Phil decides to start doing them.

Thanks for having me back, and I'll post my opinions of Phone Psychics who I read with as always. Good luck to all!


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Re: Back Again
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2012, 02:38:46 AM »
The only psychic that I would ever recommend, was a lady who did in person readings only that lived in New orleans. However she's long gone now. :-[ :-[ :-[

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Back Again
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2012, 05:33:27 AM »
Highleyfavored2, do you actually thing this Rose woman really exists because she was featured on a fictional TV series? Please dont tell me you thinks this lady is real. You may have found a woman named Rose but Im sure it wasnt the lady portrayed on this show. Please dont waste your money like that sweetie. I understand wanting to know what is going to happen in your future but really, Ive found it is easier and better to spend your money wisely and look at what you see to make your decisions. Follow your own intuition. If you are not hearing from your ex or whatever, then dont worry about it and go live your life and buy you something that makes you feel good. Please stop trying to find the psychic that can tell you every move to make cause they dont exist. They are good to talk to and make us feel good in the moment but not good to plan our lives by. Especially one you see on a fictional show. Please look at this scenario and see how ridiculous it sounds. I do believe in psychic ability but not one that is depicted on a TV show that is fictional to begin with. Not attacking you, but gee whiz. Please get a grip.


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Re: Back Again
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2012, 07:31:59 PM »
A little harsh, 4everhopeful. This is a forum about psychics, testing their accuracy and sharing results. Psychic Rose did predict things for Kim well ahead of time and she was right. She said that Kim would have a boy, and two years later, she did. I don't blame her for trying to find out of she provides readings.

PsychicWhore, who was it that you rec in New Orleans? I live in NO now and, strangely enough, I never tried to go down to the French Quarter to get a reading. However, I hear Phillip at the House of Vodoo is very to for 30 dollars a half hour.


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Re: Back Again
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2012, 07:51:20 PM »
The Oracle Lady, however this was in 04 I've tried to find her since then, and she is no where to be found.


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Re: Back Again
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2012, 12:44:59 AM »
@4everhopeful - It is a reality show. It showed Psychic Rose on the first season in 2008. She told Kim she was going to have a baby boy and not to the married man she was involved with at the time. Kim met a new guy, got pregnant and had a boy. Rose also predicted another pregnancy and she is pregnant again. Reality shows are scripted to a point but not pregnancies and the gender of the baby. If you are so cynical of psychics and things of that nature you are entitled to that but you don't have the right to force your belief on everyone else and be judgmental. That was way harsh.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Back Again
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2012, 10:11:48 AM »
I dont think I was harsh at all. I was only saying that just because someone is depicted to have been right about one thing doesnt mean they are truly psychic. And besides, the gender of a baby is 50/50 chance of being right. I just see all of the women and men here still throwing money away on readings that 98% of the time dont come true. Readings are fun but you cant live your life according to the readings. I know because I made that mistake for 3 years. Nothing came true and I passed up some great opportunities because I was waiting for those predictions to manifest. Same thing happened to a friend of mine. She counted on things to come true but guess what, the exact opposite happened. Now she is heartbroken and having a very hard time dealing with the whole thing. We both felt like fools for listening to all the BS that the psychics fed us. Im not cynical, Im just finally facing the truth. But all of you feel free to do whatever you want, spend your money and make them rich. I have nothing else to say except that I feel so much better since I stopped calling psychics. Have fun guys and girls. Sorry if I offended, was never my intention.


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Re: Back Again
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2012, 06:59:12 PM »
@4everhopeful - I call psychics to get an idea of what is coming up... I found one psychic that I talk to and she has been right with me. I can honestly say that I don't live my life according to readings but I keep mental notes and when things come to pass, I smile on the inside. I have given up opportunities in the past when psychics would say one thing but the opposite happened. I spent almost 2 years believing nonsense and finally stopped, I found someone who has proven to be accurate. I agree that a majority of readers are in it for the money. I know their false hope was what helped me sleep at night. I have a new outlook on life and a very trusted psychic now, after wasting tons of money on others. I get where you're coming from but we all reach our own conclusions at different times and we all have to live in our truth...and some of our truths are believing psychics. This forum is to help each other. I am happy you are in your truth of not believing psychics but it is inappropriate to come on a forum to discuss psychics and generalize all of them as frauds because that is your truth...not the truth. Furthermore, you clearly joined this forum for a reason so now that you have come to a different place in your life doesn't give you the right to be holier than thou. I mean, let's be realistic, you didn't join this forum for the hell of it. When you were in your psychic addiction and calling over and over, I am sure it would have hurt you to have someone judge you because their beliefs are different than your own. I am all about positivity but I am so sick of people coming on here discounting all psychics as frauds because they called frauds and gave up on it. I gave up on calling for a long time but never looked down on those who do and degraded them because I was jaded by my bad experiences with some psychics. Most are fake, some are real. Call until you find one who is 80-90% accurate or give up on them....just don't throw stones from your glass house is all I am trying to say. And you are right, the sex of a baby is 50/50 but to predict it years ahead of time, to predict a split that Kim did not want at that point and didn't think was possible, to predict her second pregnancy and the sex of that baby, to only read for a select few people and not use a hit reality show as a platform to make millions of dollars because you don't want fame and to be bothered speaks volumes of how ethical she is and how her gift is priceless to her. So, you should watch the show, take into consideration this woman refuses to become rich off of her gift and uses it for a select few only. Only a pessimist would make that a negative situation. This forum is so much judgment and is just a dark, ugly place anymore.

Offline haileyn

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Re: Back Again
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2012, 09:21:12 PM »
Well said  ;)

@4everhopeful - I call psychics to get an idea of what is coming up... I found one psychic that I talk to and she has been right with me. I can honestly say that I don't live my life according to readings but I keep mental notes and when things come to pass, I smile on the inside. I have given up opportunities in the past when psychics would say one thing but the opposite happened. I spent almost 2 years believing nonsense and finally stopped, I found someone who has proven to be accurate. I agree that a majority of readers are in it for the money. I know their false hope was what helped me sleep at night. I have a new outlook on life and a very trusted psychic now, after wasting tons of money on others. I get where you're coming from but we all reach our own conclusions at different times and we all have to live in our truth...and some of our truths are believing psychics. This forum is to help each other. I am happy you are in your truth of not believing psychics but it is inappropriate to come on a forum to discuss psychics and generalize all of them as frauds because that is your truth...not the truth. Furthermore, you clearly joined this forum for a reason so now that you have come to a different place in your life doesn't give you the right to be holier than thou. I mean, let's be realistic, you didn't join this forum for the hell of it. When you were in your psychic addiction and calling over and over, I am sure it would have hurt you to have someone judge you because their beliefs are different than your own. I am all about positivity but I am so sick of people coming on here discounting all psychics as frauds because they called frauds and gave up on it. I gave up on calling for a long time but never looked down on those who do and degraded them because I was jaded by my bad experiences with some psychics. Most are fake, some are real. Call until you find one who is 80-90% accurate or give up on them....just don't throw stones from your glass house is all I am trying to say. And you are right, the sex of a baby is 50/50 but to predict it years ahead of time, to predict a split that Kim did not want at that point and didn't think was possible, to predict her second pregnancy and the sex of that baby, to only read for a select few people and not use a hit reality show as a platform to make millions of dollars because you don't want fame and to be bothered speaks volumes of how ethical she is and how her gift is priceless to her. So, you should watch the show, take into consideration this woman refuses to become rich off of her gift and uses it for a select few only. Only a pessimist would make that a negative situation. This forum is so much judgment and is just a dark, ugly place anymore.

Offline guesswho

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Re: Back Again
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2012, 09:28:28 PM »
@hopelessaries  You spoke nothing but the truth.  I am tired of the shade constantly being thrown around here as well.


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Re: Back Again
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2012, 01:12:44 AM »
@haielyn and @guesswho - thank you. i don't generally respond but when someone gets attacked for voicing their opinions, it bothers me. we are here to make suggestions and help each other, not look down on or judge. it seems people have no problem tearing another down because their situation with psychics hasn't been great. we all joined this forum for a reason, you know? i won't force my views or force my trusted reader down peoples throats. i try to help but also feel like there  is a bit of adult cyber bullying going on on this forum anymore. glad i'm not alone on that. love and blessings to you both.

and for the record, i watch real housewives of atlanta and loved rose from season 1. she has a true gift and doesn't exploit it for monetary gain. how someone makes that negative, is beyond me. smh.

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Re: Back Again
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2012, 03:34:27 AM »
I think all of you misunderstood what I was saying. Yes I was addicted at one time and yes this forum is for support. But you know what? I got attacked some time ago for being foreverhopeful. I was told how stupid I was for believing anything would happen. I have not attacked anyone. I merely spoke my piece and encouraged those that are still addicted to make their own decisions and not live by the psychics word. Thats all. This place has become one of attacking anyone that doesnt agree with the fairy tale. Yes I believe psychics exist but I do not believe they work at CP or Keen or any of the other places that employ hundreds of people. Most are fake and if you dont believe that then you are living in a fantasy world. I have had a couple of things come to pass that were predicted but they didnt have anything to do with my main question. Like I said, I dont care if everyone still spends their dollars on psychics, I choose not to. After all, if they were real they would have seen that I would be out of work and would have informed me of this. But no one ever saw that. I would think that would be of significance especially when I would always ask if the angels or whatever had any messages for me that I really needed to know. I very rarely see any postings here of predictions coming true. There may be a phone call or you bump into the ex at the coffee shop. No one is getting together and staying together as predicted. Or if they are they arent coming back to tell the story. This forum has become one of attacking anyone that doesnt believe the fairy tale anymore. Im out of here. Good luck to all.


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Re: Back Again
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2012, 11:02:11 AM »
@4everhopeful @hopelessaries  don't no what your story is and I promised my self to never come back to this forum due to lot of drama/negativity.
However I never had my  final word to say before exciting this forum.I had met some really nice/caring members on this forum but some really ruined it for the rest of all.Too bad that lot of people who came here to share their experience about readers or for support are quitting.It seems like that there are only handful of people on here who like to be a center of attention and team up and have no problem in tearing others emotions and consider this forum as there personal territory.Guys it is  public forum not your house!!So sad that so many members are leaving due to them.
I have stopped calling all readers and living my life and no need to deal with this dark,ugly place anymore.I also deleted my negative remarks in response to some really ignorant members.I have never stooped myself so  low in  life and felt the longer I will stay here the more damage I will do to my character over few aimless people on this forum.
If I ever choose to post on this forum that would have to be about the  prediction .Only because there are some members who want to know the good /fake advisor /predictions and I think they should not suffer because of some self-centered ones.
Hope everyone has a wonderful summer.

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Re: Back Again
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2012, 12:08:10 PM »
It's as simple as this: This forum is here for people to give and get honest reviews on psychics.  It's not here for people to pass judgment on others' beliefs or lives.  If you do not believe in psychics anymore or think that all of them are fake, that's fine.  That is your right.

I personally have had predictions come true many times and big ones, therefore it is my belief that there are some real psychics out there and that is my right to believe that. I'm sure some people also have had nothing come true and that's too bad. 

Everyone is different.  Just because a psychic or situation did or did not work out for you doesn't mean it's going to be like that for everyone else.  That is life.  We are not all on the same path.

We should just stick to giving honest reviews here.  No rants, no unneccessary negativity, no patronizing, nothing like that.  We do not need it here.

Do what you feel is best for you, but there is no reason to bring everybody down. Nothing good can come of it.  If a psychic did or did not work for you, state it and the reason why and move on.  If someone asks a question, answer it honestly and that's it.  Thanks.

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Re: Back Again
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2012, 04:15:05 PM »
Hi Jana.  No problem.

I know for a fact that the readers I'm about to name have and have not worked for people on and off this forum, but they were damn good for me:

1.  Richard - Certified Psychics (did not work for most on here):

Predicted two break-ups and make-ups.  He's a very negative reader though.  He also predicted medical problems.  He has always been correct though whether I liked it or not.  He also predicted a proposal and was right.

2.  Abrielle (CP) - Worked for me for years.  Predicted contact dates, make-ups, break-ups, whether or not I would get a job, first dates, moving, short sale, man she was THE TRUTH when she worked for me.  Timing was to the day.  Her remote viewing was amazing as well.

3.  Uli (CP) - Predicted make-ups, future job salary (on point), a proposal, and other details that were dead accurate.  She always matched Richard and has no problem giving you a negative reading.

4.  MSLISAM (Keen) - I didn't get an e-mail reading so much for the future since I heard she wasn't good at that, but so far, everything she said has been coming true and she was DEAD ON about all the people involved and their behavior then and in the future.  She isn't a fairytale reader either.  She told me stuff I did not want to know!

5.  Nina (CP) - She can read you before you can even come up with a question.  She warned me about third parties, make-ups, break-ups, she's another one who is on point with what's going on, but her timing is terrible.  You don't have to tell her anything, she just knows.